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2024/07/15 12:05:14

Digitalization in Rosselkhozbank

Main article about the bank: Rosselkhozbank (RSHB)



Rosselkhozbank removed the software of the American Cloudera and transferred its data lake to Russian solutions

On December 3, 2024, it became known that Rosselkhozbank completed the import substitution of the corporate data lake, replacing the software of the American company Cloudera with the products of the Russian Arenadata Group - Arenadata Hadoop and Picodata. The project started in April 2023 and was implemented without the purchase of additional equipment. Read more here.

Rosselkhozbank launched a venture capital company to invest in UAVs, the Internet of Things and food tech

In August 2024, Rosselkhozbank launched a venture capital company to invest in such advanced areas as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), the Internet of Things (IoT ) and foodtech. It is aimed at supporting and developing innovative projects in the agro-industrial complex, as well as in related high-tech areas. Read more here.

Rosselkhozbank completely switched to Russian equipment to protect the network

Rosselkhozbank (RSHB) has completely switched to Russian equipment to protect its distributed network, uniting more than 1,400 units throughout the country. This became known in May 2024. Read more here.

How to move 300 TB of data from IBM and Oracle to Russian. Rosselkhozbank experience

At the TAdviser SummIT conference on May 28, Nikolay Ulyanov Deputy Chairman of the Board, Rosselkhozbank spoke about the process of transferring the information system of a large Russian bank, built on the basis of DBMS Oracle IBM products, and Filenet Websphere to BPM domestic developments.

Nikolai Ulyanov's speech at TAdviser SummIT '24

If the initial introduction of these products took the bank six years - from 2011 to 2017, then the transition to domestic technologies had to be implemented as soon as possible - within three years from 2022 to 2025. At the same time, it is necessary to transfer all accumulated 300 TB of data, all integration of services and business processes to the new platform. True, by abandoning monolithic solutions in favor of modular ones and switching from a closed platform to open source solutions, this process was optimized.

Replacement scheme for IBM and Oracle products in RSHB

The main task of the transition to domestic solutions was the migration to a new enterprise data storage platform, which resulted in the replacement of the Oracle Exadata complex with Russian server solutions such as the Zvezda Kh86. Postgres Pro was used as a DBMS, and Astra Linux or Alt Linux as the base operating system. Moreover, it was possible to greatly increase the number of active users of the system - from 550 to 2 thousand, as well as the maximum amount of data processed - from 300 to 450 TB. A full-fledged launch of the solution is scheduled for Q1 2025.

In addition, in May 2024, data migration from the old IBM Filenet to a new automated document management system in electronic form, which is based on the Postgres Pro, ElasticSearch and S3 DBMS, has already been launched. The system contains 120 TB of data and is designed for an annual increase of 35 TB. Also, the automated system "Archive of accounting documents in electronic form" 2.0 has already been built and filled with data. It is based on the Postgres Pro and Wildfly DBMS, and the estimated volume upon completion of the migration will be another 30 TB of information. The completion of this process is scheduled for the second quarter of this year.

Reasons for replacing IBM Websphere in RSHB

The most complex migration process is the replacement of IBM BPM with a domestic pipeline of credit solutions for individuals. This is the most intelligent part of the system, which used to be a monolithic solution of IBM BPM, and is now being developed on the basis of Postgres Pro, Reactor Netty and an open framework. Spring The system under construction is modular and is based on the company's CI/CD conveyor. Gitlab The transition to the methodology DevOps will allow an order of magnitude increase in the number of requests processed - from 5 thousand to 50 thousand applications per hour. In May of this year, the industrial operation of the process of making a final decision on the issuance of a loan has already begun, and by December the old system on IBM BPM must be disabled.

Stages of IBM BPM transfer to its own pipeline of credit solutions (KKR)

Also in March 2024, R-Style Softlab released a new, sixth version of its automated banking system RS-Bank, which can already run on Astra Linux and Postgres Pro, and P7-Office can be used as an office suite. After switching to this version of ABS, the bank will fully operate on domestic office and basic software. This proves the possibility for banks to completely replace their information systems with domestic ones in a short time and refuse to use foreign solutions. Moreover, in some cases, by using more modern technologies, it is even possible to improve the performance of the substituted system. It is clear that in the future it can develop faster thanks to the use of open technologies and standard technological components.

Conclusions made in the RSHB based on the results of import substitution

О TAdviser SummIT

TAdviser SummIT, held on May 28, became the largest in the history of its holding: in total, more than 1.5 thousand delegates attended the conference, and more than 50 stands of IT products and services suppliers were deployed in the exhibition area. Nine thematic sessions were held as part of the event - more than last time. About 150 people made reports in the plenary part and thematic sessions. TAdviser SummIT was supported by Ministry of Digital Development. It was attended by the Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media Maksut Shadayev, who in the format of an interview on stage answered sharp questions from participants in the IT industry.


