FSUE MIA Rossiya Segodnya is a news agency created in 2013 by Russian President Vladimir Putin on the basis of the liquidated Russian international information agency RIA Novosti and the Russian state broadcasting company Voice of Russia to cover the state policy of the Russian Federation abroad.
The agency is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation.
As of July 2017, among the assets of the organization:
- radio and websites Sputnik
- RIA Novosti
- 65% in the Economic Information Agency "Prime"
- "English-language newspaper" News of Moscow "(controlled by the agency" Prime ")
- R-sport
- RIA Real Estate
- rating agency RIA Rating
- portal InoSMI
- Russian Agency for Legal and Judicial Information (RAPSI)
2025: Allocation of state subsidies for ₽10,9 billion rubles
In December 2024, it became known that the Russian Ministry of Finance increased funding for state media for 2025 by ₽45 billion to ₽139,6 billion. The corresponding federal law was approved by Russian President Vladimir Putin. MIA Rossiya Segodnya will receive ₽10,9 billion, which is ₽3 billion more than the original plan. Read more here.
2014: State financing 2.6 billion rubles
The draft budget for 2014 (September 2013) states that subsidies to most of the state media projects will be cut. The budget of the RIA Novosti holding in 2014 may be reduced to 2.6 billion. At state funds, RIA Novosti organizes "information and propaganda support for domestic and foreign policy," Russia organizes events "to increase the interest of the main target audiences in Russian public and political life"[1]
In 2014, RIA funding from the federal budget amounted to 2.68 billion rubles.
In December 2015, the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the first time published information on the expenses of the autonomous non-profit organization TV News, which operates the RT channel (formerly Russia Today). According to a report posted on the website of the Ministry of Justice, in 2014 the ANO spent 11.7 billion rubles on broadcasting in English, Arabic and Spanish, and 48.7 million rubles on creating and broadcasting a channel in French.
Thus, RT spent almost all the allocated funds from the budget - in 2014 it was assigned 11.87 billion rubles.
2013: State financing 2.7 or 2.9 billion rubles
In 2013, funding for RIA Novosti from the state budget was to be cut from 2.9 billion (2012) to 2.7 billion rubles. Moreover, 200 million rubles went towards raising money for ITAR-TASS. The organization requested state funding for this year in the amount of 3.4 billion rubles.
According to other sources, funding in 2013 amounted to 2.9 billion rubles[2].
In December 2015, the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the first time published information on the expenses of the autonomous non-profit organization TV News, which operates the RT channel (formerly Russia Today). The 2013 report reports that the ANO spent 12.9 billion rubles.
2012: State financing 2.9 billion rubles
Financing of RIA Novosti from the state budget in 2012 amounted to 2.9 billion rubles.
2011: Loss of RUB 2.9 bn
- Revenue: RUB 871 261 000
- Net loss: - RUB 2 989 298 000
The total monthly audience of the RIA Novosti website averages 11 million users. Of these, 2-2.5 million watch videos on the site every month rian.ru.
2010: Loss of RUB 2.3 bln
- Revenue (minus VAT, excise taxes, etc.): 736 244 000 rubles.
- Net loss: - RUB 2 361 837 000
2009: Loss of RUB 1.2 bln
The revenue of RIA Novosti for 2009 (minus VAT, excise taxes, etc.) 600 182 000 rubles. with a net loss of -1.277 billion rubles[3].
2008: Loss of RUB 0.75 bln
- Revenue (minus VAT, excise taxes, etc.): 583 598 000 rubles.
