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Баннер в шапке 2

Composite of HK






+ Composite of HK
+ Government of the Russian Federation

In management of holding there is a project company JSC RUSNANO of Prepreg-SKM Ltd which is engaged in production of fabrics from carbon fiber and high-quality prepregs.

The Kompozit holding company and Fund of infrastructure and educational programs in the fall of 2011 founded Nanotechnology Center of Composites LLC for the purpose of rendering a full range of services in engineering and trial production of composite products.

Kompozit are used in aircraft industry, construction, a car - shipbuilding, etc. Among the tasks facing holding, creation of highly effective ecologically safe production of carbon fiber and products from it on the basis of the innovative technologies of receiving continuous and discrete fibers. The Kompozit holding company is going to reach a leading position on engineering, production and sale of composition materials of new generation and to provide requirements of domestic enterprises with composition materials of new generation.

The Kompozit holding company is created for the purpose of market grouping of composition materials in Russia in 2009. The vertically integrated holding includes the plant on production of polyacrylonitrile fiber "Kompozit-Volokno LLC, the enterprises of ROSATOM State Corporation for production of high-strength and high-modular carbon fibers - Argon LLC and ZUKM LLC.

"The Kompozit holding company owns "Kompozit research center which is engaged in developments of carbon fiber with the improved characteristics, the Kompozit-Volokno plant on production of polyacrylonitrile (SIR) fiber – raw materials for production of carbon fiber, a share block in Prepreg-SKM Rusnano portfolio company on production of fabrics and prepregs and also – a share in "the Nanotechnology center of composites" together with Fund of infrastructure and educational programs and DowAksa company. The nanocenter is engaged in production of finished products from composites.