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Institute of Semiconductor Physics named after A.V. Rzhanov (IFP SB RAS)


Number of employees
2014 year


+ Government of the Russian Federation

Institute of Semiconductor Physics named after A.V. Rzhanov (IFP SB RAS).

IFP SB RAS was created in 1964 on the basis of the merger of the Institute of Solid State Physics and Semiconductor Electronics of the SB Academy of Sciences of the USSR and the Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics of the SB Academy of Sciences of the USSR.


2024: Participation in the creation of ultra-strong materials of the future from graphene and diamond

An ultra-strong, stable and flexible composite of graphene and diamond, which can be obtained by irradiating the material with xenon ions, will help improve the quality of nanoelectronic and optical devices. MISIS announced this on August 30, 2024. The study was initiated by scientists from NUST MISIS together with IFP SB RAS and JINR. Read more here.

2022: Inclusion on the US sanctions list

In September 2022, the Institute of Physics semiconductors SB RAS was included in the US SDN sanctions list USA[1]

Russian IT companies that fell under US, EU and British sanctions in 2022-2024 TAdviser map

Map of sub-sanctioned IT companies. Click to enlarge

TAdviser has drawn up a map the Russian IT of -companies that fell under sanctions in 2022-2024. and USA EU. Britain It included, among other things, the IFP SB RAS. The article about the map can be found here.
