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+ Sberbank Leasing (SberLeasing)
+ Government of the Russian Federation

Closed Joint Stock Company Sberbank Leasing (CJSC Sberbank Leasing), one of the largest Russian leasing companies. Established in 1993 by Sberbank of Russia.

Performance indicators

2023: Business growth in the segment of road construction machinery by 1.7 times, in agricultural machinery - by 1.2 times

At the end of 2023, the volume of SberLeasing's business in the segments of road construction equipment (DST) increased by 1.7 to 50.3 billion rubles, agricultural equipment (CX) - 1.2 times to 16 billion rubles.

The DST portfolio in comparison with 2022 increased 1.4 times and reached 85.6 billion rubles. The portfolio of agricultural machinery grew even more - 1.7 times and amounted to 26.8 billion rubles.

In 2023, SberLeasing customers most often leased excavators, front loaders, bulldozers, tractors, combines and various trailed and mounted equipment.

Siberian, Ural and Moscow regional branches were the leaders in DST sales. According to the results of 2023, the largest volumes of agricultural machinery were sold in the South-West, Central Black Earth and also the Ural regional branches.

If the Chinese brands dominated road construction equipment - their share in the portfolio exceeded 60%, then domestic products became the undisputed leader in the agricultural segment. Its share was also more than 60%. First of all, this Rostselmash and. Petersburg Tractor Plant Among the "Chinese" the most popular were the brands,, SANY XCMG Liugong.


2024: Victor Ventimilla Alonso's appointment as CEO

Victor Ventimilla Alonso headed JSC Sberbank Leasing. The company announced this on April 1, 2024. More. here


Delivery of trucks for 110 billion rubles per year

At the end of SberLeasing 2023, he leased freight cars by 110 billion, rubles which is 141% more than in 2022. The company announced this on February 6, 2024.

Unlike the passenger segment, the performance of the new business in the truck segment between the leading brands is more evenly spaced. At the end of 2023, KamAZ retained the first place in the issuance. It is followed by brands such as Sitrak, Shacman, FAW, HOWO.

At the end of the year, the products of the most popular brands in the company's portfolio were distributed as follows: KAMAZ - 13%, Sitrak - 14%, Shacman - 18%, FAW - 16%, HOWO - 5%.

In terms of clients in the SberLeasing portfolio, 68% of freight cars accounts for micro and small business 12% for representatives of medium-sized businesses.

Most often, trucks are acquired by companies engaged in the fields of transportation and storage, trade, construction.

As part of subsidy programs for the year, trucks worth 1.4 billion rubles were sold.

Increase in the maximum leasing limit for express technology to 400 million rubles

Increase the maximum leasing limit using express technology to 400 million rubles, and the lease provision period - up to 7 years.

Zero-advance leasing is available to customers without providing financial statements. There are special programs for startups and replenishment of urban public transport parks.

Financing of the production line of the furniture factory "Maria" for 198 million rubles.

SberLeasing on April 19, 2023 announced that it had financed the acquisition of a high-tech full-cycle line for the production of frame parts for furniture for the Maria Furniture Factory company for a total of 198 million rubles. Read more here.

Financing of oil equipment manufactured by New Technologies for 1.1 billion rubles

The Volga-Vyatka regional branch of Sberbank Leasing JSC implemented a return lease transaction for 368 pieces of equipment (installation of a submersible electric centrifugal pump, hereinafter - UECN) worth 1.1 billion rubles produced by Novye Technologiya LLC, followed by leasing to the lessee. Sberbank Leasing announced this on March 21, 2023. Read more here.

Financing the supply of pharmaceutical equipment in Chernogolovka

SberLeasing together with the Industry Development Fund will finance the supply of equipment for equipping pharmaceutical production in the city of Chernogolovka, Moscow Region. SberLeasing announced this on January 31, 2023. The lease agreement in the amount of 1.2 billion rubles was signed with Favorite Trade (part of the Binergia Group of Companies), which acts as a developer. Construction of the production began in the summer of 2022, and its completion is planned at the end of 2023. Read more here.


Implementing a Simple Electronic Signature

SberLeasing paid great attention to customer service and improving leasing conditions. In particular, he introduced the signing of a number of documents using a simple electronic signature (via SMS code). At the time of launch, seven regional branches began operating in the new system: Moscow, North-West, Central Russian, Central Black Earth, Volga-Vyatka, Volga-West, South-West. A little later, the rest connected to them.

Utair after the introduction of Western sanctions bought aircraft and most of the helicopter fleet from SberLeasing

Utair, after the introduction of Western sanctions, bought aircraft and most of the helicopter fleet from SberLeasing. Anatoly Popov, deputy chairman of the board of Sberbank, told reporters about this on August 23, 2022. Read more here.