Move to the BI Visiology platform

The bank RSHB is one of the first federal credit institutions to fully switch to the Russian BI platform by the end of 2023. TAdviser understood exactly how the bank uses the business analytics system and why RSHB representatives are sure that only the Visiology platform could suit them. Read more here.


Over the year, the number of specialists "by figure" increased by 6.6%

Rosselkhozbank summed up the results of 2023 in the IT recruiting of the bank's group: during the period studied, the number of women among specialized specialists increased by more than 13%, and the average age of an employee of a technical unit was 35-39 years. The bank announced this on January 22, 2024.

With the increase in the number of digital processes in the financial sector, both the volume of data and the need for their high-quality processing and reliable conclusions that can be relied on to make financial decisions are growing. Obviously, in this situation there is an increase in the number of vacancies for IT specialists in the banking industry. In turn, the increase in staff leads to increased productivity and efficiency of the company. The RSHB IT team accounts for more than 12% of the total number of all personnel in the bank, and in 2023 the number of digital specialists increased by 6.6%.

With an increase in the number of IT specialists in the RSHB, the share of women also increases: in 2023, their number in IT divisions increased by 13.5% and as of January 2024, it is 32% of the total number of information technology specialists. In subsidiaries, this share reaches 36%. More than 16% of female IT professionals hold the position of chief engineer, almost 15% of employees work as a leading engineer, and another 9% became direction leaders.

The Bank pays attention to working with young people: a significant share of the staff is young employees: the share of staff from 25 to 29 years old is 14.3%, and another 7% are novice specialists under 25 years old.

Rosselkhozbank has been engaged in its own development for five years, the number of products and platforms that were created by our own specialists is only increasing. Thanks to our ever-growing team, we are able to successfully create and develop digital services for our customers. More than 20 software products of the bank have already been included in the Unified Register of Russian Software, - commented Nikolai Ulyanov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Rosselkhozbank.

As of January 2024, the bank's IT team consists of employees of the bank's digital divisions, subsidiaries of RSHB-INTEH and R-Style Softlab, as well as cross-functional teams of business divisions. Digital workers of the RSHB are distributed throughout Russia. IT specialists of Rosselkhozbank work in more than 80 cities of Russia, both in hybrid and remote mode of operation.

At the end of 2023, the IT divisions of the RSHB were able to achieve 100% replacement of systems with domestic ones in particularly significant software classes, 15% of import-substituted radio-electronic equipment and transfer 40% of operations with individual clients to paperless document management.

Nikolai Ulyanov, deputy chairman of the board of the RSHB, at TAdviser SummIT - about how the bank is moving towards digital sovereignty

Speaking at TAdviser SummIT on November 29, 2023, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Rosselkhozbank (RSHB) Nikolai Ulyanov spoke about the path to digital sovereignty in their financial organization. He recalled that the bank occupies the sixth position in Russia in terms of assets and its mission is to carry digital services to the agro-industrial complex and rural regions.

Nikolay Ulyanov on TAdviser SummIT "(photo: TAdviser)"

The bank has been engaged in digital transformation for a long time, and in 2021 it approved a digital transformation strategy that determines the parameters of digital sovereignty that the RSHB needs to achieve in 2023-2024. Among the main parameters is the achievement of an indicator of 84% of domestic software from the total used in 2024.

From the presentation of Nikolai Ulyanov

According to Nikolai Ulyanov, in terms of software, the bank has been spending funds mainly on domestic solutions and its own IT for a long time - the bank has already entered more than 25 products into the register.

And the bank first encountered Russian radio electronics in 2023, and the share of expenses for the purchase of Russian radio electronic products amounted to 79%. At the same time, the RSHB continues to use the legacy base.

From the presentation of Nikolai Ulyanov

"We want and try to deal with key IT systems ourselves," says the top manager of the RSHB. Therefore, the bank for itself keeps the bar at 70% of its own development and tries not to lower it. And the main limitation in this now, as for many, is the lack of hands and brains.

The IT specialists market is so overheated and continues to be overheated that, probably, this is now a limitation in its own development, "Nikolai Ulyanov explained. - Therefore, we successfully cooperate with many vendors and even include some in our group: last year we included R-Style Softlab in the Rosselkhozbank group of companies for the joint development of our front products.

From the presentation of Nikolai Ulyanov

An important indicator for RSHB is the number of active users of digital solutions for legal entities and individuals. So far, this is not 100% of the RSHB client base. Recently, the bank conducted a study and came to the indicator that 17% of its individual clients do not have smartphones, they have push-button phones and it is physically impossible to provide them with RBS. The bank is working to involve more customers in the use of digital solutions.

