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IPOBoard is the electronic information trading system for attraction of the capital by the perspective non-public companies of the innovation sector of economy. The project is a component of the Market of Innovations and Investments of the Moscow Exchange and is implemented in close interaction with Rusnano, the Russian Venture Capital company and other institutes of development.

Infrafond RVC


+ Government of the Russian Federation

IPOboard resident companies perform the activity in all primary branches of new economy: Internet technologies, energy efficiency, biotechnologies, "pure" technologies and materials, nanosystems, space technologies, etc. For the companies a system offers a broad set of services which includes different opportunities for representation to the company to investors, the organization and to support of transactions, including on entry into the public market, and for investors - direct access to the complete information about the perspective innovation projects which passed preliminary expert examination.

Professional experts and consultants are an important part of the IPOboard system. As the bord-conductors giving to the innovation projects support in investment attraction process such companies as Finam, WEB Innovations, by IK of UNIVER Capital, "TsERIH Project management", APEX, ADJConsulting and others are accredited. The number of bord-conductors constantly increases, the most authoritative specialists having rich experience of attraction of the venture and direct funding are involved.

Partners of IPOboard are JSC RVC, Skolkovo Foundation, the Moscow Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship, the Center of the innovative development, RAVI, the Moscow fund of sowing investments, the Zvorykinsky project, a number of business incubators, accelerators and technoparks of Moscow and other subjects of the Russian Federation.


The IPOboard system is created with assistance of the Market of innovations and investments (RII) of the Moscow Exchange and is implemented in close interaction with RUSNANO, RVC and other institutes of development. Today in the IPOboard system 142 companies are registered, 223 investors, 19 consultants are accredited as bord-conductors. 2 companies at the end of 2012 carried out the IPO on RII, 11 companies became residents Skolkovo, 7 companies are invested by FPI RVC.