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Test IT TMS (Test Management System)

Developers: Test IT
Last Release Date: 2021/10/07
Technology: SaaS - Software as a service,  TMS - Test Management System,  Office Applications


Main article:

Test IT TMS (Test Management System) is a software testing management system, the key product of the company is the Test I&T software testing management system. This is Russian software, which consists in the Unified Register of Domestic Software under the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation since 2020 (registration number PO 6125).

2024: Integration with GitFlic

The developers of ReSalt (part of the Astra Group) have implemented direct integration of their GitFlic platform and Test IT test management system. Astra Group announced this on May 21, 2024. Read more here.

2022: Problems to be solved and features of Test IT TMS

According to the information for May 2022, the Test IT TMS system allows you to manage the testing process and fully control it both by quality assurance engineers and senior management.

With the solution, you can quickly generate test scenarios and plans, store and update the test model, view and upload reports to external environments.

The main tasks that Test IT TMS solves according to the information for May 2022::

  • Reduce the cost of software development and testing by 15-20%;
  • Removal of reputational risks from defects in releases;
  • Storage of test artifacts;
  • Optimizing the work time of testers: general steps, working with images, working with autotests;
  • Organization of manual and autotester work in a single space, and not in a third-party CI system.

Test IT TMS has two methods of software delivery:

  • Enterprise solution, deployed locally at the client's capacity.
  • Cloudy SaaS- solution; customers do not spend resources to support their own architecture and capacity.

Among the key features of Test IT TMS:

  • the ability to control manual and automated tests in one interface - to run, analyze results and investigate the causes of falling autotests;
  • The ability to view reports on historical data
  • Import from other systems in XML, XLSX formats
  • working with test wounds, reporting on the results of test wounds;
  • combining constantly repeating actions into an entity - a general step - with its subsequent use in test cases;
  • extensive possibilities for customizing the test model;
  • possibility of sending webhooks to triggers: changing the status of the test plan, starting autotests.


Compatibility with the operating system "Red OS"

In order to develop technological cooperation, the Russian developers Red Software and Test IT have confirmed the compatibility of the Red OS operating system and the Test IT testing control system. This was announced on October 7, 2021 by the Red Soft company.

Test IT system is designed to test, automate the processes of planning checks of software products for defects in real time. Test IT closes all tasks of monitoring and maintaining the quality of applications. The system helps to develop testing scenarios and plans, check lists, and stores and updates documentation. According to the company, the implementation of Test IT reduces the time spent on testing tasks by 50%.

Red OS is a Russian operating system of the Linux family for servers and workstations, providing a universal environment for using application software. The product is certified by the FSTEC of Russia (No. 4060 of 12.01.2019), which confirms its compliance with information security requirements and allows its use in state information systems. "Red OS" is registered in the Unified Register of Russian computer programs and databases (No. 3751).

"The implementation of the national digitalization program is largely based on solutions, the development and support of which is impossible without high-quality and reliable software. The Test IT system at Red OS will allow testing software in a sanctions-resistant environment and in accordance with the requirements of the import substitution program, "-

commented on the Deputy General Director of Red Soft Rustam Rustamov.

"More and more domestic enterprises are aware of the need to build an import-independent development environment. The increased level of reliability and security associated with the transition to a joint Test IT and Red OS solution has already been secured by many Russian banks, telecom operators and large software developers, "-

added the director of the business development department Test IT Artyom Kostryukov.


According to information for January 2021, Test IT TMS - a client-server solution, is deployed locally on a computer. Test IT TMS allows you to manage the testing process and fully control it from the top management.