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Russian Quantum Center, Russian Quantum Center, RQC


Education and Science
Since 2010
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
121205, Territory of the Skolkovo Innovation Center, Bolshoi Boulevard, 30, p. 1

Top managers:
Ruslan Yunusov
Dmitry Vladimirovich Sauers

Gazprombank (GPB) - 47,50%
Yunusov Ruslan Raufovich - 5,00%
Quantum Technologies Development Center LLC - 47.50% (as of March 2022)




+ Russian Quantum Center (RCC, Russian Quantum Center, RQC)
+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ Rosneft of the Tax Code
+ Nowfinteh
+ Yunusov Ruslan Raufovich

The Russian Quantum Center (RCC) is a non-profit scientific and technological center of a unique format for Russia, which in a short time took leading positions in its field of scientific research, as well as in the development of high-tech commercial products based on quantum technologies. The RCC research team has more than 150 scientists, including leading Russian and world specialists. Over the 10 years of its existence, the RCC has formed 16 scientific groups and 7 technological startups, built 16 laboratories, organized and held five large international conferences and founded three scientific schools. It was the RCC that in 2018 was the first in the world to launch a quantum blockchain, and is now participating in a project to create a quantum computer under the auspices of Rosatom State Corporation.

Areas of activity

When the center was opened, it was declared that the international quantum center would conduct scientific developments that could lead to the emergence of fundamentally new technologies in the future.

The result of this scientific activity can be:

  • secure data networks,
  • Explore and create new materials
  • submicron optical transistors and high-frequency optical electronics,
  • new systems for ultra-sensitive brain tomography,
  • compact and accurate clock for navigation systems.

We hope that RQC will help lead Russia to world leaders in the field of quantum technology and help our country return to the status of a world scientific and technical power. This will be facilitated not only by the scientific and technical developments of the Center. RQC will partner with leading Russian and world institutions and firms dealing with the same topic, thus promoting integration between the Russian and international scientific communities.

A wide program of scientific exchanges and seminars carried out by the Center will allow Russian students and graduate students to listen to lectures by world science leaders, and young employees of the Center - to train in the best laboratories in the world. Due to the fact that RQC researchers will be part-time teachers at Moscow technical universities, Russian students will be able to "first-hand" comprehend quantum physics in accordance with the highest international educational standards. Qualified personnel trained by the Center will ensure the timely introduction of quantum technologies in various areas of the national economy.

Scientific research

As of December 2012, the scientific work of the Russian Quantum Center is carried out by four research groups:

  • "Superconducting quantum circuits,"
  • "Photonics,"
  • "Quantum simulators and integrated photonics" and
  • "Quantum Optics."


The center should unite about ten groups of both Russian and foreign scientists with a total number of about a hundred researchers (December 2012).

Our vision is to build a center that from the very beginning of its activities will be able to integrate into the international scientific community and take a leading position not only in Russian, but also in world science.

The structure, funding and management of the Center are designed to meet this goal. The highest governing bodies of the Center are the Scientific Council, represented by the leaders of world science in this field, and the Board of Trustees, consisting of government representatives, Russia as well as major figures in the Russian and world economies.

Leading researchers of the Center will be recruited by an open international competition from among the most promising young scientists from around the world. At the same time, we are talking not only about the return of compatriots, but also about attracting the best scientific personnel, regardless of citizenship.

Image:Российский квантовый центр - Структура управления 2012.JPG

International Advisory Council

The task of the International Advisory Council is to control all aspects of the Center's activities, from management and infrastructure to research areas. The Council is subdivided into the Advisory Board for Governance and the Scientific Council. Each of these bodies meets quarterly through a teleconference, and personally once a year for one week in Russia with the coordination of the Chairman of the International Advisory Council (Mikhail Lukin).

The Management Advisory Board consists of the world's leading scientists with some experience in establishing international centres similar to the RQC. He advises the Board of Trustees and the Managing Committee on the following issues:

  • development of the Center's infrastructure;
  • basic financial allocations;
  • salaries of permanent employees of the center.

