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Solix Algridients



+ Government of the Russian Federation

In October, 2015 RUSNANO and Solix Algridients (USA) opened the Russian research division — Soliks Biosistemz Vostok.

R&D-центр it is created for a transfer to Russia of the biotechnologies allowing to grow up commercially microseaweed with the subsequent selection of substances from them with high value added — antioxidants, pigments and also antibiotics of new generation.

The Russian division is 100% subsidiary of the American biotechnology company Solix Algridients — portfolio company of I2BF-RNC Resources Fund which investor is RUSNANO. Under the agreement Solix Algridients invests $5 million in the Russian division.

The project is implemented on the platform of Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas and assumes creation of trial production. Systematization and studying of unique collections of strains of the microseaweed which are stored in the Russian research institutes (IFR RAS, IBVV RAS, MSU) and also carrying out expeditions for collecting of their wild-growing types in Buryatia and in the Far East is at the same time planned.

Market perspectives of the project at the first stage are connected with production of polynonsaturated fatty acids, medicines of medical cosmetics on the basis of microseaweed. Capacity of this segment of the Russian market is estimated of more than $1 billion. In the list of perspective products: eykozapentayenovy acid (strengthens immunity) and also astaxanthin (one of the most powerful antioxidants).

For the purpose of a transfer of technologies in Russia the Lumian AGS260 photobioreactor – the unique device allowing to control key parameters of cultivation of microseaweed — temperature, rn, intensity of hashing and giving of a carbon dioxide gas is installed. Besides, the photobioreactor has the section building that allows to grow up at the same time several strains of microseaweed in different conditions. Within the project the international team of researchers cooperating with the leading scientific organizations of Russia and other countries is created.