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Novokuznetsk Airport


Since 1952


+ Sual Partners

Performance indicators

2024: Passenger traffic growth by 9% to people

Novokuznetsk International Airport named after Boris Volynov in 2024 served 581.1 thousand passengers, which is 9% more than a year earlier. Such data in the press service of the air harbor led in January 2025.

According to the managing director of Novokuznetsk Airport Kirill Ermakov, the growth of passenger traffic ensured the expansion of the route network. In particular, the service of international flights to Thailand has been restored. In addition, the airport began sending passengers to Irkutsk, Ufa and Makhachkala.


2025: Opening of new terminal and runway for $ ₽25 billion

The construction of a new terminal and runway has been completed at the Novokuznetsk airport. The total investment in the project amounted to ₽25 billion. The facility was opened at the end of February 2025. Now the airport is ready to service international flights, the launch of which is scheduled for 2025.

According to TASS, the event was attended by the founder of the Volnoe Delo foundation Oleg Deripaska, as well as cosmonaut Boris Volynov, after whom the airport is named. As part of the ceremony, an agreement was signed on cooperation in the development of the airport between the government of the Kemerovo region and Sibaero LLC.

New terminal of Novokuznetsk airport

Oleg Deripaska noted that the reconstruction of the airport was carried out on the basis of the task of increasing the comfort of travel and increasing the tourist flow to the region. It is planned to attract up to 1 million additional tourists, and half of them should come from Asian countries. According to Deripaska, destinations to China, Korea and India will be in particular demand.

The new five-story terminal has a total area of ​ ​ 19.5 thousand square meters. m and is equipped with a modern baggage handling system, including a large one. The infrastructure includes 3 telescopic gangways, 6 escalators and 15 elevators for quick and comfortable landing on flights. The introduction of the new terminal will increase the airport's capacity from 270 to 630 passengers per hour.

The Governor of the Kemerovo Region Ilya Seredyuk stressed that Novokuznetsk Airport is becoming attractive not only as a center for business tourism, but also used for the arrival of tourists at the Sheregesh ski resort.

Russian Energy Minister Sergei Tsivilev, speaking via video link, said that for many years the airport terminal was maintained only in technically sound condition, but there was no development. He stressed the importance of modernizing the airport as a gateway to the Sheregesh ski resort, the quality of reception directly depends on the tourist flow to the region.

The reconstruction of the airport is not yet fully completed. Several additional stages are planned to be implemented, including the modernization of the runway, aprons and other technical facilities. This will allow the airport to receive up to 2 million passengers per year.[1]

2024: Construction of the terminal for 9 billion rubles

The airport Novokuznetsk completed the construction of a new terminal, for which about ₽9 billion were allocated. The new airport complex, the area of ​ ​ which will be 19.5 thousand square meters. meters, will be able to receive up to 580 passengers per hour. This became known in August 2024.

According to Interfax, the new terminal will become an important part of the infrastructure development of the region, contributing to the growth of tourism and improving transport accessibility. In particular, the airport is an important air gateway for the Sheregesh resort, popular with skiers. The development of the terminal, as well as the implementation of new projects aimed at tourists, will make recreation in Gornaya Shoria more accessible for residents of various regions.

A new terminal was built at Novokuznetsk airport for 9 billion rubles

The construction of the terminal, which is being carried out by the Siberian Airports company (part of the RUSAL group), is at the final stage - the facility is 89% ready. More than 400 workers are involved in the project, and it is planned that the new terminal will be commissioned in 2024.

However, the completion of work on the terminal does not mean the end of the reconstruction of the airport. The immediate plans include updating the runway and airfield infrastructure, which will require additional investments of about ₽12,3 billion. These funds will go to the reconstruction of taxiways, apron and other important objects that are in federal ownership.

Earlier, Novokuznetsk Airport has already financed the preparation of design estimates for these works, concluding a contract in the amount of almost ₽170 million with PIINIA VT Lenaeroproekt JSC. The implementation of these projects will allow the airport to significantly improve the quality and safety of service, as well as increase passenger traffic, which in 2023 amounted to 534 thousand people[2]
