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Work is an Internet platform for remote work. Work is based on a technology solution that allows you to provide jobs and activities in various specialties using only Internet technologies.

Skolkovo Foundation
Vladimir Gorbunov


+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ Vladimir Gorbunov

The company's goals: integration into the Internet of new professions that are not previously available for work online. Work allows people anywhere in Russia to be in demand, find a job, get a free education, earn money and build a career.

The project has been operating in open test mode since 2011. The project was mentored by Internet figure Anton Nosik. Work users can choose a profession (insurance, finance, real estate, tourism), undergo training and start work. Work partners sell their products and services through a platform in the Russian Federation and Ukraine. They publish on the site types of work, requirements for the qualification of the contractor, terms of payment. Among the company's clients are Rosgos­strakh, AlfaStrakhovanie, Uralsib, ROSNO and others. Work is a resident of the IT cluster of the Skolkovo Innovation Center.

Performance indicators


Work announced in July 2014 the registration in Russia of the millionth user of the service for earning money via the Internet The company plans to develop the service as universal and open platform for introducing professions in the field of distance employment, as well as further geographical expansion.

According to the results of the first half of 2014, the total turnover of partner companies obtained using the service amounted to more than 853 million rubles (an increase of 66% compared to the same period in 2013).

In addition to professions with piece pay, in 2014 the Internet profession "site development" appeared, which also provides for a fixed payment principle. At the stage of implementation is a profession with a completely fixed payment for work - "call-center operator."


The number of users of the Work service in January 2014 exceeded 600 thousand people. In 2013, more than 500 thousand users joined the project. At the end of 2013, the total turnover of partner companies obtained using the Work service increased 5.5 times from 270 million rubles to 1.5 billion rubles. The total amount of tax deductions and social contributions from the income of Work users in 2013 amounted to more than 10 million rubles. Vorkl LLC revenue in 2013 - 75 million rubles, loss - 112 million rubles -

Work provides services for job seekers without experience and professionals in many areas, the key of which are tourism, finance and insurance. Each user has access to a virtual office, a multimedia learning system, and career development support. The income level of users is directly related to personal activity and experience. According to the results of 2013, the income of professional specialists in the field of sales reaches 100-120 thousand rubles per month.

The average age of most Work users is 24-35 years. They are on the Internet every day and are ready to devote 3-4 hours to telecommuting on weekdays. Prior to registering on the Work website, 67% of users had no experience in the selected specialty. According to statistics, more than half of them take a basic free training course on Work. After completing the training and successfully passing the test, users get the opportunity to work with products and services of leading Russian companies.

The partners of Work are more than 90 largest organizations providing products and services in the field of tourism, finance, insurance, security systems and entertainment. The possibility of remote work using Work is available in all regions of the Russian Federation


2014: Work Opens Online Teamwork Tools to Users

Since September 2014, all registered users have the opportunity to try out a new platform feature - teamwork. Teams consisting of seven people are formed automatically. The algorithm for selecting colleagues takes into account the level of experience and activity of the user, which allows you to get balanced groups in which there will be both beginners and experienced remote workers who are ready to act as mentors. Participants distribute roles in teams independently, which will determine how leadership qualities affect the effectiveness of personal sales.

By analogy with the user's personal account, each team will receive a dedicated "Internet office," services for communication, planning and tracking of work efficiency. Other Internet services for organizing team interaction will be introduced in stages.

"The desire to work in a team, to develop, communicating with colleagues is one of the most frequent requests of our users," commented Vladimir Gorbunov, CEO and founder of Work. - The introduction of teamwork tools on the is a unique experiment - we will test how much a team is needed for personal success in work, or we will refute a number of myths popular among employers and focus on other tools for socializing users. To attract the attention of Internet workers to the new capabilities of the platform, a special competition "Battle of the Titans" announced, with a record prize pool of i1 695,000. Teams that have achieved the best results by the end of the year, as well as those workers who decide to prove that they are "one warrior in the field," will be able to apply for prizes.

The contestants have at their disposal a product line of more than 100 partner companies: a palette of insurance policies and loan offers, tours, air tickets, hotels, security systems, excursions, website designer, etc. The competition will last until the end of 2014.

2014: 1.5 million rubles for the modernization of the training system for distance workers

In the spring of 2014, Work began to modernize the training system for distance workers. 1.5 million rubles will be allocated for these purposes, of which at least 50% - during 2014. About 30% of the funds will be invested in the development and implementation of IT services on the Work Internet platform, the rest will be spent on content preparation.

A fundamentally new component of the system will be additional training programs designed to obtain in-depth, specialized knowledge in the chosen specialty. Programs include author's trainings, interactive simulators and simulators, as well as verification tasks and tests. Another key update will be the involvement in the training process of those Internet specialists who have been working on the Work Internet platform for a long time and regularly became the leader in terms of income. Basic free training will remain at the heart of the training system for users of the online platform Work.

"The strategic basis of the Work Internet platform was and remains free training for all users. This is the only and very effective tool for mastering new specialties from scratch. In 2013, more than 200,000 people underwent free distance learning on Work, 23% more than the number of students undergoing distance learning in all universities in the country! In 2014, we plan to focus on opportunities for "advanced" Internet workers who successfully work and want to increase their income, "said Vladimir Gorbunov, founder and CEO of Work

Basic free training accounts for more than 95% of the educational materials available to users of the Internet platform. Every second user of Work uses free training opportunities. For access to additional programs, a fee is installed, the specific size of which depends on the specialty and the level of the course. At the same time, the cost of new courses will be relatively low for Internet learning (from 200 to 1000 rubles). New courses can also be accessed for virtual "coins" - bonus points that are awarded to Work users for activity on the site.

The first components of the new training system are already available to registered users. Since March, three additional courses have been opened within the framework of the Tourism direction: Fundamentals of the Tourism Business, Weekend Rest and Spring at Sea. As part of the "Finance" direction, an author's training on working with credit cards has been added. From April 2014, a series of webinars will start with the participation of experienced Work specialists, during which they will share practical skills with beginners.

2014: Work in Ukraine

On March 21, 2014, Work announced the launch of the Work Internet platform in Ukraine. Registration of Internet workers is open on the websites of and, there are also programs of basic free training, planning and career building. Internet specialists have access to the legal withdrawal of earned money in the national currency of Ukraine to personal accounts.

Work officially announced plans to launch in Ukraine in 2013. Already in early 2014, the company successfully completed the stage of technical operation of the Internet platform. During that time, more than 10,000 people joined Work. The Internet platform is available in all regions of Ukraine.

To coordinate the work of Work in Ukraine, a representative office was created. His work is supervised by Demina Daria. The main priority of the representative office is the involvement of partner companies, coordination of interaction with technical and legal divisions of the Work headquarters in Moscow.

The partners of Work in Ukraine are more than 20 organizations that provide products and services in the field of tourism, finance and insurance.

2012: Skolkovo Foundation Grant

In early 2012, Work received a grant from the Skolkovo Foundation in the amount of 27 million rubles. The decision to allocate a grant was due to the following reasons: firstly, distance employment is a serious global trend in demand in many segments: from call centers to software development. Work is a socially significant project for Russia - the creation of a product that will facilitate remote hiring.