Scientific Council

The Scientific Council consists of international leaders in the research field of the Center and has the following tasks:

  • determination of research directions;
  • offering new members of the Advisory Board to the Board of Trustees;
  • assessment of the scientific work of the Center.

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees consists of representatives of business and the Government of Russia. It meets once a year in Moscow for one day and holds teleconferences quarterly. It has the following responsibilities:

  • controls the financial activities of the Center;
  • promotes the interaction of RQC researchers with industry and government;
  • assists in the commercialization of ideas and technologies;
  • helps raise additional funds for the Center.

As of December 2012, the council includes:

et al.

Managing Director

The Managing Director (CU) is appointed for three years from among the Leading Researchers. He or she manages the Centre on a daily basis, acting as a mediator between the group leaders, the Advisory Board and the Board of Trustees. The Managing Director is also a voting member of the Science Council. The duties of the Managing Director include the following:

  • UD coordinates the preparation of the RQC's annual research report in collaboration with team leaders.
  • UD appoints committees to address specific issues.
  • Together with the administrative director, UD controls finance, maintenance and infrastructure development.
  • UD interacts with universities, the Russian Academy of Sciences, commercial and foreign organizations, and the Government of Russia.
  • The Managing Director together with the Administrative Director is responsible for the organization of cooperation between the Center and foreign partners, including the organization of visits of the Center's partners
  • UD participates in raising additional funds for the center from Russian and international sources.

Administrative Director

The Administrative Director administers the Center, including repair, maintenance and renovation of infrastructure, construction, management of administrative and technical personnel and safety issues. He or she is also responsible for the financial side of the centre's work, such as budgeting and reporting.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee performs the following functions:

  • Development of the scientific concept of the center
  • Recruitment
  • Coordination of scientific activities
  • Consulting on the arrangement of offices and laboratories

Research groups

The research groups are led by Leading and Junior Research Associates (VNS and MNS). They are responsible for the allocation of funds for research purposes, recruitment and scientific leadership of young scientists, postdocs, graduate students and students working in their groups. It is also expected that researchers will teach at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and/or another leading technical university in Moscow. Researchers are responsible for attracting additional resources for their groups from Russian and international scientific foundations, as well as from the private sector.

The position of the VNS is lifelong (tenure). VNS can be dismissed only due to a significant violation of scientific ethics or a complete stop of scientific activity. MNS are accepted for a five-year probationary period (tenure track). At the end of this period, they can be upgraded to PI after appropriate certification. Large scientists with an international reputation can be hired immediately as a VNS.

The recruitment of new permanent members of the RQC takes place through an open international competition. Job ads will be posted on this site, as well as in major scientific journals. The first appointments will be made by the International Advisory Council in consultation with the Board of Trustees.

International Fellows

International Fellows are selected from leading foreign scientists conducting research in the field of quantum technology. The decision to invite a foreign scientist as an International Scholarship is made by voting members of the Center in Moscow. The decision must be approved by the Scientific Council. Fellows are appointed for up to two years.

International fellows can receive funding from the RQC. It is assumed that they will participate in a joint project with researchers at the Center and spend at least one week a year at the Center in Moscow with a series of lectures. International Fellows also invite Russian participants of the Center (scientists, young scientists, graduate students) with visits within the framework of joint projects. The costs of such trips are covered by the RQC.

International Partners

International Partners are selected from leading foreign scientists conducting research in the field of quantum technology. The decision to invite a foreign scientist as an International Partner is made by voting members of the Center in Moscow. The decision must be approved by the Scientific Council. Partners are appointed for up to two years.

International Partners can receive funding from the RQC. It is assumed that they will participate in a joint project with researchers at the Center and spend at least one week a year at the Center in Moscow with a series of lectures. International Partners also invite Russian participants of the Center (scientists, young scientists, graduate students) with visits within the framework of joint projects. The costs of such trips are covered by the RQC. Russian partners

Leading domestic groups specializing in the field of quantum technologies can become partners of the Center. Partners are selected by members of the Center in Russia and approved by the Scientific Council. Partners are allocated funds for joint projects with the Center. Funding is determined on an individual basis by the Board of Trustees in consultation with the Scientific Directorate.


