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Revenue and Net Profit millions Ths. rub




+ Rosselkhozbank (RSHB)
+ Government of the Russian Federation

Rosselkhozbank JSC is the basis of the national credit and financial system for servicing the agro-industrial complex of Russia. Created in 2000, today the bank is the country's largest creditor to the agro-industrial complex, ranks fourth in the Russian banking system in terms of assets, and is one of the leaders in the reliability rating of the largest Russian banks. The state owns 100% of the bank's shares.

Rosselkhozbank provides its customers with services for issuing and servicing payment cards of international payment systems VISA Int. и MasterCard WorldWide. To this end, the bank has its own processing center that serves transactions made by more than a million valid payment cards issued by the bank, 2500 ATMs and more than 3000 POS terminals.

Performance indicators

2024: Net profit growth of 25% to ₽39,8 billion

Rosselkhozbank JSC published its financial statements for 2024 on March 19, 2025. According to the data presented, the bank's net profit increased by 25% compared to 2023 and amounted to ₽39,8 billion.

According to Rosselkhozbank, in 2024 the organization fully fulfilled the task of financing the agro-industrial complex. The issuance of soft loans to the agro-industrial complex by the Rosselkhozbank exceeded the level of 2023 by 30% and amounted to ₽732,3 billion. The loan portfolio of the agro-industrial complex in 2024 increased by 15.6% and exceeded ₽2,47 trillion.

Rosselkhozbank increased its annual net profit by 25% to ₽39,8 billion

Chairman of the Board of Rosselkhozbank Boris Listov noted that "the President of Russia 25 years ago instructed to form a national credit and financial system for servicing commodity producers in the field of the agro-industrial complex. Today we can safely say that this system has been created and is functioning successfully. For a quarter of a century, the RSHB sent more than 17 trillion rubles to the agro-industrial complex, financing 6 thousand investment projects. "

Against the background of the growth of the loan portfolio, the bank managed to maintain a high level of its quality. The reporting recorded a decrease in the level of overdue debt - from 3.1% to 2.2%, and the Cost of Risk (cost of risk) in 2024 amounted to 0.8% against 1.2% in 2023.

The Bank also ensured the necessary volume and diversification of the resource base by sources and terms. According to the results of 2024, deposits and balances on the accounts of Rosselkhozbank customers increased by ₽465,7 billion (+ 12.7%) and amounted to ₽4,119 trillion. The funds of legal entities increased by ₽225,5 billion (+ 13.1%) and amounted to ₽1,949 trillion. Deposits and current accounts of the population increased by ₽240,1 billion (+ 12.4%) to ₽2,171 trillion.

The Rosselkhozbank Group continued to increase operating revenues, increasing revenues from interest and commission operations, as well as return on capital and assets, compared to 2023.[1]

2023: Profit growth 4.3 times to 31.85 billion rubles

At the end of 2023, Rosselkhozbank received a net profit of 31.85 billion rubles, which is a record value. This is 4.3 times more compared to the result for 2022, when the figure was 7.36 billion rubles. Profit before tax on an annualized basis increased from 15.88 billion rubles to 40.98 billion rubles. The corresponding figures are reflected in the financial statement published on March 19, 2024.

Net interest income of the bank in 2023 was recorded at 129.22 billion rubles. For comparison: a year earlier they amounted to 73.58 billion rubles. Thus, an increase of about 76% was recorded. Net commission income in 2023 decreased by 6% - to 21.64 billion rubles against 23.15 billion rubles in 2022.

Rosselkhozbank received a net profit of 31.85 billion rubles

Rosselkhozbank's expenses on credit losses in 2023 amounted to 47.06 billion rubles against 42.03 billion rubles a year earlier. The cost of risk remained at the level of 2022 - 1.2%. The bank's loan portfolio before provisions at the end of 2023 amounted to 3.67 trillion rubles against 3.39 trillion rubles a year earlier, which corresponds to an increase of approximately 9%. Loans to legal entities amounted to 3.1 trillion rubles, individuals - 567.27 billion rubles.

