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North Caucasian bank of Sberbank of the Russian Federation



+ Government of the Russian Federation

The North Caucasian bank of Sberbank of Russia — the financial institution, largest in the region. Today it is the modern universal bank satisfying the needs of different customer groups for a broad spectrum of banking services.


1826 on October 7. - The chief of the Caucasian area lieutenant general Georgy Arsenyevich Emanuel sent to Caucasian (after 1847 — Stavropol) the Order of public contempt the letter which offers to found savings banks at the Order. (The orders of public contempt formed in 1804 at the Ministry of Internal Affairs belonged to local state credit establishments, were at that time peculiar savings banks. They, besides, were engaged charitable and institutions: hospitals, almshouses, orphan houses and also some prison organizations).

1841 on October 30 - The decree of the emperor Nicholas I on organization in Russia of savings banks.

1862 June - The deputy Caucasian suggested the Stavropol civil governor to organize city public banks. And again the question of the organization of savings banks was brought up.

1869 - In Stavropol the board of the first ssudosberegatelny cash desk which as the private credit and savings enterprise already assumes to perform the functions similar to modern savings banks is formed.

1876 November - In Stavropol the ssudosberegatelny cash desk is transformed to a ssudosberegatelny partnership. It there was the first chairman the Stavropol petty bourgeois Alexey Alekseyevich Ryabtsev. A manager of a partnership was Danilo Panteleevich Onishchenko, and his assistants — Vasily Grigoryevich Korzhev and Karp Grigoryevich Yemelyanov.

1886 - In Stavropol the first state savings bank No. 365 at provincial treasury in the building of construction of the famous architects of brothers of Bernardatsi is open (nowadays Sovetskaya St., 3).

In the early nineties the 19th centuries in Stavropol the second state savings bank which was located in People's house of finance was formed (on site modern Central post office).

1899 on April 30 - In the village of Kugulta the credit partnership registered in the Ministry of Finance at No. 1 is opened. However it existed not for long. Therefore firstborns in this case actually were Voznesensky, Kazgulaksky, Small and Yagursky and Mitrofanovsky credit partnerships. Such financial educations were not competitors of the state savings banks, but successfully supplemented them.

1900 on July 1 - Opening together with district treasury of a savings bank to the village of Praskovey.

1901 October - The beginning of creation of school savings banks which "aim to accustom the population from children's age to a thought of advantage of savings is nauchat to do like those at the most modest means".

In the Stavropol province by 1903 27 school cash desks were open.

1903 - With development of the state savings banks the network of their branches extended. In addition to school, mail and cable cash desks which by this year in the province there were 6 began to appear. Other direction was formation of factory, departmental and volost savings banks.

1905 - In the Stavropol province the network of savings banks looked as follows:

Aleksandrovskaya (it subordinates mail — in villages Aleksandrovsky, Sergiyevsky and Novoselitsky),

Blagodarnenskaya, (mail — in the villages of Arzgir, Blagodarnoye, Medvedskoye and Sotnikovskoye),

Medvezhenskaya (mail — in villages White Clay, Vorontsovo-Nikolayevsky, Dmitriyevsky, Krasnaya Polyana, Ladovsko-Balkov-skoye, Letnitsky, Bear, New Egorlyk, Peschanokopskoye, Pregradnoye, Sandatovskoye and Average Egorlyk),

Praskoveyskaya (mail — in villages Arkhangelsk, Vladimirovk, Vorontsovo-Aleksandrovskoye, Levokumskoye, Praskovey, the Sacred Cross, Soldato-Aleksandrovsky and Fruitful),

Stavropol (mail — in Stavropol, in villages Safe, Big Dzhalga, Vinodelny, Marvellous, Kugulta, Petrovsky, Raguli, in villages Novoaleksandrovskaya and Uspenskaya),

Stavropol — at department of the State Bank (station departments of the Vladikavkaz cash desk and also in the villages of Kursavka, Nagutskaya, Neloglinskaya, Suvorovskaya and Torgovaya treated it),

Being in the Stavropol province, but attributed to the Armavir cash desk in the village of Kursavka, cash desk Of St. George — in the village of Tempelgof.

