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Working hands (Workhands)



+ Government of the Russian Federation
Service Working hands

The company is founded in Krasnodar by Oleg Shilov, Olga Semko and Alexander Grishayev

The Working Hands service works on the "economy on demand" model and allows construction, contract, production companies to find general workers for a short time and at the fixed price.

Clients place the orders, service provides a timely exit of general workers to an object, their replacement (in case of need) and accepts payment for the done work.


Attraction of 25 million rubles of investments and assessment of the company in 325 million rubles

At the end of December, 2019 the Working Hands service attracted 25 million rubles of investments from two angel investors. According to the results of the transaction on financing the startup was evaluated in 325 million rubles, reported TAdviser in the company.

According to a soosnovatelnitsa of the project of Olga Semko, the transaction passed on December 10, 2019. She did not begin to tell the names of new investors.

The Russian service attracted millions to search of general workers and was evaluated in 325 million rubles

According to the USRLE, after the transaction founders of "Working hands" of Oleg Shilov had 46.5% of the company, at Olga Semko and Alexander Grishayev — on 15.5%. Somebody Nikolay Povalyaev received 4.6% in the company, and Sergey Korshunov — 3.1%. 14.8% of a startup belong to the Internet Initiatives Development Fund (IIDF). 

The Working Hands service is intended for search of general workers and loaders. The client — a warehouse, construction or management company, etc. — is registered and in the on-line mode does the request for the necessary number of ancillary workers for specific time. Contractors respond, and the company monitors their movement. Earns a startup from the commission.

"Working hands" block accounts of customers which delay payment more than for 3–5 days. Founders also began to check more carefully than clients on open information bases and to collect recommendations. 

"Working hands" put rating to contractors. The client customer gives a mark, for delay and careless work the service downgrades. Workers with high rating receive the most profitable orders.

Working Hands sign with contractors agreements on rendering information services. The contractor specifies the TIN, number of the bank checking account, a legal address and other data in the agreement and sends the scan of the document to service by e-mail. Sign the service provision agreement on the organization of unskilled works with companies clients "Working Hands".

Investments in the amount of 15 million rubles

On March 18, 2019 it became known that the startup "Working hands" involved seed-investments from fund in the amount of 15 million rubles. The venture fund finances in two tranches. According to the results of the second tranche the share of IIDF in the company will make 25%. The command will aim investments at the development of service.

Working Hands command

Startup from Krasnodar — the graduate of the 16th set of Accelerator of IIDF.

Using "Working hands" customers involved builders of Krasnodar stadium, the station of the Moscow Savelovskaya subway and Krymsky Bridge.

The project specializes in a b2b-segment and attracts personnel only of working specialties.

Most often clients look for the help on construction, loading and land works. Since launch service processed 6400 requests from 420 clients, provided more than 25 thousand manshifts.

Feature of service — in automation of customer interaction and general workers. All system is constructed on standards of relationship for each work type. Login is open both for customers, and for contractors (contractors), it is necessary to conform to the standards shown to participants only.

In a system the automated algorithms, cases of a random failure of workers allowing to predict and warn from appearance at work are implemented. In case of threat of absence of the worker on an object a system automatically finds the reserve workers interested in earnings.

The service uses the system of reliability assessment of contractors — most often offer reliable and fair workers profitable orders. On the basis of the request of the customer service creates crews in 10 minutes while independent selection by the customer takes several days.

2018: Investments from IIDF in the amount of 2.5 million rubles

The IIDF invested in service 2.5 million rubles in exchange for 7% in authorized capital of the company.


Link to service Working hands