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The Brazilian company Compusoftware is engaged in distribution and IT services

Softline - 100%


By the beginning of 2016 Compusoftware is the fifth in value IT distributor in Brazil (data of Ernst & Young). In addition to deliveries of products, the company is engaged in providing IT services.

2016: Sale of Compusoftware of Softline company

On January 17, 2016 it became known of Compusoftware purchase by the Russian supplier of IT solutions and Softline services. This transaction was confirmed in both companies, Vedomosti writes.

How much Compusoftware acquisition cost to Softline, it is not reported. The Russian holding will pay 60% of a cash amount, and the rest — stocks of the head company, the director of investments of Softline Elena Volotovskaya told the newspaper.

Compusoftware is sold to Softline at the end of 2015

According to her, Softline prepares for the IPO, and owners of Compusoftware will acquire the right to sell the share block at placement. Also can earn Sovcombank which in January, 2016 issued to the company the credit of 4 billion rubles for merger of IT firms in Latin America and Southeast Asia from entry of Softline into the exchange.

Elena Volotovskaya adds that purchase of Compusoftware was paid with the credit of Sovcombank, the transaction was closed at the end of 2015. However, owners of the Brazilian company will be able to receive money not at once: the most part of the amount will be listed in 2017 proceeding from EBITDA for 2016. The director of Ernst & Young in the CIS on merges and absorption Ruben Israyelyan estimates Compusoftware at $25-35 million.

According to the main owner of Softline Igor Borovikov, due to merger of Compusoftware it is going to strengthen positions of the Russian company as supplier of Microsoft in Latin America, however business of Softline will not be limited to products of the American producer. Borovikov promises that at the same time Softline intends to advance the Russian technologies in BRICS countries.

The owner of Softline says that revenue of the company in 2015 approached $1 billion in which 60% fell to the share of Russia, the rest — on a share of the CIS and foreign countries. On the eve of the IPO the Softline sales pattern as Borovikov said, will be divided into three equal parts: Russia, Latin America and Asia.[1]