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Баннер в шапке 2



Project and the GazNIIproekt Ltd research institute is created in 1956 and 36 years was known as GIPRONEFTESTROY. Then the institute performed works on design of bases of building industry and building materials, the plants on production of steel concrete and light fillers.



+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ Rosneft of the Tax Code

Activity in the field of design of objects of transport of natural gas the institute began in 1992 as structural division of Samaratransgaz LLC (nowadays Gazprom Transgaz Samara LLC). In a short space of time the institute mastered design of a linear part of trunk and inter-settlement gas pipelines, GRS, reconstruction of compressor stations, technology communication, telemechanization, objects of power economy.

Since 1998 the institute is subsidiary company Stroytransgaz LLC. Cooperation with JSC Stroytransgaz was one of key factors of formation of GazNIIproekt institute as the dynamic project organization capable at the modern level to develop the project documentation and to provide engineering maintenance of construction of difficult objects of pipeline transport, as in Russia, and abroad.

Since 2000 GazNIIproekt Ltd is a full member of Association of Design Institutes of Gazprom (ASPO Gazprom).