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Documino. EDD

Developers: ID Management Technology
Date of the premiere of the system: 2018/04
Last Release Date: 2021/04/16
Technology: EDMS


Main article: EDMS (more)

The ECM platform Documento was developed in the context of the growth of import substitution in the domestic IT market. The platform is based on completely Russian technologies, as well as components of free software (open source). Documento is localized to the requirements of the Russian regulator and is designed primarily for the development of ECM solutions based on open source software. In developing the platform, special attention was paid to the creation of a scalable document warehouse adapted to the specifics of content management and corporate data of large, geographically distributed enterprises.

Documento and any solutions based on it have no restrictions on integration with external services or the choice of a storage system. Thanks to the universal API, Documento is able to interact with any IT product. The platform is included in the "Unified Register of Russian Computer Programs and Databases," and also confirmed its compatibility with all current versions of the Russian DBMSostgres Pro.

2024: ContentCapture Compatibility

ID Management Technology and Content AI have confirmed the compatibility of the Documento ECM platform with the ContentCapture IDP platform. Content AI announced this on September 3, 2024.

The testing confirmed the correctness of the joint operation of the systems. Platform integration expands the user's document experience by quickly and accurately extracting data, ultimately speeding up and simplifying all workflow processes.

In the document and data management segment, there are great opportunities to optimize your business. Integration of software products for related tasks is a good way to improve the efficiency of customer operational processes. Thus, we are achieving higher performance, convenience for users, and a reduction in routine, "said Svetlana Dergacheva, CEO of Content AI.

Thanks to integration with  the ContentAI system, we can offer users a comprehensive solution for working with scanned documents: the process of processing documents will become faster due to the recognition and pre-filling of the document details , and the transition to a domestic system with such functionality will provide our customers with a high level of security and compliance with Russian requirements - all this will optimize work processes and increase productivity several times, - said Dmitry Voronov, Director of the Analyst Department of ID Management Technology LLC.

2021: Upgrade search engines

On April 16, 2021, ID Management Technology announced the completion of the update of the mobile version of its product - the Documentino electronic document management system.

The solution received a number of important upgrades to the functionality and interface that meet the business requirements for the EDMS capabilities in the mobile version for tablets and smartphones.

The key market trends in this direction, which determined the direction of work on the project, consist in the presence of mobile versions of corporate IT solutions of all the usual features of common user IT products - while maintaining the functionality of desktop versions.

The basic list includes intuitive interfaces, support for various platforms and devices, ergonomics, high response speed, easy search for the necessary data and documents, as well as editing and entering information.

The improvement of the user interface of the updated version of "SEDO.Documino" was achieved through advanced capabilities for personalizing settings for the tasks of a particular user. UX specialists in the project team took the best of the world of mobile application interfaces (WhatsApp, Telegram, Instagram, etc.) and used certain elements of their logic when updating.

The goal is to simplify the process of using the application without the need for special training of users, without the feeling of a "gap" between corporate and everyday user experience.

In addition, significant acceleration of the updated application "SEDO.Documino" was achieved through the use of various templates (for example, the text of the resolution, comments when rejecting a document, etc.), support for group operations (similar actions for groups of documents) and proposed actions - automatic prompts for further steps to work with the document under certain work scenarios.

Another change in the product's operation is a serious upgrade of search engines, the effectiveness of which in the updated version now does not differ from similar procedures in the stationary version of SEDO.Documino. The previous restrictions were dictated by the interface features of the product, through the optimization of ergonomics they were removed.

The updated mobile version of SEDO.Documino has become even more convenient in all respects. We believe in an approach in which an enterprise application should not differ in simplicity and efficiency from ordinary consumer applications. Based on this, the rejection of xeromorphism in the mobile version has been implemented and a high level of ease of working with it has been achieved. We see the further development of the mobile version of the system in increasing the speed of its operation, expanding functionality by adding modules in parallel with the desktop version (for example, the work of collegial bodies of the company), implementing support for a qualified electronic signature, - said Mikhail Egorov, executive director of ID Management Technology.


Red OS Compatibility

On November 14, 2019, RedSoft announced that, together with the developer of ID Management Technology, they tested their products as part of a technological cooperation agreement. Based on the test results, the compatibility of Documento software products (manufactured by ID Management Technology and RED OS (manufactured by RED SOFT) was confirmed.

This partnership between our companies is a response to growing customer demand for end-to-end the Russian IT solutions. Customers want to spend as little resources as possible on testing, debugging and ensuring compatibility of corporate information systems. -The ECM Documentino platform is fully adapted to work under the RED operating system OS and will not require additional actions from customers to configure and refine the system,
comments by Mikhail Egorov, Deputy General Director for Strategic Development at ID Management Technology

Partnership and, as a result, the creation of ready-made stacks of software solutions with other domestic application software developers allow us to talk about real import substitution, which is a priority task of RED SOFTWARE. Together with colleagues from ID Management Technology, we open up opportunities for both users and our companies,
comments Rustamov Rustam, Deputy General Director of RED SOFT

Compatibility with Postgres Pro DBMS

On March 4, 2019, ID Management Technology, the developer of the Documento ECM platform, and Postgres Professional, the developer of the Postgres Pro database management system, announced the compatibility of their software products.

