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Scientific center on complex transport problems (NTsKTP)


Federal State Unitary Enterprise Scientific Center on Complex Transport Problems of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation (NTsKTP) is the leading expert organization in Russia dealing with issues of control of transport.

Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation


+ Government of the Russian Federation

NTsKTP has more than 55-year history of work in the field of development of transport and means of communication. For the last 10 years of NTsKTP more than 100 projects for the benefit of federal and regional authorities are successfully executed. NTsKTP has wide experience on a research and the solution of large complex transport problems and also on coordination of such works. NTsKTP is the author of development of "The transport strategy of the Russian Federation until 2030" and also the head contractor and the coordinator of works in projects: "Development of the Federal target program "Upgrade of the Transport System of Russia (for 2002 - 2010)", "the FTP "Development of the transport system of the Russian Federation till 2015", the Comprehensive plan development iron and highways of EurAsEC and many other complex projects.