2012: 1.33 billion rubles grant from Skolkovo

In December 2012, it became known that the Russian Quantum Center received an unprecedented grant from the Skolkovo Foundation. Its volume amounted to 1.33 billion rubles. despite the fact that usually the financing of IT projects by the fund is limited to tens of millions of rubles. To compare the scale of the amounts at the end of the summer of 2012, the total amount of gratuitous grants issued by the fund since the beginning of its work amounted to just under 6.4 billion rubles[1]

"A quantum computer will change the world more than a personal computer did, making it possible to solve those problems that seem insoluble to us," said Sergei Belousov, chairman of the board of trustees of the Russian Quantum Center and founder of Parallels. "And even such relatively simple technologies as quantum simulators, quantum sensors, absolutely secure quantum communications that may appear along the way to creating a quantum computer have significant potential for practical application and commercialization."

2015:230 million rubles from Gazprombank

JSC Gazprombank"" invested 230 million rubles in the Russian Quantum Center (RCC) in exchange for shares in its projects. The size of the bank's share in projects ranges from 25% to 50%. At the moment, startups have already been launched in five areas of research. Among them: ultra-sensitive solid-state photodetectors, ultra-sensitive magnetic sensors, spin diodes, quantum communication lines, devices and ultra-compact femtosecond lasers for coherent optical microscopy (CARS). In particular, Gazprombank is interested in using secure communication systems that are created in the RCC. The funds allocated by the bank close the RCC's obligations to Skolkovo to attract investments for 2015.

The management of the RCC believes that cooperation with the bank will help the center maintain the dynamics of development and commercialize the results of its research.



Participation in the study of the effectiveness of quantum computing simulation on classical computers in noise conditions

Researchers at MISIS University, the Russian Quantum Center (RCC), the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) and the Mathematical Institute named after V.A. Steklova found out how to increase the efficiency of simulating quantum computing on classical computers in noise conditions. MISIS announced this on August 2, 2024. Read more here.

Russian scientists have developed a way to accelerate quantum computing

Russian scientists from MISIS University and the Russian Quantum Center have proposed their own approach to implementing a fast three-cube operation on superconducting qubits - flaxoniums. Representatives of NITU MISIS reported this to TAdviser on May 7, 2024. According to them, this method brings closer the creation of a practically useful "noisy" quantum processor and algorithms for efficient multi-cube operations. Quantum effects, in turn, are useful for studying molecules, creating drugs, effectively solving logistics problems and searching the database. Read more here.

Russian scientists have proven the effectiveness of three-level quantum systems - cutrites

Scientists of the University of MISIS, the Russian Quantum Center, FIAN named after Lebedev and MIPT demonstrated the performance of three-level quantum systems - cutrites at once on two types of domestic quantum processors - superconductor and ion. With the help of cutrites, the researchers simulated a non-equilibrium phase transition of violation of parity and time symmetry. Such symmetry is broken if an isolated physical system begins to interact with the surrounding world, while losing some of its energy. This was announced on April 1, 2024 by representatives of the University of MISIS. Read more here.

Refutation of the conclusion of researchers from China about the possibility of hacking quantum algorithms

A team of scientists from MISIS University, RCC and Sber conducted an in-depth analysis of the calculations used by researchers from China to simulate hacking a cryptosystem using a 400 + qubit quantum computer, and questioned their conclusion about the revolution in cryptography. Russian scientists believe that the algorithm of colleagues is not working due to "pitfalls" in the classical part and the complexity of the implementation of quantum. MISIS announced this on January 10, 2023. Read more here.


Russian scientists have established a channel with quantum protection between Russia and China using a satellite

A team of scientists from MISIS University, the Russian Quantum Center (RCC) and KuSpace Technologies conducted a joint experiment on the transmission of messages protected by quantum cryptography between Russia and China. MISIS announced this on December 1, 2023.