The digital transformation strategy map contains 41 initiatives, which include 128 projects. Nikolai Ulyanov stressed that the RSHB seeks to invest in tasks that bring financial effect. This is monitored by the Supervisory Board, and about 40% of projects necessarily have a financial model and financial effect. But, given the situation and the scale of the replacement that occurs throughout the landscape, the remaining 60% of projects are aimed at developing supporting processes - infrastructure and regulatory.

From the presentation of Nikolai Ulyanov

In 2022, the bank opened the Digital Sovereignty program based on the digital transformation program and an approved strategy containing three main areas: domestic applied software, domestic system and office software, and domestic electronic products.

The best situation is with applied software, said the top manager of the RSHB.

From the presentation of Nikolai Ulyanov

It is more difficult with system software. There are heavy-duty stories, such as Servers OS, DBMSs in high-load transactional systems, and virtualization platform systems. There are domestic solutions, they are developing rapidly, but they have not yet reached "certain parameters," says Nikolai Ulyanov.

Therefore, the RSHB follows risk models: almost all critical systems have prepared internal risk plans that allow modeling the risks of transition or non-transition. Sometimes the risk of transition is higher in part of the systems than the risk of not transition. At the same time, based on regulation, the term for import substitution in critical systems remains short, and during 2024 you will have to make many changes to the landscape.

From the presentation of Nikolai Ulyanov

The top manager of the RSHB calls radioelectronic products the most difficult part of the program. In 2023, the share of domestic equipment used in the bank is 15%.

Televisions have the highest share and, according to Nikolai Ulyanov, they are also an important element of infrastructure - they have been used in all branches of the bank for a year to broadcast videos with RSHB advertising products. According to junior server models, the bank also largely replenished its fleet. Since 2022, only domestic server equipment has been purchased in this class.

From the presentation of Nikolai Ulyanov

Among the problem areas are printing devices/MFPs that are needed in each office. In 2024, the RSHB expects to see them in the register. In the meantime, their absence prompted the RSHB to more actively switch to a paperless format.

When implementing the projects of the Digital Sovereignty program, the bank strives to not just replace the decisions of the departed vendors, but to get better quality than it was, Nikolai Ulyanov noted.

From the presentation of Nikolai Ulyanov

One of the new solutions is the integration platform 2.0, which is not only a banking integration platform, but also a runtime environment for more than 40 information systems. It is completely built on open source technologies, like many other new solutions of the bank, and is registered in the register of domestic software. And in 2024, the bank will offer it in the R-Style Softlab product line as a platform for commercial use.

In the integration platform, according to the presentation of Nikolai Ulyanov, the bank refused to use IBM technologies. The same was done in the bank's software platform, designed to transfer the bank to processes in digital form: EDO with clients, counterparties and employees and a single repository of electronic documents. And in the new information system "Digital channel for servicing legal entities" Own Business, "the bank did without Oracle solutions. It uses PostgresPro as a DBMS.

Also, for example, in 2023, instead of Telegram and WhatsApp, the bank completely switched to its own messenger - a solution that also includes mail, voice calls, videos, document transfer, etc., which became a single window for employees.

О TAdviser SummIT

The TAdviser SummIT conference, held on November 29, became one of the largest in the history of its holding: in total, more than 1.4 thousand delegates attended the event, more than 40 stands were deployed in the exhibition area, and more than 150 speakers made presentations in the plenary part and eight thematic sessions. The conference was attended by the Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media Maksut Shadayev, who in the format of an interview on stage answered sharp questions from participants in the IT industry.

Rosselkhozbank transferred 40% of interactions with individual clients to paperless format

In the second half of 2023, as part of the implementation of the digital transformation strategy, Rosselkhozbank transferred 40% of interactions with individual clients in the bank's offices to paperless document management. On November 29, 2023, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Rosselkhozbank Nikolai Ulyanov spoke about this at the TAdviser SummIT summit "Results of the Year and Plans 2024," organized with the participation of the Ministry of Digital Development of Russia.

In recent years, digital solutions for business have received a powerful incentive for development, and at the same time there has been a need to transfer document flow to a paperless format both between employees of the same company or counterparties, and between the company and its clients.

"Modern banks are by definition high-tech enterprises, so the digital transformation in the bank is proceeding at a rapid pace. We not only constantly improve client services, but also actively digitize internal processes. The bank systematically reduces the cost of printing documents. Due to the transition of the bank's offices to paperless turnover, implemented on the domestic decision in the 4th quarter of 2022, the share of operations, the registration of which is possible in paperless form, reached 40%. By the end of the year, the bank plans to bring it to 50%, "said Nikolai Ulyanov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Rosselkhozbank.