In 2023, customer funds increased by 8.6% - to 3.65 trillion rubles. A year earlier, this figure was 3.36 trillion rubles. Deposits and accounts of the population increased by 16.1%, reaching 1.93 trillion rubles. Funds of legal entities (including state authorities) increased by 1.4% and amounted to 1.72 trillion rubles. As of December 31, 2023, customer funds in the amount of 14.43 billion rubles were obligations to foreign holders of subordinated bonds of the group, which are placed in correspondent accounts of type "C" for subsequent transfer to owners of securities that are foreign creditors.[2]

2022: Profit reduction by 4.4 times to 5 billion rubles

The net profit of Rosselkhozbank under IFRS in 2022 amounted to 5 billion rubles against 22.2 billion rubles in 2021. Thus, profit decreased 4.4 times, as evidenced by the data of the credit institution, disclosed in early April 2023.

The loan portfolio of legal entities in 2022 increased by 13.2% (+ 329 billion rubles) to 2.824 trillion rubles. The retail loan portfolio decreased by 26.3 billion rubles (-4.3%) and amounted to 589.5 billion rubles, which was due to a decrease in demand for loans from the population (in particular, mortgage loans) during the period of high interest rates and the bank's high requirements for portfolio quality. In general, the loan portfolio of Rosselkhozbank (before provisions) during 2022 increased by 9.7% (+ 302.7 billion rubles) and amounted to 3.413 trillion rubles. The issuance of loans at a preferential rate in the agro-industrial complex segment amounted to 716 billion rubles in 2022, which is 129 billion rubles (22%) more than in 2021.

Net profit of Rosselkhozbank under IFRS in 2022 amounted to 5 billion rubles

Net interest income in 2022 amounted to 82.4 billion rubles, the volume of net commission income amounted to 25.7 billion rubles. The net interest margin of Rosselkhozbank amounted to 1.9% and decreased compared to 2021 (against 2.5%) due to an increase in the cost of funds raised amid an increase in the interest rate. In the second half of 2022, there was an increase in interest margin as rates stabilized in the market. The ratio of expenses to net operating income before provision creation (Cost/Income) was 56% at December 31, 2022.

The group's equity capital (according to IFRS) as of December 31, 2022 amounted to 288.6 billion rubles, an increase of 5.1% over the year, including due to the additional capitalization of the bank at the end of 2022 in the amount of 17.6 billion rubles in order to support agricultural producers and increase the volume of financing for exporters of agricultural products.[3]

Digitalization in Rosselkhozbank



A resident of Tver stole ₽1,16 billion rubles and received 6 years in prison

The Central District Court of Tver sentenced a 66-year-old local resident to six years in prison in a general regime colony for fraud with credit funds of Rosselkhozbank in the amount of more than ₽1,16 billion. The decision was made in November 2024.

According to Rossiyskaya Gazeta, the criminal case was initiated based on operational materials from the FSB Office of Russia in the Tver Region. The investigation was carried out by the regional department of the Investigative Committee.

A resident of Tver received 6 years in prison for embezzlement of ₽1,16 billion rubles from Rosselkhozbank

In the course of investigative actions and operational-search measures, law enforcement agencies established the fact of theft of credit funds of the Tver regional branch of Rosselkhozbank JSC. The crime was qualified under the article "Fraud" of the Criminal Code of Russia.

The court found the evidence gathered sufficient for a conviction. In addition to imprisonment, the convict was fined ₽800 thousand.

The case was solved as a result of the joint work of the territorial units of the FSB and the Investigative Committee of Russia. Law enforcement agencies established a complete scheme for embezzlement of funds and collected the necessary evidence of criminal activity.

The verdict has not entered into legal force and can be appealed in the manner prescribed by law.

The funds were stolen from the Tver regional branch of Rosselkhozbank JSC, which is one of the largest credit institutions in the region.[4]

600 diamonds and rubies were arrested from the ex-head of the Dagestan branch of Rosselkhozbank, accused of stealing billions of rubles

As part of the criminal case, the ex-head of the Dagestan branch of the Rosselkhozbank Gitinomagomed Gadzhimagomedov arrested jewelry containing more than 600 diamonds and rubies. Kommersant announced this in early October 2024. Read more here.