Documento EDMS passed the Postgres Pro DBMS compatibility test

Based on the results of technical testing, a certificate of compatibility of the Documento platform the Russian DBMS with Postgres Pro versions 9.6 - 11.1 has been issued.

"By ensuring the compatibility of the EDC platform with all current versions of the Postgres Pro DBMS, we have advanced the task of distributing our product on the Russian market, which contributes to the creation of an extensive ecosystem of IT solutions that are comparable in functionality to foreign ones."

In the "ID Management Technology" believe that in the long term, the rejection of software from foreign vendors will allow companies to save on the implementation of domestic solutions. Also, the compatibility of Documento and the Postgres Pro DBMS solves client support tasks, taking into account the need to make adjustments and modifications to the configuration of the solution deployed by the client.

Inclusion in the Register of Domestic Software

The domestic ECM platform Documento, developed on the basis of free software, is included in the "Unified Register of Russian Programs for Computers and Databases" of the Ministry of Communications of Russia. This was announced on February 27, 2019 by the system integrator "ID Management Technology."

The Documento platform is based on completely Russian technologies, as well as components of free software. For the integrator, working mainly with large energy enterprises with state participation, it was important to ensure the domestic origin of the implemented IT solutions, the developer emphasized.

"Large industry business and even more so customers from the public sector increasingly prefer domestic solutions. Moreover, we notice how the number of projects to replace Western software with Russian systems is growing - and I see two main reasons why this is happening. Firstly, domestic technologies are gradually approaching the level of international ones - not yet in all, but in many IT spheres. Secondly, domestic suppliers are more modest in shaping the price of their solutions, platforms and licenses. "

Especially against this background, manufacturers of EDMS based on open source and Russian software win. Russian legislation in the field of document registration and management quite often changes and differs from global standards. Russian solutions are developed taking into account regulatory requirements in the region - this allows customers to save on localization of IT systems and their adaptation to working conditions in the Russian Federation, noted in "ID Management Technology."

According to the developer, the Documento platform is also localized under the requirements of the Russian regulator and is intended primarily for the development of ECM solutions based on open source software. The Documento platform and its solutions have no limitations in integrating with external services or selecting a storage system. Thanks to the universal API, Documentino's interaction is unlimited.

"With a simple, extensible architecture, Documento-based solutions can easily scale and withstand constant load increases. This is especially true for those customers who often experience exponential growth in the number of processed documents or EDMS users, experiencing inconvenience from performance degradation. "

' Roman Konovalov, CEO of ID Management Technology

2018: Announcement

The company "ID Management Technology" on April 11, 2018 announced the development of EDMS on free software. According to the company, the Documento ECM platform has already passed the state registration procedure with the Federal Intellectual Property Service.

Documento is our response to a market request, a solution that can be compared to industrial foreign platforms both in reliability and performance and in scalability, said Roman Konovalov, CEO of ID Management Technology.

The Documento system became the first free product of its own development in the line of system integrator EDMS solutions. The platform has already been tested in the implementation of a comprehensive project in a large electric power company.

The architecture of the EDMS solution for customers from resource-intensive industries with which we mainly work, such as the electric power industry and the oil and gas pipeline, must be adapted to a significant increase in data, an increase in system load and scaling - connecting new users or entire branches to the system. Open source solutions are more flexible than their proprietary counterparts - developers can access the source code at any time and change it in accordance with the growing needs of the client's business, added Roman Konovalov.

The EDMS direction was chosen as strategically important for own developments. The integrator has extensive expertise in the implementation of EDMS and ECM projects in the oil and gas industry, the electric power industry, and the transport sector. When developing the domestic Documento platform, special attention was paid to creating a scalable document warehouse adapted to the specifics of content management and corporate data of large, geographically distributed enterprises, the company said.

The integrator's experts believe that the rejection of proprietary software will allow their customers to save on the implementation, support and development of the product: the use of open source systems does not require royalties to the vendor - only services for the development, implementation and modernization of the solution are paid.

Another advantage of domestic solutions based on free software is their localization, that is, adaptation to business conditions, work methodologies, and the regulatory and legislative framework in the region, emphasized in AiDi - Management Technologies. In addition, unlike global corporations, a Russian manufacturer or developer does not depend on geopolitical and other conditions and can efficiently and around the clock support the work of its software, as well as quickly adjust and refine the system taking into account the changing interests of the client.

The integrator's plans include further refinement of the Documento platform for the requirements of the energy sector and the inclusion of a product Register of domestic software Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media in the Russian Federation recommended for purchase by state enterprises and companies with state participation.