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+ Government of the Russian Federation

HoloGroup cooperates with Microsoft and develops hardware and software systems on the basis of points of the mixed reality of Microsoft HoloLens. The user version of Microsoft HoloLens did not appear in the market yet, but the version for developers was released in March, 2016. Does not work with similar products of other HoloGroup producers yet.

2017: Investments of IIDF

The Internet Initiatives Development Fund (IIDF) intends to invest one million p23 in the Russian company HoloGroup which is engaged in developments in the field of holographic technologies.

At the beginning of 2017 HoloGroup became the participant of the 11th accelerator of IIDF. The amount of preseeding investments into the company was 2.1 million rubles. HoloGroup has more than 10 customers, their number includes the companies "Auchan", "Novatek", "Uralkali", Hyundai and LÓreal.

You look also Virtual reality