Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

NNCC National Scientific Center of Competences in the Field of Combating Illegal Trade in Industrial Products


State and social structures
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
123112, vn. terr. municipal district Presnensky, nab. Presnenskaya, d. 8, p. 1, room IN, com. 7, North Tower IFC "City of Capitals"


+ Government of the Russian Federation

ANO "NNCC" is an autonomous non-profit organization "National Scientific Center of Competences in the Field of Countering Illegal Trafficking in Industrial Products"

ANO NNCC was created in accordance with Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 12, 2020 No. 991-r "On the Establishment of an Autonomous Non-Profit Organization National Scientific Center for Competencies in Countering Illegal Trafficking in Industrial Products."