Closing offices in Kazakhstan, Belarus and Armenia after 10 years of work

Rosselkhozbank (RSHB) closed its representative offices in Kazakhstan, Belarus and Armenia, which functioned for more than ten years. This became known on June 27, 2024 from data published by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

According to Kommersant, since the beginning of 2024, RSHB, which is a supporting bank for the agro-industrial sector of Russia, has ceased operations of three of its four foreign missions. All closed offices were located in the CIS countries.

Rosselkhozbank closed offices in Kazakhstan, Belarus and Armenia after 10 years of work

According to the publication, representatives of the RSHB commented only on the closure of offices in Armenia and Belarus. According to their statement, this decision is associated with the centralization of the function of interaction with the EAEU countries on the basis of the head office of the bank.

Yuri Belikov, Managing Director of the Expert RA rating agency, notes that decisions to close representative offices may have subjective motivation. This is due to the fact that such offices are not profit generation centers, and their effectiveness is assessed on indirect grounds.

According to the newspaper, experts believe that Russian banks often do not need to attract many new market customers from the CIS countries. Such an attraction has limited potential and can be quite costly.

According to Kommersant, despite the closure of offices in the near abroad, RSHB retains its representative office in Beijing. The Bank explains this by significant volumes of supplies of products of the domestic agricultural sector to China.

According to the Agroexport review, in 2023, the trade turnover of agricultural products between Russia and China increased by a third, reaching $11.1 billion. This emphasizes the importance of maintaining the representation of the RSHB in China to support Russian agro-industrial exports.[5]


Purchase of 13.3 thousand square meters. m of offices in Moscow City for billions of rubles

In mid-July 2023, it became known that Rosselkhozbank (RSHB) bought 13,396 square meters. m in the office complex "Eye II," located in the business center "Moscow City." The deal is closed.

The purchase of this office could cost the bank about 7-8 billion rubles excluding VAT, suggested Dmitry Antonov, director of the sales and acquisitions department at Ricci|Offices, in a conversation with Vedomosti. Ekaterina Belova, head of the office space department at IBC Real Estate, speaks of 500-600 thousand rubles per 1 square meter - 6.7-8 billion rubles for the entire area.

Rosselkhozbank (RSHB) bought 13,396 sq. m in the office complex "OKO II"

Consultants interviewed by the newspaper note that previously these areas in "Eye II" were occupied by units Yandex"." Why Yandex decided to release them is not known. Vedomosti's request to the company remained unanswered, according to the publication of the publication.

RSHB, according to the interlocutors of the publication, by July 2023 already has a large office in Moscow City in the IQ-quarter complex, which occupies more than 40,000 square meters. In addition, in 2017, RSHB bought the Incom City business center for 10 thousand square meters. He also has an office on Profsoyuznaya Street.

Since the beginning of 2023, there has been an increase in business activity in the Moscow office market: transactions are concluded by companies that previously held a wait-and-see position, says Remain CEO Dmitry Klapsha. The implementation of deferred demand was also noticed by Elena Medushevskaya, deputy director of the Nikoliers office real estate department, calling state-owned companies, departments, IT and the industrial sector active.

The demand for the purchase of high-class offices has not changed compared to the end of 2022, which can already be considered a positive signal, "Coldy commercial director Vasily Kvlividze told Kommersant.[6]

The raider robbed a bank branch in Yekaterinburg for 5 million rubles

In Yekaterinburg, in May 2023, they are looking for a raider who took 5 million rubles from the cashier of Rosselkhozbank. He met the cashier, put a pistol to her head and ordered him to lead him to the safe. After that, the offender calmly retired. The bank was guarded by the private security company "Bear," but its employees arrived only an hour after the alarm button was pressed.

The head of the Tomsk branch was convicted of bribes

In 2016 and 2017, the head of the Tomsk branch of Rosselkhozbank Igor Shelevoy received a bribe from entrepreneurs of 3.7 million rubles, $50 thousand and Toyota Camry for concluding two amicable agreements under a loan agreement. Earlier, Shelevoy approved a credit line of up to 100 million rubles, knowing about no return.

Later, these entrepreneurs went into power: Alexander Tereshchenko became the head of the Tomsk region, Sergey Ageev - a deputy of the Tomsk Duma. Deputies fell under criminal cases for embezzlement and fraud. Shelevoy pleaded guilty and received 1 year probation for "abuse of office."