According to the representative of the RSHB, the maximum expansion of the use of electronic document management systems can increase the flexibility of business models and is an important indicator of the company's digital maturity. Moreover, the digitalization of client documentation processes reduces operating costs and reduces the burden on employees. But the most obvious effect is to help the environment, as the production of paper products has a significant impact on deforestation and greenhouse gas production.

"People around the world are now looking to reduce their negative impact on the environment. For this reason, many customers of our bank willingly issue digital cards and enthusiastically support the ideas of "paperless" communication with a credit institution. Minimizing the number of paper media both on the part of customers and on the part of bank employees fully corresponds to the ESG strategy of Rosselkhozbank, "added Elmira Morozova, director of the Ecology Foundation.

The fund was created by the Rosselkhozbank in October 2021 with the aim of combining funds and efforts aimed at creating an economy of conscious consumption and respect for the environment. The activities of the Ecology Foundation are aimed at implementing initiatives related to improving the condition of soil, air, water and natural resources, as well as promoting the principles of rational and careful use of resources among the population.

In 2024, the share of Russian iron in Rosselkhozbank will reach 40%

Rosselkhozbank in 2023 from scratch increased the fleet of domestic radioelectronic equipment. The share of import-substituted "iron" as of November 2023 is 15%, and in 2024 it will increase to 40%. The bank announced this on November 2, 2023.

Many the Russian companies are already successfully completing the transfer of components ON to domestic open source solutions. However, the supply of a number of items and server telecommunication printing equipment from Russian manufacturers is still not fully established, which significantly increases the risks of switching to it in. financial industries

Since 2022, the domestic software and hardware market has begun to actively develop in all directions at once, and more and more companies are replacing foreign analogues of equipment and software. RSHB also increases the share of Russian suppliers in its contour and in 2023 partially switched to Russian iron.

We work in all regions of our large country and understand that technology is the only way to cover the entire territory of Russia. The desire to create the best bank for the country's agro-industrial complex, as well as the desire to develop our own IT landscape, are the drivers of our work. Thanks to them, we are ahead of our import substitution plans, and our clients can already receive more than 90% of financial services in digital format without visiting a bank branch, "said Nikolai Ulyanov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Rosselkhozbank.

Chief information officer of Bank Zenit moved to work at Rosselkhozbank

As TAdviser found out in September 2023, Stanislav Tulchinsky, who previously worked as the Chief information officer of Bank Zenit, moved to Rosselkhozbank (RSHB). He was appointed to the post of head of the intra-bank systems development unit at RSHB-INTEH and managing director of DIT RSHB. Read more here.

RSHB anti-sanction software retained $300 million of customer funds from blocking

Speaking at the TAdviser SummIT conference on May 30, 2023, the Deputy Chairman of the Board Rosselkhozbank (RSHB) Nikolay Ulyanov spoke about the impact of digital technologies on efficiency bank and RSHB's own digital developments. The speaker recalled that RSHB he is a state bank implementing tasks countries in the field of rural agricultural and industrial complex development, and stressed that the bank, simultaneously with digitalization, which it began to actively develop in 2018, retains its physical presence in all regions where agriculture is developing.

Nikolai Ulyanov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Rosselkhozbank (photo - TAdviser)

The transition to the use of domestic software is one of the goals of the RSHB. Nikolai Ulyanov demonstrated in numbers the dynamics of movement towards this goal. The share of the bank's expenses for the purchase of domestic software in accordance with the digital transformation strategy for 2022 amounted to 76%, for 2024 it is planned to grow to 83% (2021 - less than 63%).

The speaker described the plans for the use of Russian electronic products for 2024 as a "quantum leap" - 71% of expenses and 40% of the equipment fleet (last year - 0.1%).

From the presentation of Nikolai Ulyanov

The number of systems connected to the client data management platform is also growing annually. The plans are to reach full coverage of information systems for this indicator, so that data models help solve business problems based on all available data.

Nikolai Ulyanov called the choice of the bank in favor of its own development almost uncontested. The Russian IT industry is developing dynamically, but the huge demand for IT solutions by vendors alone cannot be satisfied. Therefore, the share of internal development for key IT systems should grow to 70% in 2024 (2022 - 56%, in 2019 it was less than 40%).

From the presentation of Nikolai Ulyanov

Other parameters of digitalization and import substitution in RSHB:

  • availability of high-critical application systems of the bank: 99.89% (plans for 2024 - 99.95%);
  • the number of active users of digital solutions - legal entities: 156 thousand (200 thousand for 2024);
  • the number of active users of digital solutions - individuals: 2 "143 thousand (2" 849 for 2024).

The bank is closely monitoring the effectiveness of investments, and quick returns are one of the priorities for investments in digitalization. Projects in the bank are guided by the strategy of digital transformation in the RSHB, which determines investment priorities. The strategy roadmap contains 128 projects and 41 initiatives, 13 of which are designed for direct economic effect, the rest - for high-quality.