- Net loss: RUB 755 384 000
Agency names
- 24.06.1941 - Soviet Information Bureau
- 21.02.1961 - News Agency "News" ("APN")
- 27.07.1990 - News agency "Novosti"
- 09.1991 - Russian news agency "Novosti"
- 05.1998 - Russian news agency "Vesti"
- 01.04.2004 - Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian International Information Agency" RIA Novosti '"
- 09.12.2013 - "International News Agency"Russia today ""
RIA Novosti executives
- Vinogradov, Andrei Georgievich (August 1991 - January 1992);
- Makharadze, Maysarat Nasrutdinovna (January 1992 - August 1993);
- Markov, Vladimir Nikolaevich (September 1993 - March 1998);
- Gindileev, Eduard Raisovich (May - August 1998);
- Volin Alexey Konstantinovich (August 1998 - June 2000);
- Zhidakov, Alexey Vladimirovich (and. Chairman from June to October 2000);
- Kulistikov, Vladimir Mikhailovich - Chairman of the Board (from October 2000 to April 2001);
- Zhidakov, Alexey Vladimirovich - Chairman of the Board (April 2001 - January 2003);
- Mironyuk Svetlana Vasilievna - Chairman of the Board (from January 24, 2003 to 09.12.2013).
- Kiselev Dmitry Konstantinovich (from 09.12.2013 to present time)
2014: Reformatting into "Russia Today"
At the end of February 2014, the management of Russia Today decided to close its correspondent network in the regions. In total, 150 correspondents work there: only 20 of them will remain. And out of 69 regional offices, only 19 will work.
As of March 2014, RIA Novosti, which is in the process of liquidation by decree of the President of Russia, began to actively curtail its activities as a domestic Russian news agency. The new management plans to stop the release of most information tapes, reduce the Russian corset to a minimum and sell property in the regions.
Independently, RIA Novosti has earned in recent years more than a quarter of its income in addition to three quarters of funding from the federal budget (in 2014 - 2.68 billion rubles), says one of the sources familiar with the volume of information and advertising sales. According to the estimates of several sources of RBC in the agency, the successor of RIA - the agency "Russia Today" will lose at least a third of its own income. Revenues from operational information may decrease by more than half, will decrease by a third of revenues from information support due to the dismissal of people and staff reductions, a source in RIA Novosti familiar with the situation expects.
The inclusion in the "liquidation mass" of one of the agency's most valuable assets is being discussed - a photo archive that brings about half of RIA's income from the sale of photographic materials, the agency's source said. It includes unique photo collections: historical of the 19th century and works of famous masters. Among them, for example, more than 25 thousand photographs of four famous Russian photo artists and reporters: Anatoly Garanin, Yuri Abramochkin, Boris Kaufman and Yuri Artamonov. In total, there are more than 1 million photos in the photo bank.
The dismissal of employees threatens to turn into a separate problem. Several RIA Novosti employees at once claim that the new leadership has not yet finally decided on either the state or the organizational structure, and the agency already has cases of liquidation of entire units. For example, the division of the Open Display project, the editorial board of the Russian-language newspaper Moskovskiye Novosti (earlier RIA Novosti reported that it had reached an agreement on the sale of the newspaper to the structures of the capital's mayor's office) were liquidated in full force.
Employees of the General Production Center also talk about the reduction, according to them, the status of the structure itself as an independent structure will be eliminated.
The sales directorate has been radically reduced, while individual divisions of the directorate have actually been liquidated, which provided work with entire groups of clients. One of RBC's interlocutors said that part of the "salesmen" bought ITAR-TASS. "This fact was even indignant in the presidential administration and asked TASS not to do this again," he said.
According to one of RBC's sources, they do not plan to hire anyone to replace the departed sales managers, vacancies are closed. In this regard, now there is no one only to look for new buyers of the agency's products, but also to work with existing ones.
As of March 2014, RIA Novosti produces more than 110 news feeds, almost half of which are from Prime, a subsidiary economic news agency. The latter in the new structure will not be with a high probability, and the rest of the tapes will be reduced as much as possible. According to RIA employees, the new management gives priority in the internal coverage of ITAR-TASS events and is aimed at not duplicating it.
