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ContentCapture (ранее Content AI FlexiCapture)

Developers: Content AI
Last Release Date: 2024/07/25
Technology: EDMS - Streaming Recognition Systems


ContentCapture (formerly FlexiCapture) is a universal platform for intelligent processing of information from any type of documents: scanned papers, photos, electronic documents, texts of letters and attachments. The solution recognizes, classifies documents, extracts data, checks its correctness and transmits it to corporate information systems. With ContentCapture, you can speed up and simplify any workflow-related processes.

ContentCapture is equipped with tools that allow you to flexibly integrate the streaming process into the current activities of the company, which greatly simplifies the exchange of data within the organization.

Solutions can be integrated with different information systems, such as ECM, CRM, RPA, ABS, etc.

2025: ContentCapture v14.7 compatibility with Tantor Special Edition 16.6.2

Content AI and Astra Group on March 14, 2025 announced the compatibility of the ContentCapture IDP platform version 14.7 and DBMSantor Special Edition 16.6.2, which is being developed by Tantor Labs (part of Astra Group). During the tests provided for by the Ready for Astra technological partnership program, vendor experts made sure that the software stack was working and issued a corresponding certificate.

The use of ContentCapture together with Tantor DBMS expands the capabilities of customers from a variety of sectors of the economy, including the public sector, in building their IT landscapes.

The ContentCapture platform, like other solutions of our company, is compatible with key domestic operating systems. We also focus on adapting products to interact with other critical elements of our customers' IT infrastructure, including database management systems. Confirming the compatibility of ContentCapture and the Tantor DBMS is an important stage in this work, "said Svetlana Dergacheva, CEO of Content AI.

Fast and unmistakable processing of source documents is necessary for any enterprise. The larger the company, the more financial transactions it carries out, and the more time and resources it takes to process invoices, certificates, consignment notes and other documents. ContentCapture products and Tantor DBMS guarantee a quick reaction when working with large datasets, not inferior in time and functionality to similar foreign solutions, "added Vadim Yatsenko, CEO of Tantor Labs (part of Astra Group).


Compatibility with Documento

ID Management Technologies"" Content AI and confirmed the compatibility of the ECM platform Documino with the ContentCapture IDP platform. Content AI announced this on September 3, 2024. More. here

Red OS Compatibility

Content AI has confirmed that a cross-platform ContentCapture solution is now available to Red OS users to automatically process information from any type of document. Red Soft announced this on August 20, 2024.

The companies conducted comprehensive testing that confirms the correctness and operability of all components of the ContentCapture IDP platform in the RED OS operating system environment. As a result of testing, the companies signed a certificate of product compatibility.

By signing the ContentCapture compatibility certificate with RED OS, we have completed the task of confirming the operability of all our flagship products with one of the leading domestic operating systems. We have previously tested the ContentReader PDF editor and the Content AI Intelligent Search solution successfully. All products demonstrated stability and unmistakable functioning in the RED OS environment. Therefore, users of this operating system can embed them in their IT landscape without any concerns, "said Svetlana Dergacheva, CEO of Content AI.

Among our customers are organizations whose activities are closely related to document management. We are pleased to offer customers more compatible solutions aimed at automating and speeding up processes related to routine tasks. Every year the processes are accelerating more and more, so the presence of such a tool as ContentCapture, a useful practice for the organization, "added Rustam Rustamov, Deputy General Director of RED SOFT.

Compatibility with DocTrix

Content AI and i-Sys have agreed on technological cooperation that will help Russian customers improve the efficiency of managing document-oriented business processes. Content AI announced this on August 5, 2024.

The companies have successfully tested the collaboration of the automation platform business processes DocTrix and the flagship IDP solutions (IDP, Intellectual Document Processing) Content AI - ContentReader Server and ContentCapture. More here.

ContentCapture 14.2 with Machine Learning Recognition

Content AI continues to expand the functionality of its products with artificial intelligence.

The company released the ContentCapture 14.2 IDP platform with an improved tool for adding new document types. Starting with this version, training in recognizing new types of documents that the user plans to work with is based on machine learning technologies. The developer announced this on July 25, 2024.

Now it is enough to show the system several examples of documents and mark up the fields necessary for extracting them. Further, ContentCapture will be able to automatically process similar files by extracting data from the previously specified fields. This functionality is available for both Windows and Linux.

The convenience of adding new types of documents will speed up the configuration of the complex and greatly simplify work with the platform, since customers will be able to do this on their own without contacting the vendor and without attracting expensive specialists, "said Svetlana Dergacheva, CEO of Content AI. - Developing ContentCapture, we think not only about fundamentally new functions, but also take into account the personal experience of employees interacting with the system. Great attention is paid to factors such as the ease of "entering" the product of new users and the convenience of performing various operations.

Machine learning and neural network-based technologies offer ample opportunities to improve products. We choose only such solutions that really work and are of the greatest practical benefit to our customers, "added Ivan Volkov, Content AI Product Director.

