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+ Government of the Russian Federation


2021: Poster bought Listim.Tickets

Included in the ecosystem "Sbera LLC," which in Company Poster 2020 merged the portal "Poster" and the ticket service Rambler/cash desk"," bought the ticket system Listim.Tickets. This was officially announced on September 15, 2021.

Under the terms of the agreement, Afisha Company will receive rights to the Listim.Tickets software and key employees of Aichi Structure, which manages the ticket system and interacts with customers. The founder of Listim.Tickets Sergey Znatnov will develop the ticket system in the Poster team.

It is noted that as a result of the transaction, "Afisha" will be able to develop a business in the field of automation of ticket sales for various categories of event organizers. According to Ilya Altshuler, CEO of Afisha Company, Listim.Tickets will give Afisha the opportunity to create a full-fledged ticket operator.

Poster acquired Listim.Tickets
We want to bring Poster to the leaders of the ticket market for cultural events. The new software will significantly expand the range of capabilities of Poster in this market, he said.

Ilya Altshuler added that for existing and future Afisha partners it is planned to offer favorable cooperation conditions, as well as access to such capabilities of the Sber ecosystem as accruing and writing off bonuses of the SberThank You loyalty program and special offers for SberPrime subscribers. "

Listim.Tickets is a service for electronic registration and sale of tickets for events, which includes the management of the customer base and tools for working with orders: transfer of spectators, refund of money, cancellation of the order. Listim.Tickets has more than 300 partners (by September 2021).

Poster, along with other Sber assets in the field of advertising and entertainment, is part of a group of companies managed by SberInterior[1]