Today, 36% of projects are aimed at business development, and they bring about 70% of the economic effect of digitalization.

From the presentation of Nikolai Ulyanov

Nikolai Ulyanov cited examples of the bank's own developments:

  • NPP "Single frontal solution";
  • mobile application "Employee's Digital Office";
  • Software Assembly, Delivery, and Deployment Pipeline (CI/CD)
  • PS Screening system.

The automated system "Unified Front Solution" is the most massive domestic product that covers the needs of the bank's operating employees - both those who work in the office and those who walk with tablets in the fields work with customers. The solution was developed jointly with the subsidiary R-Style Softlab, which last year became part of the RSHB group. It is made in a microservice architecture that allows you to quickly bring products to the desktop of operating employees.

The "single front-end solution" is convenient to work with, has a simple interface, which allows you to quickly include new employees in the work. And this is very important, since, Nikolai Ulyanov stated, there is a high turnover of operating specialists, for which both large banks and chain retailers are fighting.

The system is built as an online store, which allows an employee to process customer requests in the usual graphical interface. The use of the system led to a multiple acceleration of customer service, for some items - 10-12 times. This ensured the high efficiency of the work of operating employees, greater cross-country ability in the departments. The "single front-end solution" has high integrability, any partner product is easy to bring to the front office and start selling.

Nikolai Ulyanov spoke about the most significant own developments of the bank (photo - TAdviser)

The "employee's digital office" is intended for the convenience of communications within the bank - employees among themselves, with management. It has mail, a messenger, a calendar, it is possible to set tasks for subordinates, exchange information in a secure environment, receive services inside the bank (for example, ordering certificates), conduct surveys and much more. More than 95% of employees are authorized in the application.

The bank-developed Software Assembly, Delivery, and Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline has increased development efficiency by 30% by accelerating testing, security testing, and rolling out to the production environment. To create a stack of open source technologies, in the future, it is possible to replace individual elements with domestic platform solutions. The decision is registered in the register of domestic software.

From the presentation of Nikolai Ulyanov

Rosselkhozbank supports the solution of food security problems and solves, among other things, the tasks of sanction protection of its clients engaged in the export and import of food, Nikolai Ulyanov recalled. To this end, in May last year, the PS Screening system was introduced. This is a service for bank customers that helps them minimize sanctions risks in terms of controlling incoming/outgoing/transit messages, including payments.

According to Nikolai Ulyanov, the introduction of the system led to a "fantastic increase" in efficiency in this area. The entire spectrum of possible sanctions influence is analyzed - products, directions, communications, and so on. The system allows millions of payments to identify risk zones and minimize potential damage to customers. During the year of operation, $300 million was saved, which would otherwise be blocked and lost to customers.

From the presentation of Nikolai Ulyanov

In conclusion, Nikolai Ulyanov noted that the products he spoke about are not limited to their own development - the bank has many IT products created on their own.

We are deeply immersed in the topic of digital sovereignty. For us all, this is now a key task. And we are solving it in the direction set by federal projects of digital transformation and the Ministry of Digital Development, "said Nikolai Ulyanov.

TAdviser SummIT took place on May 30, 2023 in Moscow and gathered more than 1000 participants. Reports were made by Deputy General Director of Russian Railways Yevgeny Charkin, Deputy Head of the Federal Treasury Alexander Albychev, Senior Vice President of VTB Sergey Bezbogov, Vice President for IT EvrazHolding Artem Natrusov and many others. In a panel interview, Deputy Minister of Digital Development of the Russian Federation Maxim Parshin answered questions from the organizers and guests of the summit.


Rosselkhozbank overcame ¾ paths to digital sovereignty

How does import substitution and proprietary development create a new IT quality? Nikolai Ulyanov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Rosselkhozbank, spoke about this at the TAdviser SummIT conference on November 29 . Rosselkhozbank, which has been under Western sanctions since 2022, even before all these events was aimed at achieving digital sovereignty: in 2018, the bank adopted a program for switching to domestic software.

Deputy Chairman of the Board of Rosselkhozbank Nikolai Ulyanov at TAdviser SummIT

Two platforms for developing applications were created in Rosselkhozbank, and now it has more than 3 thousand of its IT professionals in the company itself and in two subsidiaries. To date, more than 20 systems have been developed on the created platforms, half of which are already included in the register of domestic software and are market products.

At the same time, the bank is open to the development of the IT industry and continues to cooperate with vendors, including inviting them to work on their platforms and develop within the bank to meet its requirements.