Traffic on Internet resources will inevitably decrease, another RBC source in RIA believes. "RIA Novosti partially bought traffic on the side. Now financing of these expenses is not planned, "he explained. In addition, the agency's division, which was responsible for online promotion and work in social networks, was practically liquidated, almost all employees quit. Therefore, partnerships with other resources are also questionable, and they provided about a third of all traffic on the main site ria.ru.
Revenue cuts can only be balanced at this scale by cost savings on laid-off employees. However, Russia Today plans to increase the international corset, RIA Novosti itself reported on March 6, citing editor-in-chief Irakli Gachicheladze. The structure of the new agency, Gachicheladze promised, is about to appear, literally next week. So far, the fate of a number of units and projects remains unknown.
The liquidation of RIA Novosti in terms of the dismissal of employees will drag on until the summer, one of the agency's employees believes. Notifications of the reduction in connection with the liquidation in RIA began to be issued from the end of February 2014, but not all of them have received them so far, and they must notify them of dismissal by law in two months.
According to one of the RIA Novosti employees, a certain clarity has appeared regarding the R-Sport agency, which also expects large-scale reductions. After the end of the Olympics, such a large amount of sports information is no longer needed, only the World Cup is expected from major events in the near future, the coverage of which will definitely not require so much effort, he explains.
According to the agency of legal and judicial information RAPSI, the discussion continues until now, the employees were not officially notified of anything. This agency, like Prime, may not be in the new structure, as indirectly evidenced by the decision to liquidate the Joint News Office (ORN). Instead, the main information directorate will be recreated, on the basis of which ORN arose in 2007. "It existed earlier, then the editors began to enlarge, other projects arose, and ORN appeared," explains the source of RBC.
The Rossiya Segodnya agency will be located at 4 Zubovsky Blvd, where RIA Novosti was located before. It inherits foreign offices of RIA Novosti, as well as the state radio station "Voice of Russia."
2013: Putin's decree on the liquidation of RIA Novosti. Kiselev replaces Mironyuk at the head of the agency
In 2013, RIA Novosti's policy of informational support for opposition rallies on Bolotnaya Square was declared unacceptable. Later, the head of the agency, Svetlana Mironyuk, was also blamed for the fact that at that time she in practice moved to live in Spain, where she has real estate, and did not respond to calls from the Presidential Administration to adjust the emphasis in the information policy of the state media, which led to a conflict with Alexei Gromov, first deputy head of the administration. Prior to that, the latter turned a blind eye to the agency's internal political U-turn, although the key task of RIA was to work in the foreign policy direction. It was implied that TASS was supposed to deal with the internal agenda. According to Vadim Gorshenin, head of the Правда.ру holding, Mironyuk "frankly failed international problems - there was a time when the English-language version of the Правды.ру bypassed the English-language version of RIA in traffic with a difference in invested budgets of dozens, if not hundreds of times."
In December 2013, President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the liquidation of the RIA Novosti news agency. The text of the document on December 9 was published on the official website of the head of state. The head of the agency, Svetlana Mironyuk, left this organization.
On the basis of RIA Novosti, the "International News Agency"Russia today "" was created. Dmitry Konstantinovich Kiselev, the host of the Russia 1 TV channel, has been appointed general director of the new agency. According to the decree, the director general "Russia today" is appointed and dismissed by the president.
As follows from the document published by the Kremlin, the main focus of Russia Today will be coverage abroad of the state policy of the Russian Federation and Russian public life.
In addition, the decree liquidates the broadcasting company "Voice of Russia." All property of the radio station is transferred to a new international news agency. The reorganization of Rossiyskaya Gazeta will also be carried out. The Rodina magazine will be attached to it.
Before its liquidation, RIA Novosti was one of the largest media holdings in Russia. In addition to the agency of the same name, the holding included:
- economic information agency "Prime,"
- specialized in news science and technology RIA Nauka,
- legal and judicial information agency RAPSI,
- sports news agency "R-Sport," as well as
- publishing house "Moscow News."
On the Internet, the holding was presented with 40 information resources in 22 languages.
