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NPO "Special Technology and Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia" PKU NPO "STiS"



+ Government of the Russian Federation

About the organization

NPO "Spetstekhnika and Svyaz" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was formed in 1998 on the basis of the Research Institute of Special Equipment, existing since 1983, the Institution performs the functions of the head scientific and technical division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for conducting research and development and the ORC, coordination of the development of operational, forensic and organizational, inspection and search special equipment, means of individual armor protection, technical means of road safety, systems and means of communication, navigation equipment, specialized geographically distributed automated systems, typical local networks, information and telecommunication technologies, etc.

The institution ensures the implementation of presidential decrees, government decrees, applications from ministries and departments for the creation of special technical means, takes part in the implementation of large federal programs.

NPO Spetstekhnika and Svyaz branches in Kaluga (Kaluga branch), Nizhny Novgorod (Volga branch), Novosibirsk (Siberian branch), and Rostov-on-Don (scientific and technical department), which are independent structural units of NPO Spetstekhnika and Svyaz.

Among the major projects in which the NGO Spetstekhnika and Svyaz was involved, - equipping the data center with a unified system of information and analytical support for the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, developing complexes for the study of special technical means for secretly obtaining information and the study of electronic systems of vehicles, creation of a hardware and software complex for the study of devices based on Smart TV technology, development of the IT infrastructure for the provision of public services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the population, the creation of centers for a multi-level system for control and management of mobile objects and a system of information support for territorial police departments and units of internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.


2022: In the suburbs, a police colonel died during an operation in dentistry

On June 30, 2022, it became known about the death of Pavel Kolesnikov, head of the Center for Technical Regulation and Cataloging of the NPO Spetstekhnika and Svyaz of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. He died during a dental operation at the Extrodent Center clinic, according to the Baza Telegram channel. Read more here.

2019: Robot Cop Testing

In October 2019, robot developer Promobot announced that NPO Promobot and Svyaz was testing their new device, a police robot. Read more here.

2017: Arrest of the head of the STiS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Andrei Nechaev

On October 18, 2017, Andrei Nechaev was arrested. According to the Kommersant newspaper, he is charged with abuses related to the information system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - a departmental software and hardware complex that includes several subsystems and programs. Read more here.

2013: The structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Defense quarreled over the bill for the IT project

At the end of August 2013, the NPO Spetstekhnika and Svyaz of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will try to challenge the decision of the court, which ordered the organization to return part of the amount paid to it by the Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense for work as part of a project to create a state system for automated control of the movement of nuclear materials and radioactive substances in Russia.

By order of the Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense, NPO Spetstekhnika and Svyaz carried out an integral part of the work on creating a project for this system. As follows from the court documents in the case, according to the agreement concluded between the organizations, the Central Research Institute was supposed to pay the contractor an amount of about 7.6 million rubles. for work when documenting the amount of actual costs.

The terms of the contract also included an advance payment to the contractor for the work in the amount of 80% of the agreed estimated contract price. In accordance with them, the Central Research Institute transferred an advance payment of 6.08 million rubles to NPO Spetstekhnika and Svyaz.

After the work acceptance certificate was signed, NPO Spetstekhnika and Svyaz turned to the Central Research Institute with a request to pay for the work performed within the contract price for a total amount of about 7.12 million rubles. and at the same time documented the amount of actual costs. After payment from the customer did not follow, NPO "Spetstekhnika and Svyaz" tried to recover it through the court.

In court, representatives of the Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense said that the initial protocol for agreeing on a price of about 7.6 million rubles, on the basis of which the contractor demanded payment, was not agreed with the "4984 military representative office" of their department, and therefore is invalid.

According to them, subsequently this representative office checked the actual costs of work under the contract and, following the results of the audit, agreed on a price protocol for a lower amount - about 3.85 million rubles. In this regard, the Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense filed a counterclaim against the NGO Spetstekhnika and Svyaz demanding the return of the amount overpaid in advance of about 2.22 million rubles.

"Under such circumstances, as seen from the materials of the case, the actual cost of the work performed by the plaintiff under the contract amounted to 3.85 million rubles," the court decided and did not find legal grounds to satisfy the claims filed by the NGO Spetstekhnika and Svyaz.