1911 - Opening together with permanent department of national bank of a savings bank in Pyatigorsk.

Thus, before revolution of 1917 savings matter in the Stavropol province in general gained broad development. A large number of credit, ssudosberegatelny, state cash desks, school, class and others at that time had a noticeable impact on economic development, trade, consumer cooperation, agriculture and other industries. As in national banks receiving the credit represented long-term (up to several months) occupation, savings banks were the most popular as in them a design of the credit was less difficult in this question.

Revolutionary events of 1917 and Civil war negatively affected economy of Russia. In this situation the state savings banks everywhere stopped the existence or were transformed to public establishments in the form of ssudosberegatelny cash desks and partnerships. The last generally concentrated in the provincial centers including in Stavropol.

1920 on June 29 - Order No. 74 on the Stavropol gubfinotdel on liquidation of People's Bank, treasury and savings banks is issued.

Later, with transition of the country to the New Economic Policy, the system of savings banks began to be recovered. In July, 1923 the government made the decision on creation of the state labor savings banks.

1923 - savings banks in the cities of Stavropol and Pyatigorsk are reopened. The Stavropol savings bank was located near the intersection of K. Marx Avenue and K. Khetagurov Street. In an effect it became central and in this quality existed prior to the beginning of the 70th years.

1925 for October 1 - In the Stavropol district of the North Caucasian edge there were 54 savings banks.

1925 - Creation of the Stavropol society of a mutual credit. It existed till 1930 and was engaged in financing of trade operations, issue of loans to individuals, other commercial transactions including acceptance of means under percent.

1927 August - The beginning of development in the country of mass loans. Savings banks were engaged in sale of bonds and fund raising on loans.

1931 on February 16 - Edge and district savings banks are transformed to managements gostrudsberkass and the state credit.

1934 - The North Caucasian edge management of Gostrudoberkass and Goscredit is organized.

1934 - In Pyatigorsk the edge management gostrudsberkass and the state credit is formed North Caucasian (then it is renamed into Ordzhonikidzevskoye).

1936 - Due to the renaming of Stavropol the main savings bank of the city began to be called the Voroshilovsky central savings bank.

1937 - Edge management gostrudsberkass moved from Pyatigorsk to Stavropol

1942 June-July - Due to the threat of occupation of Stavropol Krai of fascist aggressors material values of the majority local gostrudsberkass were evacuated to Mozdok, and then to Ashgabat.

1942 for August 1 - In Stavropol Krai was: 61 district central savings banks, 30 — the 1st discharge, 81 — the 2nd discharge, 281 agencies.

1943 February - The beginning of organized recovery in Stavropol Krai gostrudsberkass. During occupation the general damage of these organizations on edge was about 61.9 million rubles.

1943 the second half of May - All central gostrudsberkassa of Stavropol Krai began to perform the complete volume of the transactions of savings and credit and financial case provided by their status.

1944 for January 1 - In Stavropol Krai worked: 61 central district savings banks, 3 — the 1st discharge, 21 — the 2nd discharge and 54 agencies.

1946 on March 14 - The executive committee of the Stavropol edge Council made the decision on opening of 74 new savings banks.

1946 the first quarter - According to the results of an edge competition savings banks were recognized the best: Pyatigorsk central, Nevinnomyssk and Soldato-Aleksandrovsky district, the 2nd discharge No. 1808/04 Yessentuki, No. 1811/010 of the area Of St. George, agencies No. 5013/08 of Zheleznovolsk and No. 30/04 of Pyatigorsk.

1947 na1 January - The network of savings banks of edge contained 51 central, 29 — the 1st discharge, 76 — the 2nd discharge, 234 agencies.

In the system of savings banks worked: in edge management 42 persons, in district savings banks of regular 629 people and supernumerary — 567 people. With the higher financial education there was one worker, with an average — 14 people, 53 persons had course training. The staff turnover made 56%.

1948 - The average amount of a deposit on savings banks of edge was 1068 rubles, in the city — 1617 rubles and in the village 473 rubles. The volume of term deposits reached 19.3 million rubles.

1948 on November 20 - The Charter of the state labor savings banks of the USSR is approved.