Disconnection from SWIFT amid conflict in Ukraine

On June 2, 2022, the European Union disconnected from SWIFT - Sberbank, ICD and Rosselkhozbank. The decision was made within the framework of the sixth package of EU sanctions against the background of Russia's special operation in Ukraine.

Bank employee sentenced to 3 years for bribes from credited citizens

The Voronezh court in February 2022 ruled against the chief economist of Rosselkhozbank, 37-year-old Maxim Prokhorenko. He was found guilty of taking four bribes and fraud using his official position. The court gave him three years in a general regime colony.

Prokhorenko was responsible for working with problem debts of individuals. People weighed down by debt appealed to him to conclude a settlement agreement with the bank in court. The chief economist promised all sorts of assistance and demanded money for it.

The investigation counted four such episodes between June 2017 and 2018. Prokhorenko received from 60 to 100 thousand rubles. In total, he "fraudulently caused damage to the victims" in the amount of more than 300 thousand rubles.


The head of the department in Voronezh received 4.5 years probation for extorting a bribe in exchange for a loan

In November 2021, the Voronezh court issued a suspended sentence to Sergei Rodyushkin, head of the small and micro-business department of the Rosselkhozbank. He was detained in May 2020 in a criminal case on receiving a bribe on an especially large scale. In 2016, the businessman applied to the RSHB for loans worth 155 million rubles. For approval of the application for loans, Rodyushkin requested 1.4 million rubles. After the money was transferred, the bank opened credit lines.

During his arrest, Rodyushkin did not deny that he took the money. But he claimed that he received only 500 thousand rubles. Rodyushkin faced up to 15 years for taking a bribe, but in the end the defense managed to retrain the case under a milder article - fraud using his official position. The court appointed only 4.5 years probation.

The government will capitalize Rosselkhozbank for 10 billion rubles

Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree approving the additional capitalization of Rosselkhozbank for 10 billion rubles. The press service of the Government of the Russian Federation announced this on September 17, 2021.

This decision will allow the bank to increase the volume of loans issued, including within the framework of preferential programs providing for subsidizing the interest rate.

The government will capitalize Rosselkhozbank for 10 billion rubles
It will become easier for Russian exporters of agricultural products to attract financing thanks to the direction of additional budget funds for lending to the agricultural sector, the press release said.

It is also noted that the decision on budget investments in the amount of 10 billion rubles will help bring the volume of lending to agricultural exporters in 2021 to 196.8 billion rubles, which in turn will serve to fulfill the goals of the federal project "Export of agricultural products."

Earlier, the Ministry of Agriculture, due to the large volume of obligations, decided to tighten the conditions for issuing preferential investment loans. The ministry proposed to reduce the amount of subsidizing the interest rate on such loans from the current 90-100% to 80%. Participants in the agricultural market are confident that the initiative will violate the economic models of enterprises and threaten to increase food prices.

In 2020, Rosselkhozbank increased lending to the agro-industrial complex by 24%, to more than 1.6 trillion rubles. The highest growth rates in lending volumes were shown by the small and medium-sized businesses segment. Last year, almost every fifth ruble issued by the bank to agricultural enterprises was used to finance borrowers in this sector.

By September 2021, Rosselkhozbank is fully owned by the state. According to the results of the second quarter of 2021, Rosselkhozbank took 5th place in terms of assets in the Interfax-100 ranking prepared by Interfax-CEA[7]


Bank employee convicted of stealing client's deposit

In July 2021, the Leninsky District Court of Saransk sentenced 37-year-old Rosselkhozbank employee Natalya Tarasova for stealing a deposit. She worked as a senior manager of Rosselkhozbank. In 2019, she stole the deposit of one of the bank's clients and transferred to herself 750 thousand rubles from the bank account of the citizen's bank client to her current account, as well as on the issuance of cash from the current account.

Cashier Tarasova said that she is a relative of the client and the money needs to be urgently cashed. During the trial, the woman fully admitted her guilt and repented of her deed.

As a result, the court sentenced Tarasova to two years in a general regime colony. However, she will go to serve her sentence when her child is 14 years old - in 2029.

