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Баннер в шапке 2

State concert


Goskontsert podvedomstven Ministry of Culture, Federal State Unitary Enterprise is engaged in the organization of musical festivals and concerts in Russia and abroad.

Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation - 100%





+ State concert
+ Government of the Russian Federation

Performance Indicators

From the reporting which Goskontsert submits to tax authorities (it is published in SPARK-Interfax base), follows that the federal state unitary enterprise at the end of 2013 is unprofitable. Then revenue of Goskontsert made only 70,000 rub, a loss – 2.6 million rubles. At the same time "other income" the organizations made 2.27 million rubles, and management expenses – 4.48 million rub[1].

In 2012 revenue of federal state unitary enterprise was – 3.848 million rubles, in 2011 – 8.142 million rubles.


2015: FAS approved the purchasing request "Goskontsertom" of RMG company

In July, 2015 it became known that the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) approved the request of Federal State Unitary Enterprise Goskontsert for acquisition of 100% of Russian Media Group (RMG), the deputy head of department of control of advertizing and unfair competition of FAS Marina Saranskaya told Vedomosti. Before IFD "Kapital", one of shareholders of RMG, reported that shareholders "reached the agreement in principle" upon sale of a share block RMG "Goskontsertu"[1].

Earlier in the message of IFD "Kapital" the words of the CEO of Goskontsert Sergey Bunin devoted to this transaction were cited. He said that "professional commands of Russian Media Group and Goskontserta media holding will be able to create effective synergy for achievement still of big results and expansion of the creative horizons".

The market participants polled by Vedomosti reported that for them this transaction – a bolt from the blue: rumors about possible sale of RMG went long ago, but nobody expected to see state company as the buyer. Moreover, unclear, from where the federal state unitary enterprise will dig up resources on this transaction. Several sources in the musical market were heard that Goskontsert will pay for RMG $120-150 million, or 6.8-8.5 billion rubles at the rate of the Central Bank. For comparison: Siberian Business Union in 2012 purchased the European Media Group (EMG) more than for $160 million. Though EMG sells advertizing, than RMG more effectively, tells a source in large media holding.

Information from Federal State Unitary Enterprise Goskontsert on the planned purchase of media group did not come to the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, reported Vedomosti in the Ministry of Culture. The person, close to department, reminded that federal state unitary enterprises do not receive allocation from the budget and can rely only on own means.

Earlier the source of Vedomosti close to RMG and also the staff of several musical companies claimed that Vladimir Kiselyov, the producer of VIA "People of Earth" and the Russians group, the former head SUE Kreml and the head of Federation fund will become the buyer of RMG. Kiselyov together with Bunin from Goskontsert are founders of Kreml international LLC. They are connected and on several other companies.