To transfer the key for enciphering a distance of more than 3500 km, a unique quantum satellite communications "" Mo-tszy developed by scientists was used. PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA More. here

Russian scientists have become a step closer to a universal quantum computer

Russian scientists at MISIS University and the Russian Quantum Center (RCC) together with colleagues from the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman and FSUE "VNIIA named after N.L. Dukhova" proposed and demonstrated a method for implementing a fast two-cube operation on superconducting qubits-flaxoniums, which can form the basis of scalable and error-resistant quantum processors. Thus, Russian scientists have become one step closer to creating a universal quantum computer capable of solving problems in various fields, for example, for modeling molecular and chemical reactions, which will be the key to the further development of pharmaceuticals and materials science. Such information was shared with the TAdviser portal on November 27, 2023 by representatives of MISIS. Read more here.

Russian scientists have increased the performance of quantum processors using kudits

Scientists at NUST MISIS and the Russian Quantum Center have proposed an approach to the implementation of quantum algorithms using additional levels of the quantum system, which made it possible to increase by an order of magnitude the final quality of execution of quantum algorithms. This was announced on April 7, 2023 to TAdviser by representatives of NUST MISIS.

According to scientists, the main way to improve the performance of quantum processors is to increase the number of their qubits - the smallest unit of information in. quantum computer However, ions or atoms, which often act in roles, qubits have more than two levels and can work not only as qubits, but also as kudits, which are an extended version of the qubit and can be in three (cutrites), four (puppets), five (puppets), and more states. Additional states allow denser coding data in physical media, which in turn makes it possible to implement increasingly complex and complex quantum algorithms. Thus, the quantum power increases, and operations processor can be carried out much faster, the researchers explained. More. here


Inclusion in the US sanctions list

In September 2022, the Russian Quantum Center (International Center for Quantum Optics and Quantum Technologies, MCKT LLC) was included in the US SDN sanctions list USA[2]

Russian IT companies that fell under US, EU and British sanctions in 2022-2024 TAdviser map

Map of sub-sanctioned IT companies. Click to enlarge

TAdviser drew up a map of Russian IT companies in 2022-2024. which fell under the sanctions of the United States, the EU and Britain. It included, among other things, the ICCT company. The article about the map can be found here.

Obtaining a patent for the physical implementation of a quantum computer based on kudits

A group of scientists from the Russian Quantum Center received a patent for the physical implementation of a kudit-based quantum computer. Read more here.

RCC scientists have proposed an up-to-date approach to scaling quantum computers

On April 6, 2022, the Russian Quantum Center reported that a group of its scientists had demonstrated the possibility of scaling quantum computers, not increasing the number of quantum storage media, but using their additional levels. The results of the experiment, conducted with the support of the Russian Science Foundation, are published in the international journal in the field of physics Physical Review A. More details here.

2021: Participation in the optimization of the quantum cryptography system

The Russian scientists have updated the world record in the efficiency of quantum systems. cryptography This was QRate announced on February 17, 2021. Russian scientists, including specialists from the Russian Quantum Center, reduced the share of the key spent on authentication classical ones to data 1%, and also proposed algorithm error correction based on polar codes. More. here


Official opening of the RCC at the Skolkovo Innovation Center

On September 28, 2020, the official opening of the office of the Russian Quantum Center (RCC) took place at the Skolkovo Innovation Center. The ceremony was attended by Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Skolkovo Foundation Viktor Vekselberg, Chairman of the Skolkovo Foundation Arkady Dvorkovich, First Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of Gazprombank Dmitry Sauers, Chairman of the Management Board of the Skolkovo Foundation Igor Drozdov and members of the Board of Directors of the Skolkovo Foundation.

The move is due to a significant increase in the number of laboratories and, as a result, the expansion of the staff.

The scientific center with an area of ​ ​ 4 thousand square meters. m is located on the second floor of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology. As of September 2020, it houses 13 laboratories equipped with equipment, as well as a magnet-free chamber that weakens external magnetic fields a thousand times. All research infrastructure is built from scratch and meets world standards.

17 scientific groups are working on fundamental research in the field of quantum technologies, which include Russian and international scientists, as well as students and graduates of the RCC department at MIPT. In addition to scientific activities, employees can develop applied projects: 8 spin-offs have already been launched on the basis of the center.

