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Баннер в шапке 2

Siberian Interregional Department of Rosprirodnadzor




+ Government of the Russian Federation

The Siberian Interregional Administration of the Federal Service for Supervision of Nature Management (Siberian Interregional Administration of Rosprirodnadzor) is a territorial body of the Federal Service for Supervision of Nature Management of the interregional level, performing certain functions of the Federal Service for Supervision of Nature Management in the Novosibirsk, Omsk and Tomsk Regions (Regulation on the Siberian Interregional Administration of the Federal Service for Supervision of Nature Management, approved by order of the Federal Service for Supervision of Nature Management dated January 31, 2022 No. 55).


2019: Reorganisation and name change

By Order of Rosprirodnadzor No. 283 dated June 10, 2019[1] Pursuant to the order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation dated June 3, 2019 No. 342 "On Approval of the Layout of Territorial Bodies of the Federal Service for Supervision of Nature Management," the Department of the Federal Service for Supervision of Nature Management in the Siberian Federal District and the Office of the Federal Service for Supervision of Nature Management (Rosprirodnadzor) in the Tomsk Region were reorganized in the form of accession. The Department of the Federal Service for Supervision of Nature Management in the Siberian Federal District was renamed the Siberian Interregional Administration of the Federal Service for Supervision of Nature Management, with its location in Novosibirsk.

2018: Reorganization

In accordance with the order of Rosprirodnadzor dated January 12, 2018 No. 11 "On the reorganization of the territorial body," the department of Rosprirodnadzor in the Omsk region was reorganized in terms of joining it to the Department of Rosprirodnadzor in the Siberian Federal District[2] District].
