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Баннер в шапке 2

Gazprom tsentrremont






+ Gazprom tsentrremont
+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ Rosneft of the Tax Code


Core of Gazprom tsentrremont (December, 2012) is Centrenergogaz which part 20 branches are. Besides, the Holding included four more companies:

  • JSC Gazenergoservice,
  • DOAO "Elektrogaz",
  • JSC Orgenergogaz and also
  • JSC Gazprom avtomatizatsiya which share block DOAO "Centrenergogaz" manages.


In 1970 in the Ministry of the gas industry there was a Soyuzgazenergoremont production association (15 branches in the territory of the USSR) which was responsible for repair of gas-distributing units (HPA). Also the plants at which they were made could be engaged in an overhaul of turbines. However in the world, except Russia, is not present anywhere and there was no such huge gas transmission system (GTS) which considerable part is in sparsely populated regions with severe climate. For creation of this unique GTS used GPA of dozens of producer companies, both domestic, and foreign. But producers of turbines were ready to repair only the products, and any another. For this reason there was also a question of the organization of the enterprise which would undertake repair of all gas-distributing units operating on routes GTS.

Since 2005 work on consolidation of repair assets of JSC Gazprom began.

In April, 2008 the Board of Directors of JSC Gazprom made the decision on creation of the holding repair company Gazprom tsentrremont LLC. According to the order of JSC Gazprom of May 28, 2008 No. 144 "About the organization of works on maintenance and repair on objects of JSC Gazprom since 1/1/09 functions on the organization of execution of works for maintenance and repair (MRO) on all objects of JSC Gazprom and its subsidiaries are assigned to Gazprom tsentrremont LLC.

The Board of Directors was headed by the vice chairman of the board, the chief of Finance and economics department of JSC Gazprom Andrey Kruglov, and Dmitry Doyev who reserved a position of the CEO of DOAO "Centrenergogaz" became the head of the organization.

Except compressor stations, traditional for DOAO "Centrenergogaz", were included in a field of activity of Gazprom tsentrremont LLC: regarding gas transportation a linear part of main gas pipelines and also production facilities, processing and an underground gas storage. Thus, from now on the holding will organize work on all existing MRO directions of objects of JSC Gazprom.

Centrenergogaz which part 20 branches are became a core of Gazprom tsentrremont. Besides, the Holding included four more companies: JSC Gazenergoservice, DOAO "Elektrogaz", JSC Orgenergogaz and also JSC Gazprom avtomatizatsiya which share block DOAO "Centrenergogaz" manages.