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Test iT Test IT


Information Technology
Since 2019
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
117342, Butlerova street, 17, floor 2, com. 102, office 217

Top managers:
Danilchenkov Vasily Dmitrievich

Softline - 75%
Yoonion Holding (Union Holding) - 25%
(effective September 10, 2024)
Revenue Ths. rub

Number of employees


Test I&T LLC is a Russian resident developer of Skolkovo, whose products are included in the Unified Register of Domestic Software under the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation. Test IT solutions take into account the features of centralized testing management and provide a tool for QA engineer.



Acquisition of control in Test iT by the structure of Softline Group of Companies

Develonika, a developer of individual IT solutions, products and services (part of Softline Group of Companies), acquired a controlling stake in Test iT LLC, a Russian developer of the test and quality management system for the development of Test IT software. This was reported to the TAdviser portal on September 11, 2024 by representatives of Softline.

source = Softline Telegram channel

According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the structure of Softline Group of Companies (LLC Engineering Center Softline) received a 75% stake in Test iT LLC. The remaining 25% was retained by Union Holding JSC.

As a result of the inclusion of Test IT in the portfolio of its own solutions, Softline Group of companies expects to strengthen its expertise at all stages of software development. According to the representatives of the group, the deal will create the potential for increasing the margin of the custom development business of Softline Group of Companies and will allow companies to offer a unique service in the software testing services market, integrated into all stages of the development life cycle and optimizing processes by reducing labor costs.

Test IT integrates manual and automated software testing management and displays all related reporting in a single interface. According to the developers, the system allows you to increase the efficiency of test models by 30-40%, as well as reduce the time financial and cost of the development and testing cycle by 10-15%. The product is included in. Register of domestic software Ministry of Digital Development

As of September 2024, the Test iT team is more than 75 people. The company's revenue in 2023 amounted to more than 250 million rubles, in 2024 revenue is expected to grow by more than 60%. According to the results of the Russia Quality Report study, by the end of 2024, Test IT will occupy about 20% of the test control system market in the Russian Federation. In synergy with Develonika, the company's revenues in 2025 may grow by more than 30%.

"We are pleased to announce the continuation of the active M&A strategy of Softline Group of Companies and welcome the'iT Test' as part of the'Develonica'. The deal will strengthen the competencies in software testing and expand the portfolio of services provided, increasing the efficiency and quality of the software product development process, "said the Yuri Ovcharenko president of Develonika (Softline Group of Companies).

According to him, the synergy of Test I&T and Develoniki will create an importo-independent platform for managing processes of secure and high-quality development within the framework of the DevSecTestOps methodology. The development of a joint ecosystem will be based on technological partnerships with other Russian vendors, as well as the capabilities of their own products. This, in turn, will provide customers with access to a platform solution for managing all development processes, the top manager shared.

"The main task of the iT Test is to provide R&D teams with innovative tools to create products of impeccable quality. With the entry into "Develonika," an important stage of scaling products and creating new services begins for the company, "said Evgeny Khafizov, founder of Test IT, for his part.

As he said, Test iT already has contracts with many large companies from key industries - the development of the company is in demand by customers from the banking and industrial sectors, retail, as well as organizations engaged in large product development. This ensures the "Test iT" stable revenue and new opportunities for development. According to Yevgeny Khafizov, the merger with Softline Group of Companies will lead to multiple business growth. In particular, the inclusion of Test IT in the portfolio of the group of companies will allow you to reach a new audience interested in cloud and server solutions for managing testing and development quality.

Together with the Develonica team, the Test iT team will be able to offer not only digital tools, but also comprehensive testing services to both regular and new customers. And with the help of technological and human resources of Softline, it is planned to expand the product line and increase the pace of development of new functionality, improve the quality of service and scale sales in large price segments, "Evgeny Khafizov summed up.

Changes in the composition of the founders

Since May 7, 2024, Union Holding Joint Stock Company (with a 100% stake) has become the sole founder of Test iT LLC.

2023: Ownership

According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, from November 22, 2023, the founders of Test AiTi LLC included:


Leaving the founders of Yevgeny Khafizov

According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in December 2022, Yevgeny Khafizov resigned from the founders of Test AiTi LLC.

5x increase in revenue

In the staff of Test IT - more than 50 people (March 2022). From 2020 to 2021, the company's revenue increased fivefold - from 20 million to 100 million rubles. By the end of 2022, management plans to increase it by at least 2 times. Test IT clients include more than 200 companies from Russia and the CIS.



Logo in 2021

The key product of the company is the Test IT TMS software testing management system (data for January 2021). This is Russian software, which consists in the Unified Register of Domestic Software under the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation since 2020 (registration number PO 6125).


As of January 2021, the founders of the company, according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, were:

2019: Founding of the company

Test AiTi LLC was founded in 2019 by three QA professionals - former employees of Kaspersky Lab and Tinkoff Bank with 10 years of experience - Khafizov Evgeny, Mikhail Ryabov and Denis Aksenov, with the involvement of investment funds from private investors.