2011: Takeover of Prime-TASS
- In April 2011, Irina Kedrovskaya, head of Internet projects at RIA Novosti, noted that by switching to a multimedia format on the Internet, the media will have to solve a number of new problems. "We started creating multimedia content four years ago. And faced with the fact that we can present all this material only on our website. Now we are faced with the task of redistributing our information flows in such a way that users can consume our multimedia content on any platform, "Kedrovskaya said.
- In the spring of 2011, the economic news agency Prime-TASS was bought out by the autonomous non-profit organization English-language newspaper Novosti Moskvy, which is part of the RIA Novosti holding. 65 percent of the publication's shares were acquired. Later, the name was changed to "PRIME" and it was integrated with the editorial board of RIA Novosti. The private news agency PRIME was founded under this name in 1993. In 1996, the PRIME-TASS economic agency was created on the basis of PRIME, 35 percent of which belonged to ITAR-TASS.
- Since September 22, 2011, more than two dozen regional bureaus of IA Prime have ceased to exist. About this "Marker.ru" said a source in the news agency. On Thursday, September 22, all regional correspondents received a letter from the Moscow edition without seals by e-mail, notifying them of the severance of labor relations. "Ladies and gentlemen! From today we were disconnected from the RIA Novosti system. On this, the glorious regional edition of Prime ceased to exist, "the message read. Correspondents who lost their jobs were promised to send their fees on October 12-14.
According to a Marker.ru source in the editorial office of the news agency, the decision to close the regional corset was made by the leadership of RIA Novosti. They decided to abolish the bureau in the regions, since RIA has its own network of correspondents in Russian cities, now these employees will write for Prime. "One of the regional journalists of Prime was transferred to RIA, but these are units. Everyone else is fired, "the source said. It is known that the editor of the regional corset Boris Polukhin retained his place in Prime.
Collage © Eduard Katykhin, "Marker.ru"
The RIA claims that the layoffs will not affect most of the regional corset. "Most of the correspondents of the regional network of Prime go to work in the correspondent network of RIA, and the head of the regional network of Prime becomes the first deputy head of the regional editorial office of RIA," Maxim Filimonov, first deputy editor-in-chief of RIA Novosti, told Marker.ru. The Prime network merges with the RIA Novosti network, since the corset in the regions is a service unit in relation to all units included in the RIA group. The combined regional network of RIA Novosti, including correspondents from both RIA and PRIME, will work not only for the needs of both agencies. The same will happen with the international network, which will work for all units of the group, "he notes.
Since April 2004, the official name is the Federal State Unitary Enterprise of the Russian Agency for International Information RIA Novosti.
1996: First banners on the site
In June 1996, the first banner advertisement was posted on the Sovinformburo website. The story did not keep the name of the customer, but the placement price is known - $200 per month of the banner on the site.
1993: RIA Novosti
After the collapse of the USSR and the subsequent transformations following this event, the APN became known as the Russian News Agency Novosti. Since 1993, RIA Novosti has acquired the status of a state information and analytical agency.
1961: APN
The Novosti Press Agency (APN) is a Soviet news agency formed in 1961 on the basis of the Sovinformburo. She became the leading information and journalistic body of Soviet public organizations.
1941: Sovinformburo
The Sovinformburo, created on the third day after the attack of Nazi Germany on the Soviet Union in June 1941, simultaneously solved several tasks - compiled and published reports from the front for the Soviet press, and also reported abroad about the events that took place in the USSR, coordinated work with foreign journalists.
Gradually, the main focus of the Sovinformburo was work on foreign countries. There was a war, the country needed the support of the Allies - financial, military and moral support. It was journalists who helped diplomats and politicians get it. Through 1171 newspapers, 523 magazines and 18 radio stations in 23 countries of the world, Soviet embassies abroad, friendship societies, various public organizations, readers and listeners learned about the struggle of the Soviet people against fascism.