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Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC is the Russian research institute of natural gases and gas technologies. 100% affiliated enterprise JSC Gazprom, leading research, project and technology and engineering center JSC Gazprom.



+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ Rosneft of the Tax Code

The institute VNIIGAZ is created in 1948. In 1999 it is transformed to "Research Institute of Natural Gases and Gas Technologies — Gazprom VNIIGAZ" Limited liability company. A founder of Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC is JSC Gazprom which possesses 100% of authorized capital of Society. In 2001 the solution of JSC Gazprom Gazprom VNIIGAZ received the status of scientific center of the industry in the field of technology.

The organization structure of Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC includes scientific centers, departments and laboratories and also experienced and experimental base and research and project branch in Ukhta (Severnipigaz).

In Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC more than 1300 research associates, specialists and employees work (including more than 50 doctors and 200 candidates of science); in Severnipigaz LLC – more than 600 research associates, specialists and employees (including 1 doctor and about 30 candidates of science).

Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC provides coordination of scientific research within large target and engineering projects and programs; carries out research, experimental and experienced and design works. Among the most important projects executed in recent years: Program of expanded reproduction of JSC Gazprom of products: gas, gas condensate and oil from 2005 to 2020 and until 2030; The General scheme of development of the gas industry (until 2030); The Program of creation in Eastern Siberia and in the Far East of an integrated gas production, transportation and supply system taking into account possible gas export on the markets of China and other countries of the Pacific Rim.

On scientific and technical developments of Society it is taken out and 99 patents for inventions and useful models are kept in force (including 6 patents of foreign countries).

Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC locates modern scientific and experienced and experimental base; the computer center providing program and technical maintenance of research; scientific and technical library, extensive fund of the specifications and technical documentation, patents and copyright certificates for inventions.

Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC takes part in work of the International gas Union, Committee on steady power of UNECE, Natural gas Committee of International Organization for Standardization.

From the date of the basis the institute participates in implementation of large international projects. From the most significant in recent years – Blue Stream; mastering Shtokman and Prirazlomnoye of fields of the Arctic shelf.

In Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC the postgraduate study and dissertation councils accepting to protection master's and doctoral dissertations on 7 scientific specialties function.