A fine of 76 thousand rubles for a hidden commission when issuing a loan

In early December 2020, a court in Yekaterinburg recovered 76 thousand rubles from Rosselkhozbank, which Galina, a resident of the city of Rezh, Petrovykh as a commission for early repayment of the loan. This amount was taken by the credit institution from the plaintiff for connection to the collective insurance contract. At the same time, the amount of insurance was half the commission - 33 thousand rubles.

The woman took out a loan at the end of 2019 for five years and repaid it in a few months. After that, she asked the bank to return the overpaid insurance premium for an unused period of time in the amount of 106 thousand rubles, but the credit institution refused to return the money.

The court fined Rosselkhozbank for a hidden commission when issuing a loan

Lawyer Anton Kudryakov, who represented her interests, explained that formally the bank has the right to take a commission for services, but in this case the disproportionate amount of insurance and commission was recognized as abuse. Another argument in favor of the plaintiff was that information about the amount of the commission was not spelled out anywhere and was not brought to the client.

Judicial practice so far proceeds from the fact that this [commission - approx. TAdviser] is a service. If it is provided, then money cannot be returned for it, even if the price... very large. Therefore, you should pay attention to the cost of the commission in the application for connection to the collective insurance program. This is a separate document from the loan agreement, as a rule, on one or two pages, "Kudryakov advised.

According to him, citizens should carefully read the contract even if the usual plastic card of the bank is issued. It was this lawsuit that was won only thanks to the inattention of the bank itself, the lawyer said. He noted that the credit institution did not enter any data into the contract: no fee for the service was written in the agreement with his client.[8]

Investigation of the embezzlement of 10.6 billion rubles in the bank

In October 2020, the Ministry of Internal Affairs is investigating a criminal case of embezzlement of 10.6 billion rubles. from Rosselkhozbank. Among the suspects are the leadership of DonBioTech and TESO-Engineering. These include ex-State Duma deputy Vadim Varshavsky, the former owner and general director of DonBioTeha, who signed a loan agreement with the bank for the construction of a plant for the production of mixed feed, amino acids and enzymes, but did not build it.

Bank cashier sentenced to 5 years in prison for embezzlement of 25 million rubles

In September 2020, in Bashkiria, the court sentenced the cashier of Rosselkhozbank Louise Khairullina, she was found guilty of embezzlement of 25 million rubles. The woman was sentenced to 5 years in a general regime colony, and her husband was 6 years old.

The story happened in May 2019, when Khairullina fled with her family, and later it turned out that she took out 9 million rubles, $140,900, dollars€101,315 from the branch of the bank in which she worked. It turns out that Khairullina took the money out of the bank not at once, but from 2017 to 2019 - then 10, then 100 thousand.

According to the investigation, the woman took money from the cash register under pressure from her husband Marat - he had a tendency to gamble, everything that Khairullin brought, he lost in an online casino.

As a result, young children are left without parents.

Evgenia Lenskaya - Deputy Chairman of the Board of Rosselkhozbank

On July 29, 2020, Rosselkhozbank announced the appointment of Evgenia Lenskaya as deputy chairman of the board of the credit institution. In this position, a native of VTB will oversee the work of marketing and communications of the bank and the group of companies. Read more here.

The court sentenced the ex-employee of Rosselkhozbank to correctional labor for disclosing these clients

On July 27, 2020, a court in Kemerovo sentenced a former employee of Rosselkhozbank to correctional labor for illegal transfer of client data. The man was found guilty under Part 1 of Art. 183 of the Criminal Code (illegal receipt and disclosure of information constituting commercial, tax or bank secrets).

According to Interfax, citing the press service of the FSB department in Kuzbass, the convict worked in the customer service department of a large business of the Kemerovo regional branch of Rosselkhozbank. He committed a crime that consisted in disclosing to third parties information constituting bank secrets, including in relation to large trading companies and industrial enterprises of Kuzbass.

While still an employee of Rosselkhozbank, he decided to quit and move to another bank. Before that, the man sent to his personal e-mail data regarding the bank's clients of the large business segment, as well as the bank's administrative and regulatory documents, which are commercial and banking secrets.