From the presentation of Nikolai Ulyanov

Like all state-owned companies, Rosselkhozbank seeks to achieve 100 percent import substitution of systems by 2024. To date, the bank has overcome the ¾ of this path, said Nikolai Ulyanov, and in this sense, its own development is the main assistant.

As an example of the results of the work, the top manager of Rosselkhozbank cited the creation of an ecosystem for farmers. A real digital revolution is taking place in this area, says Ulyanov. And the bank itself has created 6 services that allow all farmers in Russia to be represented on a single platform, purchase supplier services and offer their products to the market. Thus, for its clients and partners, Rosselkhozbank creates an inextricable chain through which you can develop your business and make sales.

From the presentation of Nikolai Ulyanov

One of the bank's systems based on domestic technologies is "N2.0" for monitoring credit transactions. It allows you to quickly and seamlessly operate with data on the quality of serviced loans and get to problem situations on time, without bringing them to an acute state. Also, all the fronts of the bank - all 1.3 thousand additional offices - have been working on their own solution since 2017. Together with RBS, they present an omnichannel platform that solves the tasks of clients on the front line.

Other examples are the assembly pipeline and the bank's integration platform, designed to continue and develop this path and make development safe, fast and reliable. Third-party vendors are attracted to it to work in the bank's platform. The PaaS 2.0 integration platform is a continuation of the pipeline, and it is currently the main platform for development, all the main technological work is underway on it.

From the presentation of Nikolai Ulyanov

The "icing on the cake" in the bank is a digital office. Rosselkhozbank made its own corporate messenger with voice communication, calendar, order of the necessary certificates, VKS, etc. It allows you to be completely independent of the current situation that is developing with common messengers. From 2023, Rosselkhozbank is going to start offering this solution on the market.

All the work on creating solutions is carried out by the bank's digital hubs: RSHB-INTEH, an insourcer that has been implementing the Rosselkhozbank's digital transformation strategy since 2015, and Er-Style Softlab, which joined in 2022, which previously acted as an external supplier of solutions for Rosselkhozbank.

From the presentation of Nikolai Ulyanov

By joint efforts, the bank now wants to give Er-Style Softlab a second wind and begin to develop it as an advanced provider of services in the field of agricultural technologies and direct its efforts towards agricultural producers, says Nikolai Ulyanov.

The top manager also noted that the bank has great risks in the field of import substitution, and there is great hope that industry competence centers under the auspices of the Central Bank will help coordinate this work in order to move forward quickly.

From the presentation of Nikolai Ulyanov

In addition, import substitution is a costly activity that requires serious investment. In this regard, to the set of benefits and additional stimulating measures that are already being taken at the state level, Rosselkhozbank, in terms of banks, notes the necessary decision to reduce the impact on the capital of banks of intangible assets created using domestic software. According to Rosselkhozbank estimates, this will free up 100-150 billion active resources for the development of the industry. These funds could be fully directed towards the development of IT in the banking and agricultural sectors.

Summit Photo Gallery

О TAdviser SummIT

The TAdviser SummIT conference, held on November 29, 2022, became one of the largest in the history of its holding: in total, more than 1,000 delegates attended the event. Also at the exhibition within the framework of the summit, the most extensive exhibition of IT solutions in the history of the event was presented: suppliers of products and services deployed more than 40 stands. The conference was attended by the Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media Maksut Shadayev, who answered the acute questions of the IT industry. In total, about 90 reports were presented in the plenary part and five parallel sectoral sessions.

Acquisition of R-Style Softlab banking software developer

As TAdviser found out, Rosselkhozbank acquired the developer of banking software R-Style Softlab. Four sources on the market told the portal about this at the end of October 2022. Read more here.

Chief information officer Andrei Hlyzov resigned from Rosselkhozbank

As TAdviser found out, on September 30, Andrei Khlyzov, who headed the IT department, left Rosselkhozbank. Read more here.

Rosselkhozbank increased the staff of IT specialists 4 times

Since 2020 Rosselkhozbank , it has increased the staff IT of employees by almost 4 times. As of the beginning of September 2022 bank , more than 2,300 people work on the digitalization of products. The most important task at the same time is to transfer the entire development to the CI/CD conveyor, representatives of Rosselkhozbank said on September 9, 2022.

Rosselkhozbank continuously optimizes and expands the product line, as well as a team of specialists in the field of digital technologies. As of the beginning of September 2022, the IT team of RSHB consists of employees of the Information Technology Department of the head office, a subsidiary of RSHB-INTEH, as well as cross-functional teams of business divisions.

As Andrei Khlyzov, director of the Information Technology Department (Chief information officer) of Rosselkhozbank, explained, the bank has headed for Digital Sovereignty and is increasing its share of its own development, so it needs programmers on a modern stack with experience in flexible product development.