The ContentCapture IDP platform is designed to automate the processing of information from any type of document: scanned papers, photos, electronic documents, texts of letters and attachments. The decision is in demand by large companies from various areas of business and state organizations that receive a large flow of documents on a daily basis. ContentCapture recognizes, classifies documents, extracts data, checks its correctness, and transfers it to corporate information systems.

At the same time, in this product release, the Content AI development team managed to qualitatively optimize the technology for recognizing Russian handwritten text. For this, neural networks were involved. ContentCapture has learned to recognize handwriting in full-text format and in documents with multiline fields. The system has become better at reading complex handwriting and, in general, has increased the quality of recognition by 5%. In addition, version 14.2 introduced support for recognizing printed and handwritten text in one field, which allows you to process documents containing such types of text, for example, passports, in a single stream. The system also learned to recognize handwritten words containing letters and numbers - part articles or car numbers.

The ContentCapture IDP platform is included in the register of Russian software, runs on domestic operating systems and on Windows. Suitable for import substitution ABBYY FlexiCapture, Kofax Capture, IBM Datacap.

Compatibility of ContentCapture 14.2 with Platform V SberLinux OS Server

Sber Tech and Content AI on July 23, 2024 announced the compatibility of their products: a universal platform for recognizing and extracting data from documents using artificial intelligence ContentCapture and a server-based operational system Platform V SberLinux OS Server.

The companies conducted two-way testing, which confirmed that ContentCapture 14.2 is correctly installed and retains full functionality when working on Platform V SberLinux OS Server. This means that on the basis of the products of Russian developers Content AI and Sber Tech, a business can build a reliable and import-independent technological stack to increase the efficiency of working with documents.

{{quote 'author=said Maxim Tyatyushev, CEO of Sber Tech. | Platform V SberLinux OS Server was created taking into account the needs of a large business to accommodate highly loaded distributed systems of a high level of criticality. It enables our customers to use affordable and easy-to-maintain servers, as well as advanced technology solutions such as Content AI products,}}

{{quote 'author=noted Svetlana Dergacheva, CEO of Content AI. | Sber Tech 's Platform V digital cloud platform product ecosystem is actively developing today, and we are excited to establish partnerships. In the context of import substitution and the formation of domestic IT sovereignty, cooperation between technology companies is extremely important. By testing products and confirming their compatibility, we guarantee the reliability, security, sustainability of the software with which our customers can effectively solve their problems,}}

Obtaining the status of an AI product in the register of domestic software

Content AI IDP-platform ContentCapture and multifunctional editor ContentReader PDF received the status of software products related to the field of artificial intelligence. A record of this appeared on the pages of solutions in the register of Russian programs for electronic computers and databases. The developer announced this on July 10, 2024. Read more here.

ContentCapture 14 compatibility with Astra Linux Special Edition 1.7

Content AI and the Astra Group on April 25, 2024 announced the compatibility of their products: ContentCapture 14 and the protected OCAstra Linux Special Edition 1.7.

Based on the results of comprehensive testing, the companies signed a certificate confirming the correctness of the joint operation of Astra Linux Special Edition and ContentCapture 14, a cross-platform version of the solution for intelligent document processing.

Certification of software from Content AI will be significant news for the market, since Russian organizations have been using automated processing of documents and data for more than a dozen years, and now the vendor officially guarantees the correctness of ContentCapture under Astra Linux. This gives our customers confidence that they can successfully use technologies that are independent of foreign developers and maintain the continuity of business processes. We are very pleased that our colleagues from Content AI share our position on the need to ensure full compatibility of products, and are confident that as a result of further cooperation, end users will always have access to the most modern versions of our software that work correctly within the same IT infrastructure, "said Alexey Trubochev, Director of Support Department" Astra Group. "


Availability on Linux in a Network Use Case

Content AI released an updated cross-platform version of its flagship product ContentCapture 14 on November 27, 2023.

In this release, the platform for extracting data and streaming information from any type of documents has become available on Linux in a network use case that allows you to use the power of several servers to process a large number of documents. The network installation is designed for large projects that require tens and hundreds of thousands of pages to be processed daily. By migrating to a cross-platform technology stack, the product provides the same functionality, regardless of the operating system used.

The hybrid installation option is also supported, when only the server part migrates to Linux during import substitution at the first stage, and the workstations remain on Windows. This will allow you to migrate as comfortably as possible for users.

In 2023, the focus of the Content team AI is focused on adapting key products, including ContentCapture for Linux, "said Ivan Volkov, CTO of the company. - In the process of implementing the task, we focused on the best practices for creating a cross-platform one. ON It is important that our solutions keep the properties of Windows versions familiar to users, and at the same time be compatible with domestic operating systems, such as, and Astra Linux. OS Alt RED OS The server side of the solution is packaged in - and dockercontainers ready to run both on individual Linux machines and as part of a docker cluster.

