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+ DRI Holdings
+ Government of the Russian Federation

Novamedika – the Russian pharmaceutical company, was created in 2012 by DRI Holdings Limited, Domain Associates LLC portfolio company and the Russian investment corporation "Rusnano" implementing state policy on development of high-tech industries. The strategy of the company is aimed at finding, registration and localization in Russia of intellectual property rights on the innovation medicines and technologies, development and implementation own R&D-проектов and also creation modern R&D-центра and hi-tech pharmaceutical GMP production.


2017: Ivan Daskal is appointed the vice president for legal issues

In November, 2017 Ivan Daskal is appointed the vice president for legal issues of pharmaceutical company "Novamedika", the investment project of Rusnano.

"A variety of tasks which face our legal division now requires serious working and organizing experience: it both support of development of new drugs and registration procedures, and maintenance of all processes of construction of the new plant, and the legal work accompanying expansion of our commercial positions, – the CEO of Novamedika Alexander Kuzin noted. – It is sure that Ivan Daskal who has legal experience not only in the pharmaceutical sector, but also in other industries in the international and Russian companies will cope with these tasks"[1].


Construction of the technology center for development of drugs using nanotechnologies

The Russian pharmaceutical company "Novamedika" began in December, 2015 construction in Moscow of the technology center for development and pilot production of the innovation medicines. The center will include laboratories and production sites with the latest technological capabilities which were not applied in the Russian pharmaceutical industry earlier. The project investment cost will make $15 million.

Development of drugs using the new technology platforms based including, on nanotechnologies will become the main scientific task of technology division of Novamediki. "We are focused on development of the innovation dosage forms which allow to change bioavailability of active ingredients or to combine substances incompatible earlier, – Mikhail Getman, the vice president of Novamedika company for pharmaceutical transactions noted. – Thanks to it the developed drugs will have new potential for application and also to essentially exceed many existing medicines by efficiency and security. Novamedika of the first in Russia went on this way", – Mikhail Getman emphasized.

The technology center Novamediki is going to be opened in Technopolice "Moscow". Power of laboratory is expected 15 research projects a year. Power of pilot production – up to 80 million doses a year. The development plan for the technocenter of Novamediki provides creation of 35 research jobs. The square on which the technocenter will be built will occupy 1600 sq.m.

Clinical trials of medicine, analogs which are not present in the world

The Russian pharmaceutical company "Novamedika" got in the fall of 2015 permission of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation to performing clinical trial of the I phase of new medicine – gel for treatment and simplification of symptomatology of hemorrhoids. It is the first product of own development of the company (the research NLN code). Medicine is based on the unique mechanism of action which is not used in the products which are present now at the market.

Thanks to application of nanotechnologies Novamediki developers managed to achieve repeated improvement of physical and chemical characteristics of active ingredients of medicine. As a result already at a stage of preclinical researches the product showed high dose-dependent anti-inflammatory and wound healing effect – to 400% of advantage in relation to check groups of the animals receiving comparison medicine. Besides, by means of nanotechnologies the combinatory solution, new to this therapeutic area, is found. It allowed to integrate for the first time in the world the incompatible earlier active ingredients having at the same time medical and anesthetizing effect in the form of gel on not fatty basis that provides convenience of its use and long term of storage.

"Our first product of own development became really the innovation, it is confirmed by four submitted patent applications including international. To it foreign investors already show interest, – Mikhail Getman, the vice president of Novamedika company for pharmaceutical transactions told. – We consider that medicine has perspectives of a successful output both on Russian, and on foreign markets. Global market of products and technologies for treatment of hemorrhoids, on expert evaluations, makes about 10 billion dollars USA a year, including the market of medicines – about 1.5-2 billion dollars, and to 8 billion dollars – the volume of surgeries according to this indication. We assume that NLN will be able to compete not only with medicines, but also with surgical methods of treatment of a disease".

2014: Horus Pharma and Novamedika signed the agreement on localization in Russia of a line of ophthalmologic medicines

The Russian pharmaceutical company Novamedika and Horus Pharma SL, the French company developing the innovation products in the field of ophthalmology signed in September, 2014 the partnership agreement within which Novamedika acquires the rights to commercialization in Russia and a number of the CIS countries of a line of the medicines intended for treatment of a broad spectrum of ophthalmologic diseases.

The product portfolio which is received by Novamedika within this agreement allows to solve in a complex the problems connected with rendering the high-quality ophthalmologic help at surgical intervention, and also at a number of infectious and inflammatory diseases. Enter it the line of the medicines ILAST – a series of products for postoperative leaving and treatment of inflammatory diseases a century, the medicine Macula Z-ORO used for treatment of an age degeneration of a retina, and also Vitamin B12 promoting healing of post-operational injuries of an eye.

Dosage forms of all medicines the innovation, are delivered in one-time packagings, and in a basis Horus companies have a unique dosage form. Distinctive feature of the products Horus Pharma is that all of them do not contain preservatives that significantly increases portability of medicine patients.

The output of these medicines to the market is planned in 2015 depending on approval dates of receipt. Under the terms of Novamedik's agreement will conduct all researches and procedures necessary for registration of medicines in Russia.

"The ophthalmologic portfolio of Novamedika already includes developments of SIFI, ReVision Optics and Clearside Biomedical companies. Having expanded it with medicines of Novamedika Horus company now will offer the Russian market a set of products and technologies, unique on complexity and innovation, for all most demanded ophthalmologic diseases, - Fabrice Egros told, the chief executive officer of Novamedika company, - "It will give the chance to the Russian doctors in a complex to approach the solution of a number of the interconnected ophthalmologic problems and will bring real benefit to the Russian patients".