Getting accredited as an IT company

On May 19, 2022, SberLeasing received accreditation from the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation as an IT company. Accreditation is unlimited, its presence provides additional social benefits for IT specialists, which increases the attractiveness of the company as an employer. The full list of accredited companies is posted on the website of the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation.

Companies that have successfully passed the accreditation procedure can count on a number of measures that state support were previously announced government following decree President RUSSIAN FEDERATION No. 83 of March 2, 2022 "On measures to ensure accelerated development industries information technology in." of the Russian Federation Some of the announced measures have already been fully developed and are ready for implementation. The obtained accreditation allows the company to focus on what the privileges law provides for IT specialists. First of all, this, preferential mortgage as well as a deferral from service in. In armies the future, it is possible to receive, tax preferences as well as reduce tariffs on insurance contributions.


The volume of SberLeasing's business at the end of 2021 exceeded a record 250 billion rubles. SberLeasing again became the first in the ranking of leasing companies in Russia at the end of 2021 according to the Expert RA rating agency.

Also in 2021, SberLeasing and Gazprom Neft completed the project for the construction of Russia's first bunker of ships with natural gas. The vessel was named after the great Russian chemical scientist Dmitry Mendeleev.

The number of customers of the company exceeded 25,000.

2020: Joining the Data Code of Ethics

On October 13, 2020, ABD announced a meeting of the Council for Improving Data Practices. During the meeting, it was decided to join the Code of four companies, including SberLeasing. Read more here.


1 place ranking "Top-20 leasing companies of Russia in terms of the volume of new business

SberBank Leasing took 1st place in the ranking of "Top 20 leasing companies in Russia in terms of new business at the end of 2019" with a business volume of 207 billion rubles.

SberBank Leasing has updated its corporate website and launched an online stock cars developed jointly with its partners. The section at the time of the start presented more than 7,500 units of cars transport from 14 cities of Russia. The service helps customers choose a car according to individual parameters, make sure it is available, calculate the cost online and issue an application.

Agreement with GE Healthcare for Medical Equipment Leasing Cooperation

On February 4, 2019, Sberbank, Sberbank Leasing and GE Healthcare entered into a cooperation agreement in the field of leasing medical equipment. As stated in the statement of Sberbank, the purpose of the agreement is to provide favorable conditions for the purchase of high-tech medical equipment for public and private medical and preventive institutions, which is expected to contribute to the development and modernization of healthcare in Russia. Read more here.


The number of customers of the company reached 15,000. This became possible due to the implementation of a strategy to diversify the client base and effectively work with the small and medium-sized business segment.

And the number of employees of the company has crossed the mark of 1,000 people!


Sberbank Leasing increased its volume in the retail leasing market by 5 times. The retail leasing Russia market was analyzed by a rating company, RAEX it included sales of cars and trucks, and transport construction road construction equipment agricultural and cars.


The rating agency RA Expert"" assigned ZAO "Sberbank Leasing" a rating of creditworthiness (long-term creditworthiness) at the level: A++ "Extremely high (highest) level of creditworthiness." The rating forecast is stable.


Sberbank Leasing has implemented a major project - updating the metro park in Nizhny Novgorod. And soon the company provided a fleet of road and communal equipment to Moscow: about 1,700 units of cars and attachments to them. In total, within the framework of three state leasing contracts, the capital received more than 3,400 cars.


As of April 2012, Sberbank Leasing Group included: Sberbank Leasing Ukraine LLC, Sberbank Leasing Kazakhstan CJSC, Sberbank Leasing Nord CJSC, Sberbank Leasing Kazakhstan CJSC.


Fitch Ratings on Sberbank Leasing CJSC

Sberbank Leasing CJSC is one of the largest leasing companies in Russia. By financing projects in all areas of industry, Sberbank Leasing contributes to the development of the economy in all regions, contributes to the modernization and increase of fixed assets of enterprises of the Russian Federation.

One of the three most influential rating agencies - Fitch Ratings - published a rating report of this company, which states that the level of credit rating ("BBB") assigned to Sberbank Leasing CJSC, which is a 100% subsidiary of Sberbank OJSC, reflects the high level of support for the company from the parent state bank.

According to the information recorded in the report, since the beginning of 2009, Sberbank Leasing has rapidly increased its portfolio in accordance with a new development strategy aimed at creating the largest universal leasing company on a federal scale with a target market share of 30% by the end of 2014. Over two years, Sberbank Leasing's market share increased from 1.8% to 14% (98.5 billion rubles) at a rate of new sales ahead of the market average. In 2009-2010, the company's leasing portfolio tripled, amounting to 134.2 billion rubles at the beginning of 2011, and in the first quarter of this year it grew by another 20% - to 161 billion rubles.