ContentCapture is designed for companies that process large streams of incoming electronic and paper documentation on a daily basis. The platform allows you to automate the processing of information extracted from scanned papers, photos, electronic documents. The solution recognizes, classifies documents, extracts data, checks its correctness and transmits it to corporate information systems.

ContentCapture is included in the register of domestic software and can replace the products of Western vendors - ABBYY FlexiCapture, Kofax Capture, IBM Datacap.

Content AI products are based on some of the world's best technologies for intelligent data recognition and natural language processing. Today it is important for us to adapt them to the needs of Russian customers, so the company is engaged in the release of solutions for Linux and their compatibility with domestic operating systems. We work in close conjunction with representatives of various business sectors and together find optimal solutions to the tasks of replacing foreign software, - explained Svetlana Dergacheva, CEO of Content AI.

In 2024, Content AI also plans to release a number of important ContentCapture functional updates related to improving product usability and simplifying core operations.

Update with Russian Handwriting Recognition

The Russian handwriting recognition function has appeared in the updated version of the ContentCapture intelligent information processing platform. The updated release of its flagship product on July 17, 2023 was presented by the Russian developer of Content AI AI solutions.


As reported, a program with updated functionality is able to recognize fields filled by hand in Russian with optimal accuracy in documents. Previously, ContentCapture could only recognize hand-to-hand text, where each letter was written in individual fields of the form being filled in, for example, a questionnaire or survey. In this release, these features are combined: the system automatically determines how the text is written and recognizes characters.

An important technological change is the ability to recognize italics, that is, phrases written without separating the pen from the paper. This is one of the most difficult tasks that OCR editors have previously dealt with less successfully. In addition, the release significantly optimizes the quality of recognition of handwritten English text.

testings The updated ContentCapture functionality confirmed the accuracy of recognition data in documents of a certain type in the range of 85-95%: we are talking about passports and other identity documents, test forms, memos prepared in a free style.

The quality of recognition within the framework of this task strongly depends on the legibility of the handwriting and the type of document. In internal tests, we focused on the best technology samples available on the Russian market. For a number of scenarios, Russian handwriting recognition in ContentCapture demonstrates the optimal performance among all tested products. We are ready to individually train and configure the system for more accurate processing of a specific, even the rarest, type of document, if customers have such a need.

clarified Ivan Volkov, CTO of Content AI

Scenarios for the use of handwriting recognition technology are in demand in various areas in which work is carried out with documents filled by hand, for example, in financial institutions and government agencies. Dozens and hundreds of documents with elements of handwritten text - passports, certificates, questionnaires, applications - pass through the specialists of these departments every day. Data entry into information systems is often done manually. Automatic processing and recognition not only greatly optimizes the speed of employees, but also reduces the number of errors that can be made when manually transferring data.

noted Svetlana Dergacheva, CEO of Content AI

The technology for recognizing Russian handwritten text is based on Content AI's own developments in the field of neural networks. Modern techniques were first used to implement this functionality. In the current release, Russian handwriting recognition is available in the Windows version of ContentCapture . By the end of 2023, it is planned to release a cross-platform version with the ability to use on Linux-based operating systems.

Other updates to the ContentCapture release include a redesign of the web station interface. It has become lighter and more modern. At the same time, the internal structure of the product has not undergone significant changes, so users already familiar with the platform will be able to start working without the need for re-training.

Inclusion in the register of Russian software

The universal platform for intelligent information processing ContentCapture is included in the register of Russian software under the number 17598. Content AI (AI Content) announced this on May 17, 2023.

ContentCapture is the Russian analogue of the ABBYY FlexiCapture product, modified specifically for the domestic market, taking into account the needs of Russian users. The platform is based on technologies for recognition and intelligent document processing. The solution allows you to speed up and simplify any processes related to document management through high-quality recognition, classification, extraction of data from any type of documents: scanned papers, photos, electronic documents, texts of letters and attachments.

Business needs tools to process information quickly and efficiently. The ContentCapture platform is able to become a key element of the corporate infrastructure in organizations that manage many business processes and receive and generate a large stream of data every day, "said Svetlana Dergacheva, CEO of Content AI. - ContentCapture also fits perfectly into the digital transformation strategy. By collecting and analyzing information, the platform helps accelerate transactions, reduce costs, improve efficiency, and quickly make decisions.

The inclusion of ContentCapture in the register of domestic software allows various departments, companies from the public sector, educational institutions and archives to freely use the product in their work. With its help, organizations will be able to significantly increase the speed and quality of information processing, which ultimately will allow them to respond faster to citizens' appeals.

Content AI plans to develop the ContentCapture platform based on the current needs of Russian business. In future versions, it is planned to expand the functionality of the product to implement new user tasks that constantly arise in the process of digital transformation of businesses and government agencies. Among the priority areas is the adaptation of the solution for simplified seamless integration with the domestic software one on the basis. Linux

Changing the name to ContentCapture

In January-February 2023, the universal platform for intelligent processing of information from any type of FlexiCapture documents was renamed ContentCapture.