During the year, more than 10 laboratories will be built from scratch as part of the implementation of ROSATOM's roadmap for quantum computing. Management plans to gradually increase the area of ​ ​ the center as new scientific groups appear. A lounge area, coffee shop and sports complex also appeared in the office.

The Russian Quantum Center is one of the most long-standing partners of Skolkovo. The opening of the RCC office on the territory of the Innovation Center will allow developing fundamental research in the field of quantum technologies and taking full advantage of the Skolkovo ecosystem.

The move fully reflects the changes that have taken place with us in recent years: from a small scientific center, we have grown into a key expert in the Russian scientific community and a prominent player in the global arena.

Rosatom launched the first laboratory in Russia for the development of quantum AI for the nuclear industry

On July 7, 2020, it became known about the launch of the first laboratory in Russia for the development of quantum and artistic intelligence for the nuclear industry. This is a joint project of Rosatom and the Russian Quantum Center (RCC). Read more here.

Found a way to improve the security of quantum cryptography

On April 6, 2020, it became known that scientists from the consortium of the NTI Competence Center "Quantum Communications" (NUST "MISIS," QRate company and the Russian Quantum Center) have developed a way to increase the level of security of quantum cryptography systems using a special algorithm that allows detecting attacks on a quantum random number generator. Read more here.

Nissan has taken up quantum computing in Russia

On January 22, 2020, it became known about the beginning of the joint work of the Russian Quantum Center (RCC) and Nissan in the field of quantum chemistry. The partners intend to create new methods for finding materials that can be used in new batteries of electric cars. Read more here.

2019: Demonstration of the operation of the inter-corporate quantum network

On June 6, 2019, Sberbank, Gazprombank, PwC and the Russian Quantum Center demonstrated the work of the first inter-corporate quantum network. Read more here.


PwC and the Russian Quantum Center are developing quantum information protection systems

PwC and the Russian Quantum Center (RCC) in June 2017 agreed to jointly develop and implement information security systems based on quantum technologies that provide the highest level of data protection from hacker attacks. The parties signed the corresponding agreement within the framework of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

Quantum computers will be able to solve problems that are not available even to the most powerful classical computers. The emergence of such computers is a matter of the next ten years, today quantum computers are created by many countries and large corporations, in particular IBM, Google, even Internet retailer Alibaba has launched its own quantum project in partnership with the PRC Academy of Sciences. But this could pose new threats, as quantum algorithms allow many types of common ciphers to be hacked. To protect against this threat, quantum information protection methods can be used, thanks to which data, in principle, cannot be intercepted. The RCC is one of the pioneers in this area, at the moment prototypes of devices for quantum cryptography have already been created and are being tested.

According to experts at the PwC Cybersecurity Laboratory, the traditional cyber defense technologies and mechanisms in service with most companies may face new risks associated with quantum computing.

Tim Klau, head of risk analysis and control at PwC in Russia, noted: "Unfortunately, traditional cryptographic methods are not designed to protect against the malicious use of quantum technologies, and cybersecurity tools will become obsolete as quantum computers turn into full-fledged technology and enter commercial realities. And although the massive spread of quantum computers will take more time, the transition to new defense technologies that can repel quantum attacks must be carried out in advance. "
computing technologies work faster than classical ones thanks to the use of new computational algorithms. Quantum attacks can compromise common encryption systems. Thanks to the increase in computing power and the speed of quantum computers, attackers will be able to easily hack various encryption protocols, which today is an extremely difficult task. On the other hand, quantum technologies will create more reliable encryption algorithms. Using secure quantum communication channels as the main element of the information infrastructure, a new level of data protection can be achieved, "commented Ruslan Yunusov, director of the Russian Quantum Center

Russian Quantum Center and VEB will create quantum infrastructure

Vnesheconombank and the Russian Quantum Center in May 2017 announced cooperation in the development of quantum technologies, in particular, infrastructure quantum projects. The corresponding agreement within the framework of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum was signed by the Chairman of Vnesheconombank Sergey Gorkov and the General Director of the RCC Ruslan Yunusov.