At the same time, Fitch Ratings experts noted that according to the results of 2010, Sberbank Leasing's leasing portfolio became more diversified by customers and types of property, and its quality was recognized as high. The net profit of the company in 2010 increased 10 times compared to 2009 and amounted to 281 million rubles. Profit growth was achieved by improving operating efficiency and replacing the low-margin portfolio formed in previous years with more profitable transactions in 2009-2010.

As part of the strategy of maximum coverage of the territory of federal districts of the Russian Federation, Sberbank Leasing plans to increase the number of its branches to 60 by 2014. Today, the geography of the Company's presence is not limited only to Russia. Sberbank Leasing has subsidiaries in Ukraine, the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan. Since 2010, a 100% subsidiary of Sberbank Leasing CJSC has started doing business in Ireland: currently it mainly operates in the international aviation segment.

Historically, Sberbank Leasing has formed a strong competence in leasing railway rolling stock. The company has developed business relations with the largest Russian and Ukrainian machine-building plants, which makes it possible to create optimal conditions for end users of railcars from the point of view of the economics of leasing transactions and at the same time form a high-quality portfolio, which today has a credit history without defaults. According to the results of 2010, Sberbank Leasing took third place in the segment of railway equipment with a new business volume of 37.7 billion rubles. At the same time, the share of railway rolling stock in the Company's leasing portfolio over the past two years has been reduced from 76% to 51%, mainly due to an increase in business volume in such segments as leasing commercial real estate, aircraft and other aircraft, equipment for energy and chemical industry.

A new business area of ​ ​ the company was the launch of retail products that are aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises. To date, the line is represented by cars and trucks, road, construction and special equipment and equipment. The volume of new business in the retail segment in the first quarter of 2011 amounted to more than 2.5 billion rubles. By 2012, the Company aims to become one of the top three retail leases.

Reference "Sberbank Leasing": Sberbank Leasing CJSC has been operating in the leasing services market of the Russian Federation since 1993 and is one of the leaders of the Russian leasing market. For the 1 half of 2011, the company's portfolio amounted to more than 196.3 billion rubles. The volume of new business for the same period amounted to over 81.5 billion rubles. The company is included in the TOP-50 rating of the European Federation of National Associations of Leasing Companies. The high business reputation of Sberbank Leasing CJSC was confirmed by the Fitch Ratings International Rating Agency - BBB rating and AAA national rating. Laureate of the prize of the fifth anniversary and financial elite of Russia 2010 in the nomination "Reliability." One of the three leaders of the ranking of RA "Expert" at the end of 2010. The regional network of Sberbank Leasing CJSC has 54 branches in the largest cities of Russia and subsidiaries in Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Belarus. The company's mission is to promote industrial growth and modernization of the Russian economy in all industries and regions.

Fitch Ratings International Credit Rating at BBB

Sberbank Leasing received the Fitch Ratings international credit rating at BBB, the outlook is Stable and the AAA national rating.

At the end of the year, the portfolio was above 209 billion rubles, and the volume of new business was about 129 billion rubles.


As of July 2010 Sberbank Russia , OJSC was the sole shareholder of Sberbank Leasing.

By the end of the year, the company was already present in more than 60 cities of Russia.


On November 16, 2009, the Russian-German Leasing Company was renamed Sberbank Leasing.

One of the key tasks was the diversification of the client base and active work with small and medium-sized businesses, as well as the expansion of the regional network.


Sberbank Russia"" bought a 10% stake from individuals and became the sole shareholder of RG Leasing. In 2006, another tender RUSSIAN RAILWAY for the supply of railway rolling stock was won and a contract for 34 billion was received. rubles

As a result, the authorized capital grew to 270 million rubles - the company became the second largest business and leasing portfolio in the RA Expert rating for the year.


Sberbank Russia"" bought the stake from Jurasco Zurich AG and increased its stake to 90%. And soon the company won in two tenders RUSSIAN RAILWAY for the supply of railway rolling stock and received contracts for 12.7 billion. rubles

Received the status of the largest leasing company in the railway industry according to Leasing Revue.


The Russian-German Leasing Company signed a contract Hewlett Packard with more than 18 million. As dollars part of the agreement, Sberbank Russia about 10,000, computers network products,, and were delivered to "." printers scanners servers


The company was admitted to the Multilease Association with the status of a full representative from Russia.


Sberbank Russia"" created a subsidiary of CJSC "Russian-German Leasing Company." Abbreviated - "RG Leasing." 55% of the shares were owned by him, and 45% were distributed between Jurasco Zurich AG and individuals.

The company was one of the first to receive a license for leasing activities from the Commission under the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation. And its clients were enterprises and banking institutions throughout the country.

The company consisted of 8 people.