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Visitech Visits


Information Technology
Since 2015
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
"Skolkovo Innovation Center," 7 Nobel Street


Skolkovo Innovation Center
SL Soft - 58,15%
Hyperion LLC - 41.85%
(effective May 24, 2024)
Financial results
2018 year
Revenue: 123000 Ths. rub


+ Government of the Russian Federation



Softline revealed the purchase price of Visitech - 162 million rubles

In mid-March 2025, the Softline group of companies () Softline disclosed the details of agreements for the acquisition of two developers software in the field of labor protection - Visitech and MD MD Audit Audit. The total value of transactions is 325 million. rubles

According to CNews, the Yuzhno-Sakhalin company Visitek, together with its owner Hyperion, was acquired for 162 million rubles. Of this amount, 62 million rubles is short-term deferred remuneration, another 100 million rubles is short-term deferred remuneration in the form of Softline shares. Under the terms of the agreement, Softline becomes the sole owner of both companies.

Softline revealed the cost of buying developers of Visitech and MD Audit software - 325 million rubles were paid for them

In turn, MD Audit and its owner, Armenian LLC Kam, were bought for a short-term fee of 94 million rubles and a long-term contingent fee of 69 million rubles. Thus, the total amount of the transaction is 163 million rubles. At the same time, Softline becomes the owner of a 75 percent stake in these companies.

Visitek specializes in the digitalization of labor protection and industrial safety processes. The company is developing technologies to reduce risks and prevent incidents at work. It is expected that the purchase of Visitek will help Softline form an ecosystem of Russian solutions for integrated digitalization and increasing the efficiency of enterprises from the industry sector.

MD Audit automates the audit of retail chains and improves the quality of personnel. The company's tools allow you to control operations, reduce the percentage of scrap in production, manage the working hours of personnel and predict their required number. Softline plans to use MD Audit solutions to create a platform for the retail industry with a focus on improving the efficiency of retail chains.[1]

Acquisition by SL Soft

SL Soft has expanded its product portfolio to include 100% of Visitech (VISITECH brand), which specializes in the development of technologies for occupational safety, enterprise efficiency, industrial and environmental safety. This was announced on May 27, 2024 to TAdviser by representatives of Softline Group of Companies. According to the calculations of SL Soft, this step will allow the company to form an ecosystem of Russian solutions for comprehensive digitalization and increasing the efficiency of players from the industry sector.

According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, from May 24, 2024, SL Soft LLC became one of the founders of Visitek LLC with a share of 58.15%. 41.85% in the authorized capital of Visitek LLC belongs to Hyperion LLC, which since May 24, 2024 has been 100% owned by SL Soft. On the same day, the Far Eastern High Technology Fund Management Company resigned from the founders of Visitek LLC and Hyperion LLC. Representatives of SL Soft did not disclose the amount of the transaction.

"During the period of active search by Russian companies for alternative business applications, we try to respond to the needs of customers of the enterprise segment and offer them a set of integrable import solutions. The acquisition of VISITECH will help us build an ecosystem and develop products for digital transformation of enterprises, "said Victor Weinstein, Managing Director of SL Soft. "We welcome the VISITECH team and hope that their experience with large industrial holdings will strengthen our position as a vendor."

VISITECH products are used in oil and gas, chemical, metallurgical and other industries operating at high production risks. The company's flagship solution is the Integrated Safety Assurance System (ISSOW): it is a platform consisting of modules for automating production processes, a work permit system, incident management, geo-positioning, contractor control, accounting for hazardous working conditions and much more.

"Through the merger, we will gain significant resources and expertise to develop our products. And integration with complementary SL Soft solutions will allow in the near future to offer customers a significantly wider set of tools to improve the efficiency, reliability and security of the business, "said Angelina Zimina, CEO of VISITECH.

According to SL Soft, VISITECH also has a synergistic potential in the perimeter of Softline Group of Companies - with the products of the Digital Lab division. Among them is the Smart Helmets software and hardware complex: PPE with an intelligent module, designed to significantly increase compliance with occupational health and safety standards. Smart helmets are designed to position employees of enterprises in open areas and indoors, monitor employees' compliance with labor protection and industrial safety rules.

2019:100 million rubles of investments from the Far Eastern High Technology Fund

On July 5, 2019, it became known that the Far Eastern High Technology Fund, created in 2018, invested 100 million rubles in Visitech, a Sakhalin developer of solutions in the industrial Internet of Things (IIoT).

Since its inception, Visitech has developed at its own expense through profit reinvestment. The company is engaged in the development and production of industrial safety software (EHS). The main product of Visitech is focused on the digitization of processes related to occupational health and safety at work. Its implementation helps to mitigate the risks associated with the human factor in production, as well as promptly investigate and prevent incidents based on analytics.

We believe in the product and in the team - the guys from the Far East have created a competitive solution that is already in demand by the market. They were able to convince the market in the person of leading representatives industries of its benefits and prospects. We believe that by finalizing the product with the fund's funds, the team will be able to make it an industry standard in the field of industrial safety software, "commented Ruslan Sarkisov, Director General of the Far Eastern High Technology Fund.[2]

2018: Supporting the global Vision zero movement

In August 2018, Visitech became the official partner of the global Vision zero movement dedicated to the safety, health and well-being of workers.

Vision zero, or the "zero injury concept" developed by the International Social Security Association (MASO), is a global approach to the formation of a workplace prevention culture that combines three aspects of work at all levels - safety, health and well-being, the company told TAdviser.

Vision zero's zero injury concept is based on the belief that all industrial accidents and occupational diseases can be prevented - they are neither predetermined nor inevitable, they always have reasons. Due to the formation of an active culture of prevention, these causes can be eliminated.

The campaign is designed to unite partners from various industries around the world into a global community (as of August 2018, it already has about 2,500 members), aimed at implementing unified efforts to improve the working conditions of employees, create new opportunities for enterprises and strengthen social security systems.

As noted in Visitech, the promotion of a culture of prevention in the workplace requires an active approach and involvement of the entire company, from top management to field employees. Vision zero's "golden rules" denote specific steps to help achieve zero injuries in practice:

  • Become a leader - show commitment to the principles of the concept
  • Identify Threats - Control Risks
  • Define Goals - Develop Programs
  • Create an occupational safety and health system - achieve a high level of organization
  • Ensure occupational safety and health in workplaces, when working with machines and equipment
  • Improve Your Skills - Develop Your Skills
  • Invest in personnel - motivate through participation

A number of high-risk industrial enterprises are already using Visitech's HSE technologies as tools for implementing these steps.

2017: Main activity

As of April 17, 2017, Visitech LLC operates in the development and implementation of software solutions in the field of industrial safety, labor protection and industrial efficiency of enterprises, and oilgas mining power other industries with a high degree of risk.

The main area is the development of the product "Integrated Safety Assurance System (ISSOW)."

2015: Founding of the Company

Visitech was founded in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk in 2015.