1953 - A remaining balance of deposits in savings banks of edge made about 213.3 million rubles.

1955 - A remaining balance of deposits in savings banks of edge made about 469.7 million rubles, including poste restante — 309.5 million rubles, urgent — 155.1 million rubles, advantageous — 5.1 million rubles.

The main source of replenishment of the state budget were deposits of the population to savings banks which total amount was 470 million rubles. The number of investors reached 316.5 thousand human. At the same time in work of savings banks of edge wide circulation such forms of attraction of financial resources of the population as non-cash payments, transfer of the amounts on orders of scientists received, attraction in deposits of one-time remuneration for long service.

1958 for January 1 - In the region 672 savings banks functioned.

1962 - The number of investors was over 571 thousand human. The average balance on one investor equaled to 236 rubles.

1977 on July 11 - Management of Gostrudsberkass and Goscredit of Stavropol Krai is renamed into edge management of Gostrudsberkass of the USSR.

1979 - In four last years the total amount of receipts of a cash income of the population of savings banks of edge reached in the non-cash way 553.4 million rubles.

1980 - Employees of savings banks of edge in a year performed over 27 million different cash transactions.

1984 for January 1 - The number of staff of edge management of the state labor savings banks was (without MOS) 118 people. Almost every second worker consisting at a nomenclature position had the higher education.

1987 - In pursuance of the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and Council of Ministers of the USSR of July 17, 1987 No. 821 "About improvement of a system of banks in the country and gain of their impact on increase in efficiency of economy" and also resolutions of Council of Ministers of the USSR of October 6, 1987 No. 1118 "About reorganization of activity and an organization structure of banks of the USSR", and according to the order of Bank of labor savings and crediting of the population of the USSR (Savings bank of the USSR) of October 8, 1987 No. 10 forms edge management of Savings bank of the USSR, its district and city departments and also their branches and the agencies. Respectively, the edge management of Gostrudsberkass of the USSR, city and district savings banks and also savings banks of the 1st and 2nd discharges and their agencies are abolished.

1988 - The state labor savings banks are transformed to Sberbank of the USSR as the national specialized bank on service of the population.

1990 - The Russian republican bank of Sberbank of the USSR is announced by the property of RSFSR. The savings bank of RSFSR is transformed to Joint stock bank.

1991 - At general shareholder meeting the Joint-stock commercial Savings bank of the Russian Federation in the form of joint-stock company according to the Law of RSFSR "About Banks and Banking Activity in RSFSR" of December 2, 1990 is founded.

Edge management is transformed by the order of the President of Sberbank of RSFSR of March 28, 1991 No. 8 to the Stavropol bank of Sberbank of RSFSR, corresponding changes in the name received its departments and branches.

1992 - The bank name is changed by the order of the President of Sberbank of RSFSR of January 23, 1992 No. 5 to Savings bank of the Russian Federation (in abbreviated form Sberbank of Russia). Corresponding changes in names received also local structures of bank.

1993 on May 14 - The excavator scooped the first ladle of the earth on the building site of future administrative building of the Stavropol bank of Sberbank of Russia.

1996 on November 15 - The presentation of new office of the Stavropol bank of Sberbank of Russia took place.

1997 on December 1 - The Kalmyk bank of Sberbank of Russia is transformed by board decision of Sberbank of Russia to the Kalmyk department of the Stavropol bank of Sberbank of Russia

1998 on December 1 - The Karachay-Cherkess bank of Sberbank of Russia is transformed by board decision of Sberbank of Russia to the Karachay-Cherkess department of the Stavropol bank of Sberbank of Russia

2000 on November 1 - The Dagestan bank of Sberbank of Russia is transformed by board decision of Sberbank of Russia to the Dagestan department of the Stavropol bank of Sberbank of Russia

2000 on November 4 — Board decision of Sberbank of Russia forms the North Caucasian bank. In it the Stavropol, Ingush, Kabardino-Balkarian, North Ossetian banks of Sberbank of Russia are joint.

Bank today

In today's Sberbank almost reminds nothing of savings banks which functions it performed throughout the considerable period of the history. But another is surprising: Sberbank is already poorly similar even to itself only ten-year prescription!

