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Mir-Deep Alrosa Mine


Alrosa AK



+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ Ministry of Land and Property Relations of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)


2023: Start of mine construction

Alrosa has begun construction of the Mir-Gluboky mine facilities in the Mirninsky district of Yakutia. The press service of the regional government announced this on September 4, 2023.

It is noted that the volume of investments for the construction of mine facilities will amount to 121.5 billion rubles. The total volume of diamond reserves is 173.5 million carats, diamond mining at the mine is expected to begin in 2032. It is planned to start receiving revenue from sales of products from 2033. The productivity of the mine will reach 2 million tons of ore and 3 million carats of diamonds annually for more than 30 years.

Alrosa began building a mine with 173.5 million carats of diamond reserves. 121.5 billion rubles are invested in it
Mir-Gluboky is Alrosa's largest investment project for the next decade, very large-scale and technically complex. In the process of its development, an assessment of diamond reserves in the deep horizons of the deposit was carried out, which showed that the construction of a new mine was economically feasible. The state will receive tax revenues, more than a thousand new jobs are being created.,, the Government Ministry of Finance of Russia government of Yakutia fully supports the project, - said the head of Yakutia Aysen Nikolaev, whose words are quoted by the press service of the regional government.

In 2023, the site is scheduled to begin preparatory work, planning construction sites.[1]


In 2016, the Mir mine, which reached its design capacity at the end of that year, produced 3.19 million carats of diamonds. In 2017, the mine was submerged in an accident when water burst into the mine from a waste pit located at the top. 151 people were in the flooding zone, eight of them died. In the mine, mine workings and mining equipment were completely destroyed, and two horizons were flooded.

The ore of the Mir deposit is characterized by a large content of high-quality diamonds. Before the accident, the Mir mine accounted for more than 10% of production in the Alrosa group.
