FRP Industrial Development Fund
The Industrial Development Fund (ВЭБ.РФ) was created to modernize the Russian industry, organize new industries and ensure import substitution.
FRP programs
FRP programs allow Russian enterprises to gain access to preferential borrowed financing necessary to launch the production of unique domestic products, as well as analogues of advanced international developments.
According to information for June 2021, the FRP provides loans at 1% and 3% per annum for up to 7 years in the amount of 5 million to 2 billion rubles, stimulating the inflow of direct investments into the real sector of the economy.
- The flagship program of the Development Projects Foundation is aimed at developing import substitution and production of competitive products.
- The Machine Tool Building program is designed to produce production facilities, equipment and machines in Russia.
- "Conversion" stimulates the production by defense industry enterprises of high-tech civilian and/or dual-use products.
- The "Components" program is designed to increase the level of localization of the production of finished Russian products,
- "Marking of goods" - to enable manufacturers to install equipment for product traceability,
- "Leasing" - to provide financing for part of the advance payment for the purchase of equipment,
- "Digitalization of industry" - help with the introduction of software and technological solutions to optimize production processes.
- The "Labor Productivity" program makes it possible to implement measures to improve productivity at the enterprise.
- The Priority Projects program allows you to finance large projects for the production of critical products included in industry import substitution plans.
- The Anti-Epidemic Projects program is aimed at preferential financing of companies producing equipment and products for the detection, prevention and treatment of epidemic diseases, as well as producing personal protective equipment, medicines and medical devices.
FRP agreements with regional industrial development funds make it possible to receive loans under joint programs. One of them - "Forest Industry Projects" - makes it possible to receive funding for the purchase of woodworking equipment.
The FRP has a Consulting Center, which on a daily basis helps enterprises choose the Fund's program, ways to participate in state support tenders, including the conclusion of Special Investment Contracts (SPIC) and compensation for the interest rate on investment loans.
2025: Provision of a preferential loan to Pharmasintez in the amount of 1 billion rubles
The Industrial Development Fund (FRP) provided a preferential loan to the Russian pharmaceutical group Pharmasintez in the amount of 1 billion rubles. The funds will be used to create a production of medical equipment and products for dialysis in Kaluga, representatives of the FRP told the Zdrav.Expert portal on February 7, 2025. Total investments in the project will exceed 2 billion rubles. Previously, such products were supplied to Russia mainly by foreign companies. Read more here.
Launch of the program for issuing loans to industry for digitalization. Give up to 1 billion rubles
The Industrial Development Fund (FRP) in May 2024 announced the launch of a new lending program to support digitalization in the Russian industry. As part of this initiative, enterprises can receive loans in the amount of up to 1 billion rubles, according to Kommersant. The program is aimed at optimizing production using advanced digital technologies.
Digitalization covers all stages of production, which allows you to reduce the time to receive information about the readiness of the product at any stage of manufacture, - explained in the press service of the fund. |
The program, which previously acted as a separate direction, is now included in the flagship program "Development Projects." Under this program, enterprises can count on loans in the amount of 100 million to 1 billion rubles for up to five years. The total project budget should start from 125 million rubles, while the share of co-financing from the company should be at least 20% of the project budget, added to the FRP.
For enterprises in need of loans in the amount of less than 200 million rubles, a joint program "Development Projects" is provided with the regions. Under this program, the loan amount is from 20 to 200 million rubles, and the total budget starts from 25 million rubles. The conditions remain identical to the federal program, the FRP said.
The program has already had a positive impact on dozens of digitalization projects. For example, TATNEFT-Presskomposit introduced a unified information management system using a loan of 25 million rubles. This system has helped reduce scrap rates, reduce waste and increase productivity.
Moscow PPK Milander, thanks to a loan of 500 million rubles, organized its own data processing center. These capacities are used to place information systems for designing and managing production processes, as well as to provide part of the resources for lease to other enterprises, the FRP noted.[1]
FRP will receive 300 billion rubles to support high-tech companies
The Industrial Development Fund (FRP) will receive 300 billion rubles to support high-tech companies. The president Russia Vladimir Putin announced this on February 29, 2024 in a message to the Federal Assembly.
We will almost double its capital and aim at supporting high-tech projects, "said the Russian leader (quoted by Kommersant). |
Putin also proposed to allocate 200 billion rubles within the framework of a cluster investment platform. It is assumed that these funds will be used to subsidize interest rates for projects for the production of priority industrial products.
Earlier, the Government allocated an additional 39 billion rubles to the Industrial Development Fund to support the production of automotive components and conduct research and development work (R&D) in 2024. According to Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, the decision made will help enterprises under sanctions to develop missing competencies and guarantee the stable functioning of conveyor lines.
It is also reported that in 2024 the FRP of the Moscow Region will allocate about 2 billion rubles for the implementation of programs to support regional industrialists, which is twice as much as in 2023.