"The Bank has created a platform for continuous development and implementation of digital solutions that allows new products to be brought to market on a daily basis. All changes in the bank's information systems related to the release of new tasks pass a comprehensive quality check, including through load testing. Moreover, the effectiveness of release management has increased, and now releases are released on 49 key systems (compared to four systems in 2020), "said the top manager.

RSHB supports the modernization and development of the agro-industrial complex, including the field of technologies: data collection, storage and processing systems; data from satellites, sensors, operating and transaction systems are used, and on some farms and enterprises the process of producing agricultural products is already completely controlled by artificial intelligence. This increases both the amount of data and the need for high-quality processing and reliable conclusions that can be relied on to make decisions. According to representatives of Rosselkhozbank, it is obvious that in this situation there is an increase in vacancies for IT specialists. In turn, the increase in IT composition leads to increased productivity and efficiency of the company. By the end of 2022, RSHB plans to launch 10 new digital services in the Its Farming ecosystem.

2021: Rosselkhozbank bought a 10-story building in Moscow to transfer all IT specialists there

On April 21, 2021, Rosselkhozbank announced the creation of a separate office for IT specialists. To do this, the bank bought a 10-story building on Profsoyuznaya Street in Moscow.

Employees of the information technology department of the head office of Rosselkhozbank, a subsidiary of RSHB-INTEH LLC, as well as cross-functional teams of business divisions of the credit institution will move to this office.

Nikolai Ulyanov, Director of the Information Technology Department of Rosselkhozbank, said that "all conditions for comfortable work will be created in the new building: areas of collaboration, rest and emotional unloading, special premises for training and sports. In addition, IT professionals will be able to choose the appropriate work schedule for them, including a remote format with the ability to periodically stay in the office.

The building on Profsoyuznaya Street will house more than 1200 specialists: programmers, testers, architects, analysts and system administrators - whose tasks will include the development of products for the group's clients, as well as providing administrative support for the bank's IT infrastructure. By the end of 2021, Rosselkhozbank plans to attract more than 500 specialists in the field of information technology. Thus, the number of the technology team of Rosselkhozbank will almost quadruple compared to a year earlier, the bank said.

It is also planned to launch an open training project "Intech School" in the IT office, where young specialists will be able to get additional skills and undergo an internship.

The placement of IT specialists and representatives of the bank's business divisions in one office will allow the use of flexible methodologies in the development and launch of banking and non-financial products on the market, Ulyanov said.[1]


Provision of the possibility to sign credit documents in electronic form and transfer to Rosreestr

Rosselkhozbank on September 30, 2020 announced an increase in the number of digital services for corporate clients. Together with the ability to sign credit documentation in electronic form using an enhanced qualified electronic signature, RSHB client companies can simultaneously use the service of transferring documents signed in electronic form to Rosreestr for state registration of encumbrances and amending the USRN record in relation to real estate.

We are in constant dialogue with corporate clients and know how important the convenience and speed of the financial services used for them is. We have moved to the next stage of the development of electronic communications and paperless document management in order to increase the level of comfort, speed and security for our customers. Rosselkhozbank will continue to develop digital services to improve the corporate lending process, - said Irina Zhachkina, First Deputy Chairman of the RSHB Management Board.

Thus, to sign credit and security documents and state registration of collateral (real estate) in Rosreestr, RSHB client companies do not need to visit the bank's office. In addition, the changes will reduce document flow, speed up the process of interaction between the client and the RSHB, as well as reduce the number of client visits to the bank when providing credit products and bank guarantees.

These services have become an addition to the already available set of digital services for corporate clients of Rosselkhozbank. Earlier, RSHB presented a service that allows sending a package of documents to the bank for a loan application using an electronic document management system without visiting the bank's office. All documents are also signed by the electronic signature of the client, which ensures the legal significance of the documents. The use of the electronic document management system in the process of interaction with the bank allows customers to reduce the time for sending paper copies of documents and instantly send documents to the bank while on remote work. With the help of electronic document management, you can send documents to the bank both for the consideration of a loan application and in the process of servicing existing loans.

Plans to establish a laboratory in the field of big data analysis and processing in conjunction with MIPT

On June 4, 2020, it became known that Rosselkhozbank and MIPT signed an agreement on the creation of a joint laboratory engaged in research in the field of analysis and processing of big data. The collaboration is part of the RSHB's large-scale programs to introduce artificial intelligence (AI) technologies into customer service processes.

Consumers of financial services will receive a qualitatively different level of personalization when interacting with the Bank in digital service channels. In turn, the Bank will be able to optimize key business processes using advanced analytics and machine learning methods, as well as increase customer loyalty. The tasks will not remain aside within the framework of the digital ecosystem for farmers, launched in July 2020, which will combine a number of services using AI on one platform. It will enable agricultural enterprises to automate the solution of primary tasks and, without being distracted from their main activities, to enjoy all technological advantages for business growth.

