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Technopark Technology


"Technopark Technology" it is created for ensuring the innovative development of the industry on the basis of increase in scientific and technical potential and expansion of the sphere of use of nuclear technologies in the different industries of the Russian economy. Technoparks of Russia

Federal agency on nuclear power Rosatom - 100%



+ Government of the Russian Federation

Company Info

"Technopark Technology" was created from 100% by participation of Rosatom state corporation for the purpose of attraction and the direction of budgetary funds for creation of material and technical resources for the projects approved to financing within a research and production cluster "Rosatom State Corporation -AFK "Sistema".

The purpose of creation of this cluster is ensuring the innovative development of the industry on the basis of increase in scientific and technical potential and expansion of the sphere of use of nuclear technologies in the priority directions of science and technology.

The company is located in the territory of technopark "with AFK "Sistema" - Rosatom State Corporation which management company is "the Technopark "System Sarov".

As of June, 2013 Alexander Belugin heads the company.


Among projects which are implemented by the company - creation of compact generators synthesis gas for increase in cost and environmental efficiency of transport and power, creation of the land and space center of the management information systems of different function (NONIUS), creation of the hardware-software complex (HSC) for simulation modeling of telecommunication processes, diagnostics and monitoring of objects on the basis of acoustic-emissive technologies and also creation of the center of hydrodynamic researches.


2013: Acquisition of the supercomputer

In June, 2013. "Technopark technology" decided to purchase a high-performance hardware and software system for providing computing resources on a commercial basis and carrying out payment under orders of third parties.

The hardware of a complex should have Tflops with an overall peak capacity of 50 and consist of two types of computing nodes - a blade servers based on air and water cooling. In them universal Intel processors of general purpose and accelerating Intel Phi coprocessors, said in terms of reference should be used.

As for the application software which is a part of a complex it should include packets for 3D - modeling of such processes as problems of aerodynamics, gas dynamics, hydrodynamics, modeling of sinuous flows, multiphase currents, kinetics of burning, distribution of heat in a solid body, dynamic and static elasto-plastic deformation, determination of the intense deformed status of elements of difficult space constructions and also software tools for preparation of initial data.

For these purposes "Technopark Technology" considers the possibility of use of the packets "LOGOS-gidrodinamika", "LOGOS-prochnost", "LOGOS-prochnost", DANKO and "LOGOS-prepost", developed by specialists of Rosatom of the nuclear center which is a part in Sarov (VNIIEF), or their analogs.

Earlier in Rosatom told TAdviser that the corporation also considers the possibility of providing free computing powers of the supercomputer located in the Sarov nuclear center and the application software for mathematical modeling to third parties as a cloud service.

It should be noted that similar services in Russia are rendered several years by a number of the organizations. For example,SUSU and TyumGU. From business companies remote access to the high-performance systems and accomplishment of calculations to order, are provided for example, by the T-Servisy company which is a part of the developer of supercomputers T-Platforms.