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Kursk State University



+ Government of the Russian Federation

The Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kursk State University" is an educational organization of higher education, carrying out as the main purpose of its activities educational activities in educational programs of higher education and scientific activities created to carry out educational, scientific, social and other functions of a non-commercial nature.


2024: Agreement with Lanit Omni to train personnel for the IT industry

Kursk State University and Lanit Omni (part of the LANIT group), a vendor of the process-oriented low-code platform BPMSoft, signed a cooperation agreement. It will include integration into the educational program of the university of educational modules on the development of students' skills in working with domestic software. LANIT announced this on March 27, 2024.

In the academic year 2024-25, the study of the platform will be added to the program of the discipline "Fundamentals of Information Systems Design" for fourth-year students of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, studying in the direction of "Mathematical Support and Administration of Information Systems."

KSU and LANIT Omni are planning a joint development of educational and methodological materials. For March 2024, the university's faculty takes practical courses in setting up, administration and working with BPMSoft.

Further expansion of interaction formats, including the organization of professional internships for students in the regional office of LANIT Omni in Kursk and in the companies of the vendor's partner network, will bring cooperation to a qualitatively different level and provide the market with well-trained IT specialists.

Educational programs in the IT field, which teach our students, are constantly updated and updated based on the requirements of the time, which allows them to remain extremely in demand. The introduction of specialized sections on working with domestic software, including the BPMSoft platform, into the curricula of disciplines and the conduct of practical classes on working with it is necessary for students to feel confident in the labor market.
said Konstantin Makarov, Head of the Department of Software and Administration of Information Systems of KSU.

The skills of working in the BPM system will open up wide horizons of career opportunities in advanced domestic companies before the graduates of KSU. Among our clients are representatives of various sectors of the economy: from IT and finance to power and mining. All of them need specialists who can configure and automate business processes on the BPMSoft platform,
noted Yuri Vostrikov, General Director of LANIT Omni.

The partnership agreement between LANIT Omni and KSU was signed within the framework of the long-term academic initiative BPMSoft Education, aimed at training young specialists with skills in working with modern IT systems in universities in Russia and Belarus.

2016: Renaming to FSBEI HE "Kursk State University"

By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 21, 2016 No. 263 was renamed the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kursk State University."

2003: Renamed Kursk State University

By order of the Ministry formations RUSSIAN FEDERATION of January 24, 2003 No. 208 was renamed the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Kursky State University."

1994: Renamed Kursk State Pedagogical University

By order of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Higher Education of November 14, 1994 No. 1094 and by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of November 25, 1994 No. 461, the Kursk State Pedagogical Institute was renamed Kursk State Pedagogical University.

1934: Establishment of the Kursk Pedagogical Institute

The university was created on the basis of Resolution No. 661 of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR of July 22, 1934 "On Organization in the Mountains. Kursk Pedagogical Institute, "which the People's Commissariat of the RSFSR was allowed to open on September 1, 1934, the Pedagogical Institute in the mountains. Kursk. In accordance with this Decree, the People's Commissar of Education of the RSFSR A.S. Bubnov issued order No. 574 of August 9, 1934, which ordered the Kursk Pedagogical Institute to open on September 1, 1934.