Several areas can be distinguished from the main tasks of the planned research program.

Toolkit for automatic moderation of text information and images using NLP and computer vision technologies.

The functionality is necessary to minimize "manual" operations when monitoring the content of information posted by users on ecosystem sites. Implementation of the solution will improve the customer experience. So, the visitor will be able to instantly post the necessary content on the portal, and if deviations from the filling rules are detected, the intellectual assistant will advise on how to fix them.

Data Mining Toolkit

By the beginning of June 2020, the Bank has already accumulated and uses a significant amount of data from traditional information systems to solve business problems. The purpose of the study is to activate AI tools in the tasks of analyzing semi-structured data from digital channels and external sources to provide information for means of personalized digital interaction with customers and users of the ecosystem. The client will be able not to waste time studying the features and parameters of available products, but immediately receive an individual offer to cover his priority needs.

Development of intelligent component of digital communicators

A voice chat bot in a call center or an assistant in social networks and portals, who knows how to recognize human speech and communicate with a client, taking on the tasks of an employee, has already firmly entered our lives. The purpose of the study is to introduce current scientific developments in the field of AI to expand the ability of bots to conduct a free dialogue with a client in a natural language, adjusting the style of communication and the composition of proposals for individual features and needs. Such an "employee" will be available to the consumer at any time of the day. Online, he will readily listen, offer a solution at the request of the client, and will be able to help the council in a difficult situation.

The laboratory will involve MIPT researchers, business experts of the Bank, a joint team of data researchers and IT specialists. In total, about 50 employees will be involved in research activities and piloting results based on the Bank's IT system. The most significant research results will be put into operation on a priority basis, and in the second half of 2021 the Bank expects to receive an economic effect from the use of AI algorithms developed by the laboratory.

The joint laboratory will be an important milestone on the way to consolidate the efforts of business and science in the field of introducing advanced technologies in the domestic agro-industrial complex as part of the strategic development of Russian digital agriculture. It will also enable the Bank to achieve its strategic objectives as part of its retail business digital transformation programme.

2017: Issue of 5 thousand cards "Mir"

As of August 15, 2017, the number of Mir payment cards issued by the Rostov branch of Rosselkhozbank exceeded 5 thousand units. Payment cards were issued for employees of budgetary organizations of the Rostov region as part of salary projects, as well as for pensioners.

Participants in salary projects are provided with special lending conditions and reduced rates for popular banking products. The holder of a salary card at a convenient time for him can receive cash without charging a commission not only at the branches and ATMs of Rosselkhozbank, but also in the devices of partner banks: Alfa-Bank, Promsvyazbank, Raiffeisen Bank and Rosbank in all regions of Russia.

2012: Rosselkhozbank's IT budget surpassed VTB

In the quarterly report for the third quarter of 2012, Rosselkhozbank first reported the costs of information technology. In the period from January to September of this year, the bank's IT budget exceeded 1.53 billion rubles. Until now, in similar reports for previous periods, Rosselkhozbank has not published these data. The consolidated financial statements under IFRS 2011 included Communication Expenses and Information Services (RUB 669 million) without specifying costs.

In the current report, the bank details the directions of IT development. The main ones are "orientation to modern software platforms and maximum centralization of all services and business applications." "This approach allows the bank to quickly expand new banking products to all its divisions and provide customers with unified opportunities in all regions," the document says.

The bank has implemented a credit front office, an automated system for managing monetary resources on the Kondor + platform (in terms of registering transactions in the foreign exchange and money markets), a number of modules of the human resources management system SAP ERP HCM, etc.

The implementation of a new retail credit process using the scoring system continues, the replication of the centralized RBS system and the ERP system, the pilot operation of the "Unified Client Card," the modernization of the software and hardware platform of the settlement center, the centralization of the data warehouse, automation of management reporting and reporting under IFRS, reorganization of the cash desk, etc.

Note that Rosselkhozbank is one of the largest banks in Russia (No. 4 in terms of assets, No. 2 in terms of branch network size) and is 100% owned by the state. Along with universal banking products, he offers special programs for the development of production in the field of agriculture and is an agent of the government for the implementation of federal targeted programs in the agricultural complex.

The size of the IT budget of Rosselkhozbank is also one of the largest in the industry, judging by the open figures, it is second only to Sberbank (for 9 months of 2012 - 31.2 billion rubles). The second largest bank in Russia - VTB, according to its statements, spent about 1.4 billion rubles on IT in the first 9 months of 2012.

In 2011, the annual IT budgets of other banks operating in Russia, according to the CNews Analytics rating, did not exceed 1 billion rubles.

Digitalization projects in Rosselkhozbank (RSHB)

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