After the illegal activities of the man became known, he was fired, and he was not accepted to another bank where he planned to get a job, the FSB said. It is also noted that he was not accepted to another bank where he wanted to go.

The former chief economist of the corporate department of Rosselkhozbank was sentenced to 10 months of correctional labor with a 10% salary deduction in favor of the state.

Similar incidents in the bank have happened several times. Earlier in 2020, a criminal case was opened in Krasnodar against the head of one of the additional offices of the Krasnodar regional branch of Rosselkhozbank. He was also suspected of illegally disclosing information (data on approved loans and customer data) constituting bank secrecy.[9]

The government will allocate 10 billion rubles for the additional capitalization of the bank

In May 2020, it became known that the Government would allocate 10 billion rubles from the Reserve Fund to the Ministry of Agriculture for the additional capitalization of Rosselkhozbank.

Criminal case of the director of the branch on kickback for a loan in the amount of 255 million rubles

In February 2020, the court sentenced the former first deputy governor of the Novgorod region, Boris Vorontsov. He was sentenced to 7 years in a general regime colony and a fine of 3 million rubles.

Vorontsov in 2013 received a loan of 255 million rubles from the Rosselkhozbank for kickback using deliberately false documents, and squandered the money.

The director of the regional branch of Rosselkhozbank, Maxim Malkov, was accused by law enforcement officers of commercial bribery. According to the investigation, for the services provided to provide Vorontsov with loans worth 255 million rubles, Malkov received 4.5 million rubles from him, a Cadillac car worth 1.3 million rubles and the right to a commercial premises worth 3.4 million rubles. The court arrested the banker.

The process takes place in a special order. This procedure provides for a simplified consideration of the case, without calling witnesses, as well as a significant mitigation of punishment.

2019: Criminal case against female employee for mortgage fraud

In December 2019, a criminal case was opened against an employee of the bank under Part 4 of Art. 159 "Fraud committed on an especially large scale."

In 2014, a senior economist at Rosselkhozbank appropriated 1.5 million rubles. She had passport data, SNILS and TIN clients of the bank. A bank employee issued a mortgage for a random woman. She took the money for herself.

The court sentenced her to 1.5 years in prison in a general regime colony and a fine of 200 thousand rubles.

2015: Net loss - RUR 94.2 bln

The net loss of Rosselkhozbank in 2015 increased to 94.2 billion rubles. from 47.9 billion rubles. in 2014, according to the published reporting of the RSHB under IFRS. The increase in losses was due to a sharp decrease in net interest income, which in 2015 decreased by 2.5 times and amounted to 23.9 billion rubles. In addition, RSHB increased the cost of forming reserves (90.4 billion rubles).

The RSHB in its press release to the reporting points to the high cost of financial resources amid a shortage of available funding sources. Since July 2014, the bank has been under sectoral sanctions USA and cannot attract funding in Western markets. In 2015, RSHB actively attracted customer funds, which grew by 56.7% over the year, to 1.19 trillion rubles. At the same time, citizens entrusted the Rosselkhozbank with 486.5 billion rubles. In 2014, the government decided to spend 25 billion rubles. to increase the capital of the bank, and in 2015 the bank increased its capital by 78.8 billion rubles. at the expense of funds. DIA The bank raised additional capital by placing subordinated bonds and deposits in the amount of 40 billion rubles. and $1.15 billion, respectively.

According to reports, in 2015 RSHB managed to increase commission income, which increased by 37.5%, to 12.1 billion rubles. "The main drivers of the growth of commission income were settlement and cash operations, the sale of insurance products, operations to provide guarantees," the bank said in a statement.

Rosselkhozbank's expenses on remuneration to management personnel decreased by 25% - from 328 million rubles. in 2014 to 246 million rubles. in 2015 These expenses include payments to members of the supervisory board, management board and chief accountant.

The bank's total loan portfolio for the year increased from 1.41 to 1.62 trillion rubles. Lending agriculture in the RSHB portfolio accounts for 53% (948.9 billion rubles). The volume of problem loans in the RSHB portfolio last year increased by 23%, to 254.7 billion rubles, and the share of loans overdue over 90 days increased from 13.3 to 14.1%. The share of loans overdue for more than a year increased the most.
