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RNC named after A.M. Granova (Russian Scientific Center of Radiology and Surgical Technologies)



+ Government of the Russian Federation

FSBI "Russian Scientific Center for Radiology and Surgical Technologies named after Academician A. M. Granov" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation is a specialized radiological institute, scientific and medical institution providing modern types of high-tech medical care.


2024: Deputy director received suspended sentence for damage to institution

At the end of December 2023, the Sestroretsky District Court of St. Petersburg found guilty the first deputy director of the Russian Scientific Center for Radiology and Surgical Technologies named after Academician A.M. Granov (RNCRHT) Andrei Klekotsky in the case of causing material damage to the institution in the amount of 155 million rubles. In addition, Deputy Director for Capital Construction Vladimir Kozhikin and employees of the controlling organization Omega Stroy LLC Oleg Ismagambetov, Mikhail Maseikov and Vitaly Starodedov were convicted. Read more here.