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Luch NPO Research Institute






+ Government of the Russian Federation


2023: Rosatom increased the power of lasers for industrial and scientific tasks by 10 times

In mid-December 2023, Rosatom reported a 10-fold increase in the power of lasers for industrial and scientific tasks. To do this, employees of the Optical and Information Technologies department of JSC NII NPO LUCH (part of the scientific division of the state corporation) have created a new beam addition technology for fiber-optic lasers.

The development is based on WDM (Wavelength Division Multiplexing) channel spectral multiplexing. She was introduced to technological lasers using special filters. The Research Institute of NPO LUCH analyzed the WDM technology and came to the conclusion that a similar approach can be used in technological lasers, but at a significantly higher level of radiation powers - taking into account the fact that beams can pass through filters several times, the power of the total radiation will be approximately equal to the power of 10 lasers.

Rosatom reported a 10-fold increase in the power of lasers for industrial and scientific tasks
The basis of modern technological lasers is fiber (in particular, ytterbium) lasers. These are compact, reliable, relatively inexpensive devices with high efficiency of converting electric energy into radiation with an efficiency of ~ 40%, which produce very high-quality radiation at the output, "said Viktor Fedoseev, chief researcher at NII NPO LUCH, Candidate of Technical Sciences.

He added that when implementing the innovative project, specialists took into account significantly higher radiation powers, the size of the beams of technological lasers, the spectral distance between the channels and the emission spectra of individual lasers.

The work was carried out within the framework of the advance project of the private institution "Science and Innovation," which supports the scientific development of the nuclear industry. JSC NII NPO LUCH is a key player in providing the nuclear industry with fuel elements, creating fuel compositions and other technologies, including laser systems, noted in Rosatom[1]
