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Баннер в шапке 2



Enaza is founded at the end of 2009. Aggregation of digital content and its distribution through telecommunication operators of Russia and also the largest Internet platforms of Runet became a task of the company.







Business model

Is one of leaders in the Russian market of aggregators of digital content. Actively participates in development of distribution of legal digital content and the software. The customer base of users of entertainment portals Enaza makes more than 5 million people (for 2013). Unique specialization of the company - development and start of online stores on retail sale of digital content for large telecom operators and retail networks of federal scale.

Among partners there are companies: Rostelecom (in particular for 2013 based on Enaza the multimedia portal of Rostelecom-Забава.ру works), MTS (Comstar Regions), ER-Telecom Holding, Novotelekom, Ufanet, PING Telecom, "The Omsk cable networks", "The Ural cable networks", Aster and others.


2017: Softline buys Enaza

October 20, 2017 it became known of Enaza sale to provider of IT solutions and Softline services who at the expense of the transaction can strengthen the positions in the field of cloud applicaions.

That Softline purchased the Perm IT company Enaza, Kommersant with reference to the informed source reported. According to data of the USRLE in which are provided by the newspaper the Cyprian Axion Holding Cyprus Ltd (79.9% of stocks belong to Softline Group) became the owner of 100% of head company Enaza — Freshstore LLC — in August, 2017.

At office of Enaza company

The vice president for investments of Softline Elena Volotovskaya confirmed the transaction, but did not disclose its cost. She only said that acquisition will pay off within three years, and in two years in foreign countries of Softline is going to add " more than $25 million revenue" due to this acquisition.

According to Volotovskaya, Softline is going to scale the Enaza platform on the markets of foreign countries, including South America, Southeast Asia, Central Asia and Eastern Europe.

We already held preliminary negotiations with a number of telecom operators and service providers, i.e. with key customers at whom the platform will be applied, and agreed to begin work on implementing solution — she added.

Enaza is not the first company purchased by Softline for expansion of business in the market of cloud services which volume, according to forecasts of Gartner, in 2017 will grow by 18%. Earlier Softline also acquired the rights to the Zsquare platform.

After two transactions Softline estimates the share in the Russian segment of b2c-subscriptions to antiviruses through providers approximately at 85%. The volume of the customer base of Enaza, Zsquare and Softline by October, 2017 exceeds 20  million subscribers, Elena Volotovskaya specified.[1]