Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Gazprombank (Switzerland)



Gazprombank - 100%


+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ Rosneft of the Tax Code
+ Nowfinteh


The bank historically specializes in implementation of the transactions connected with service of foreign trade between Switzerland and Russia, the organization and participation in issue of syndicated loans for the Russian banks and the companies, support to the Swiss companies and organizations, leaders or persons interested to develop the business in Russia and the CIS countries.

2020: Resolution of the regulator to performing transactions with accounts in cryptocurrencies

Gazprombank (Switzerland) Ltd entering into group of Gazprombank got permission from Management of supervision of transactions of financial market of Switzerland (FINMA) to perform operations with accounts in cryptocurrencies for corporate and institutional clients. On October 30, 2020 reported about it in Gazprombank.

Swiss Bank of group provides traditional banking products to corporate clients: to investment funds and other organizations. Now they will be able to use service of reliable storage of cryptocurrency and also its converting in fiat money.

These services will be provided originally to limited number of clients after the procedure of strict assessment. Further the bank is going to expand a range of cryptocurrency services.

"Permission of the Swiss regulating authority is an important stage in development of our business. We expect that digital assets will purchase the increasing value in world economy and, in particular, for our present and potential clients. Gazprombank is interested in financial innovations. Ours the solution blockchain ensures safety and ease of use. We are very glad that we can offer these services to our clients", - the Chairman of the board of Gazprombank (Switzerland) Ltd Roman Abdulin commented.

According to Gazprombank, this tool gives a set of advantages to clients: they get access to cryptocurrency liquidity, and its storage is performed by Swiss Bank on legal grounds. Thus, the counter-party risk is limited. Gazprombank (Switzerland) Ltd uses specially developed difficult procedures and instruments of complex check, ensuring thus multilevel safety and observance of the Swiss legal acts of anti-money laundering.

2012: Management

According to information for 2012 as a part of the management of bank:

2010: Renaming into Gazprombank (Switzerland) Ltd.

In November, 2010 the bank is renamed into Gazprombank (Switzerland) Ltd.

The main objectives of Bank at the present stage are connected with active integration of GPB (joint stock company) into the international financial community, assistance to expansion of presence of Gazprombank at international financial markets, money markets and the capital markets and also financial and bank ensuring commercial and investment business of clients of GPB (joint stock company).

2009: Acquisition of GPB of 100% of stocks of "Russian of Commercial Bank"

In June, 2009 100% of stocks of "Russian of Commercial Bank" were purchased by GPB (joint stock company).

1992: Creation

"The Russian Commercial Bank" was created (Russiche Kommerzial Bank AG) to Zurich, Switzerland in 1992.