Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station
The Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station on the installed capacity (6000 MW) takes the second place in Russia and enters ten the largest HEPS of the world. Average long-term development of the station makes 18.25 billion kWh that covers about a half of needs of Krasnoyarsk Krai for the electric power. The controlling stake of the station is owned by the larger (on installed capacity) the Russian private energy company JSC EuroSibEnergo (enters in [En + Group]]).
The Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station of a name of the 50 anniversary of the USSR is located on the Yenisei River, in twenty three kilometers from Krasnoyarsk, near the city of Divnogorsk. It is the second most powerful hydroelectric power station in Russia. It enters ten the world's largest — the installed capacity of its 12 hydraulic units — 6000 megawatts. In a year the station develops 20 billion kilowatt-hours — every fiftieth kilowatt in Russia.
Construction of the HEPS began in 1956 on the project of the Leningrad department of Gidroenergoproyekt institute. In 1967 the first hydraulic unit was started, and finally construction ended only in 1972. As the certificate of those times in the hall of visitors meets the Soviet bas-relief which represents fight of the person for energy.
In addition to a bas-relief visitors can look also at the fine diorama representing close up the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station, picturesque neighborhoods of Yenisei, the foothills of Sayan Mountains and even in the distance those years still future Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP which is only in the project. The city of Divnogorsk which expanded on site the settlement the Monastery accepted builders of new hydroelectric power station. The site manager, legendary Andrey Efimovich Bochkin, categorically opposed to use work of prisoners at construction of the HEPS. To Yenisei more than 20,000 young people from the Soviet Union whose middle age did not exceed 28 years gathered.
On the elevator it is possible to rise by a dam crest. And already there to climb up the highest point — a radio cabin. The type opens just magic from there. Height of a dam of the HEPS 124 meters, length is more than a kilometer. The Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station appeared on Yenisei the first. Despite the rich experience of the Soviet engineers which is already accumulated during that time, so large-scale project it was implemented for the first time.
After construction of a dam the Krasnoyarsk water reservoir which locals call the sea was formed. It was spread more than on 400 kilometers on the South to Abakan. In the winter when the sea generally freezes, on ice near hydroelectric power station Krasnoyarsk citizens are engaged in kiting. The non-freezing ice-hole at hydroelectric power station made local climate softer, and air — more wet. In the summer the Krasnoyarsk sea one of the most popular vacation spots — here is a lot of picturesque gulfs with water, warm to the Siberian measures, and sandy beaches.
The only ship elevator in Russia enters into a complex of the hydroelectric power station. Because of the big height of a dam and a mountainous terrain, construction of gateways appeared very difficult. However courts needed to move up Yenisei after all, delivery of hydraulic units to Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP under construction which is above on a current was the main strategic objective. Vessels move on the platform which is capable to lift weight to 1500 tons.
The energy received on hydroelectric power station goes on two the open distributors (OD) with operating voltage of 220 and 500 kV. They are intended for acceptance and distribution of electrical energy. Further it is used by consumers of Krasnoyarsk, the Krasnoyarsk Aluminium Smelter is basic of which and also comes to the general power supply system of Siberia.