Capability to changes and advance – sign of an excellent "sports" form in which there is Sberbank today. The title of the oldest and largest Bank of Russia does not disturb it openly and to compete honesty in the banking market and to have the finger on the pulse of financial and technology changes. Sberbank not only walks in step with current trends of the market, but also advances them, surely being guided in promptly changing technologies and preferences of clients.

Leader of the banking sector

Sberbank is a blood system of the Russian economy, a third of its banking system today. The bank gives work and a source of income to every 150th Russian family.

29.4% of total bank assets fall to the share of the leader of the Russian banking sector in the total assets (as of August 1, 2014).

The bank is the main creditor of the Russian economy and occupies the largest share in deposit market. 46.4% of deposits of the population, 34.7% of the credits to individuals and 33.9% of the credits to legal entities fall to its share.

Sberbank is 16 territorial banks and more than 17 thousand departments through the whole country, in 83 territorial subjects of the Russian Federation located in the territory of 11 time zones today.

Only in Russia at Sberbank more than 110 million clients – are more than a half of the population of the country, and abroad about 11 million people use services of Sberbank.

The range of services of Sberbank for retail clients is widest: from traditional deposits and different types of crediting to bank cards, money transfers, bank insurance and broker services.

All retail credits in Sberbank are issued on the Credit Factory technology created for effective assessment of credit risks and high-quality providing the loan portfolio.

Aiming to make service more convenient, modern and technological, Sberbank more and more improves every year possibilities of remote control of customer accounts. In bank the system of remote links of service which enter is created: online banking "Sberbank Online" (more than 13 million active users); mobile applications "Sberbank Online" for smartphones (more than 1 million active users) Mobile bank SMS service (more than 17 million active users). one of the world's largest ATM networks and self-service terminals (more than 90 thousand devices).

Sberbank is the largest issuer of debit and credit cards. The joint venture bank created by Sberbank and BNP Paribas is engaged in POS crediting under the Cetelem brand, using the concept of "responsible crediting".

Among clients of Sberbank there are more than 1 million enterprises (from 4.5 million registered legal entities in Russia). The bank services all groups of corporate clients, and more than 35% of the corporate loan portfolio of bank fall to the share of the small and medium companies. The rest is a crediting of large and biggest corporate clients.

Sberbank is today a command which includes more than 260 thousand qualified employees working on transformation of bank into the best service company with products and world-class services.

International network

Sberbank is today a powerful modern bank which is promptly transformed to one of the largest world financial institutions. In recent years Sberbank significantly expanded the international presence. In addition to the CIS countries (Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Belarus), Sberbank is provided in nine countries of Central and Eastern Europe (Sberbank Europe AG, the former VBI) and in Turkey (DenizBank).

The deal on purchase of DenizBank was closed in September, 2012 and became the largest acquisition for more than 170-year history of Bank. The Sberbank of Russia also has representations in Germany and China, branch in India, Sberbank Switzerland AG manages. In 2013 official start of a brand of Sberbank in Europe took place.

Sberbank is the only Russian bank entering in top-50 the largest banks of the world today. In rating top-1000 the largest banks of the world on the capital (Top 1000 World Banks), published by the magazine The Banker, Sberbank took the 34th place, having risen by 15 positions in comparison with previous year. It is important that Sberbank possesses in this rating 1 place in the world on return on assets (ROA), 1 place on return on equity (ROE) and the 5th place in the world on a ratio "the capital to assets".

In 2013 Sberbank took the 63rd place in the rating of the most expensive world brands published by consulting company Brand Finance. The cost of a brand of Sberbank is estimated at $14.16 billion: in a year it grew almost by $3.4 billion. Thereby Sberbank is recognized as the most expensive brand of Russia.


A major shareholder and the founder of Sberbank of Russia is the Central bank of the Russian Federation which owns 50% of authorized capital plus one voting share. Other shareholders of Bank are the international and Russian investors.

Ordinary and preferred shares of bank are quoted on the Russian stock exchanges since 1996. The American Depositary Receipts (ADR) are quoted on the London Stock Exchange, are admitted to trading on the Frankfurt stock exchange and in curb market in the USA.