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+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ Rosneft of the Tax Code

Messoyakhaneftegaz JSC is a joint venture of PJSC Gazprom neft"" (project operator) and PJSC Rosneft Oil Company"," which owns licenses for the exploration and development of the Messoyakhsky group oilgas-condensate fields (East Messoyakhsky and West Messoyakhsky), opened in 1980.

The East Messoyakhskoye field is located in the Tazovsky district of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, 340 km north of Novy Urengoy. This is the northernmost of the developed oil fields of Russia located on land. The license of Messoyakhaneftegaz for the right to use the subsoil of the East Messoyakhskoye field is valid until 2140.

The West Messoyakhskoye field is under exploration.


2022: Start using software that accelerates well drilling

The joint venture of Rosneft and Gazprom Neft - Messoyakhaneftegaz - began to use unique software for Russia that accelerates well drilling. This became known at the end of October 2022.

A software package is integrated into the drilling rig, which in the autopilot mode controls the technological process taking into account the characteristics of the formation and the specified parameters. The smart drilling rig provides monitoring and transmission of data from the subsoil to the Tyumen Well Construction Management Center. Based on the information received, specialists adjust the program of the automated complex.

Rosneft and Gazprom Neft JV began using unique software

Digital tools have allowed the project team to increase the drilling speed by more than 10% compared to the standard for this type of well. Digital drilling technologies improve the safety and speed of well construction, reduce the wear and tear of process equipment, and minimize human involvement in key operations decision-making. By the end of 2022, three "digital" wells will be built at the East Messoyakhskoye field with the help of modernized installations.

According to the developers, the technology belongs to a full-cycle program: from creating a computer model of a well to its construction in conditions of complex geology.

It is symbolic that the project of automated well construction started precisely from Achimov horizons: the complex geological characteristics of these zones require an accurate choice of effective drilling technologies to achieve the economic efficiency of the projects. The use of digital intelligence maximizes our capabilities in solving the large-scale task of developing a new category of difficult reserves, "said Vadim Yakovlev, Deputy Director General for Exploration and Production of Gazprom Neft.[1]


Start-up of the gas recovery infrastructure for the oil production process.


By May 2019, total production at the East Messoyakhskoye field exceeded 10 million tons of oil.


In January 2016, the formation of a single operational enterprise ended with the transfer of employees of the Messoyakha branch of Gazpromneft-Development LLC to the Messoyakhaneftegaz staff.

On September 21, 2016, the East Messoyakhskoye field was put into commercial operation.


Construction of infrastructure and immersion of the first pile at the central oil gathering point.


After the integration of TNK-BP into the structure of Rosneft, Messoyakhaneftegaz becomes a joint venture between Gazprom Neft and Rosneft.


In July 2011, a branch of Messoyakha LLC Gazpromneft-Development was established in Tyumen to implement the project.

In December, Gazprom Neft and TNK-BP became shareholders of Messoyakhaneftegaz on a parity basis.


The operational management of the Messoyakha project was transferred to Gazprom Neft, which began preparations for the development of fields.


The company was renamed Messoyakhaneftegaz, the asset was acquired by Slavneft.


Licenses for the development of the East-Messoyakhsky and West-Messoyakhsky sections were obtained by Zapolyarneftegazgeologiya.