The agreement provides for assistance in promoting innovative technologies in Russia and abroad, the creation and development of infrastructure projects in the field of quantum technologies, which include, in particular, quantum networks. In addition, the RCC and VEB will exchange information and organize educational projects.

Development of quantum cryptography for electric vehicles

On February 27, 2017, it became known about the joint statement of the Russian Quantum Center, Interactive Fully Electrical Vehicles (I-FEVES) and Istituto P.M. (IPM) on cooperation in the project for the development of quantum secure communications systems for electric vehicles of all types.

There are more and more electric cars on the roads of the world, unmanned vehicles are being tested in different countries. To reduce the risk of accidents, an advanced electronic communication system between such machines is required, but unmanned vehicles can become vulnerable to interception of control by attackers. The solution to the problem can be quantum cryptography[3].

I-FEVES develops the architecture of European microelectromobiles in partnership with a company from the EU, Russia and China. At the expense of the European Commission, the company created the city microelectromobile I-FEVS 4WD, which is used to test technological solutions.

The Russian Quantum Center will develop a similar information protection system for them, IPM will create engineering solutions for it.

We are proud of our cooperation with our colleagues from I-FEVS and IPM, this is our first project in the automotive industry, we are looking forward to working with partners. This cooperation will strengthen the development of projects in the field of creating solutions in the field of quantum cryptography for drones, which are funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Ruslan Yunusov, General Director of the RCC

We are pleased to be able to work together with RCC and IPM, this will allow us to implement the latest technologies for our EU-Moby platform.

Pietro Perlo, President of I-FEVS

We are fully confident that our partnership will open the door to the breakthrough of quantum technologies in the automotive industry.

Konstantin Zvezdin, President of IPM


RCC and MISIS launch the Quantum Center project

The Russian Quantum Center and the National Research Technological University "MISIS" announced the launch of a joint project "Quantum Center," in which their scientists will work together to create quantum computers and communication systems.

"Our scientists will be able not only to conduct research work, but also to teach, to select future employees for themselves. NUST MISIS, in turn, thanks to our scientists, significantly strengthens its capabilities in the field of fundamental science, "said Yunusov Ruslan, head of the Russian Quantum Center.

NUST MISIS and the Russian Quantum Center are among the leading research centers in the country that are engaged in developments in the field of quantum technologies.

Scientists of the RCC and MISIS combine professional and scientific ties - for example, in 2013, physicists from these research institutions jointly carried out the first qubit measurements in Russia in the laboratory of Alexei Ustinov, and a year ago they created the first domestic qubit in collaboration with MIPT and the Institute of Solid State Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

All laboratories of the RCC will be located in NUST MISIS, for the construction of which the university has allocated about two thousand square meters of area. Now these areas are being renovated, and the scientific groups of the RCC will move to the walls of the university as the premises are ready.

In total, about 40 million rubles were allocated to finance the Quantum Center for the last quarter of 2016 as part of the funds allocated by MISIS through the 5-100 project. Funding volumes for 2017 are now being discussed.

T8 and RCC will create a secure quantum communication system

T8 and the Russian Quantum Center (both residents of the Skolkovo Foundation's IT cluster) announced in the summer of 2016 the start of joint work on a secure communication system based on quantum cryptography technology, which can be used within the existing telecommunications infrastructure. The document on cooperation was signed by the Director General of the RCC Yunusov Ruslan and the head of the "T8" Vladimir Treshchikov. Read more: RCC: Secure Quantum Communication System

2013: Qubit state measured

In June 2013, it became known that specialists from the university laboratory MISIS, in cooperation with the Russian Quantum Center (RCC), were the first in Russia to measure the state of the qubit.

2010: The Center's Birthday

The official birthday of the Center can be considered December 14, 2010. On this day, the Skolkovo Innovation Center presented the first 16 certificates of the participant. Certificate number 13 was awarded to the project "International Center for Quantum Optics and Quantum Technologies." - Russian Quantum Center, or RQC.

See also