The FRP was created in to finance projects aimed at the production of high-tech products, import substitution, equipment leasing, digitalization of industries and other projects. The fund provides targeted loans at 3% and 5% per annum for up to 7 years in the amount of 5 million to 5 billion rubles. The FRP also, together with Regional Industrial Development Funds (RFLP), finances projects that require loans of up to 200 million rubles in a ratio of 90% (federal funds) by 10% (regional funds[2]
"Aquarius" will receive a state loan of 2.26 billion rubles for the development of the production of computers and servers
The Industrial Development Fund (FRP) signed an agreement on the provision of a preferential loan to Aquarius PC for 2.26 billion rubles at 1% per annum under the Priority Projects program to launch serial production of server and computer equipment, the fund told TAdviser on June 15, 2023. Read more here.
FRP for the year financed 38 projects for the production of automotive components for 37.4 billion rubles
In 2023, the Industrial Development Fund (FRP) financed 38 projects for the production of automotive components for a total amount of 37.4 billion rubles. In 2022, 28 projects worth 53.3 billion rubles were supported. The organization disclosed such data in mid-March 2024.
According to the Vedomosti newspaper, the crisis in the automotive industry and the need for import substitution of foreign products stimulated record injections from the FRP into the production of auto components. From 2015 to 2023, the fund provided approximately 105 billion rubles in the form of preferential loans to enterprises in the automotive industry. Moreover, about 90 billion rubles were allocated in 2022-2023.
The President Russia Vladimir Putin instructed to accelerate the development of the production of the entire necessary list of critical auto components. In December 2023, the government decided to provide the FRP with about 39 billion rubles more. A significant part of these funds will be used to implement key projects of leading domestic automakers, including promising research and development work.
It is extremely important that Russian cars meet the modern technical requirements adopted in the world and are not inferior to foreign models in terms of reliability, "said Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. |
According to Mishustin, in order to guarantee the uninterrupted operation of the conveyors, it is necessary to localize the production of the maximum possible number of auto components within the country. Subsidies from the FRP are aimed at financing a number of significant projects, including the organization of serial production of an anti-lock braking system and passive safety elements. It is expected that the support measures being taken will help increase the pace of development and manufacture of components.[3]
Loan to Salyut in the amount of 185 million rubles
The Nizhny Novgorod scientific and production enterprise Salyut of the Roselectronics holding (part of the Rostec State Corporation) has increased the production of ultrahigh-frequency modules for radar, radio navigation and telemetry systems. Modernization of production became possible thanks to the Industrial Development Fund (FRP), which provided a preferential loan in the amount of 185 million rubles. Total investments in the project amounted to about 250 million rubles. Roselectronics announced this on October 5, 2023. Read more here.
Increase in the maximum loan amount from 100 to 200 million under federal co-financing programs for projects with regfonds
The Supervisory Board of industries the Federal Development Fund decided to increase the maximum loan amount from 100 to 200 million rubles under federal programs for joint financing of projects with regional industrial development funds (RFLP). This co-financing format is possible within the framework of the federal programs "Development Projects," "Components" and "Labor Productivity." The fund announced this on March 28, 2023.
The average amount of preferential loans of the federal FRP for the most popular programs - "Development Projects" and "Component Products" - in 2022 amounted to 206 million rubles. An increase in the maximum level of loans under joint programs to 200 million rubles will contribute to more efficient use of funds from regional funds for the development of industry, as well as an increase in the number of joint loans with the RFRP in the portfolio of the Federal Fund, "said Denis Manturov, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation - Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, head of the Supervisory Board of the FRP. |
The Supervisory Board of the FRP also decided to extend to all regions of Russia the conditions for co-financing projects under joint programs with the RFLP, in which 90% of the loan funds are provided by the Federal Fund, and 10% - by the regional one. Prior to that, in most entities, the maximum share of the federal FRP in joint financing of projects was 70%, and regional funds - 30%. Exceptions were certain regions, for example, the Far East.
An increase in the federal share of co-financing of joint loans from 70% to 90% will make it even easier for entities to attract funding to the region. Even with a relatively small budget of the regional fund, for example, 200 million rubles, at the expense of the federal "shoulder" of another 1.8 billion rubles, the economy of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation can receive a total of 2 billion rubles. With this money, dozens of industrial enterprises can be supported under joint financing programs, which will make a tangible contribution to the development of the region.
Soft debt financing programs of the FRP are extremely in demand among Russian industrial enterprises. At the same time, the main focus of the Federal Fund's attention is directed to the medium-sized production business. There are quite a few small companies in the regions by federal standards, which are aimed at creating the production of import-substituting products, at localizing components for other enterprises and introducing the best available technologies. Such projects often act as key drivers for the development of regional economies.
To support such projects and increase investment activity in the regions of the country, the FRP, together with the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, has been systematically working for several years to create a network of regional industrial development funds (RFLP). As of March 2023, there are more than 80 regional funds in Russia that can issue joint loans with the federal FRP.
Financing the supply of pharmaceutical equipment in Chernogolovka
SberLeasing together with the Industry Development Fund will finance the supply of equipment for equipping pharmaceutical production in the city of Chernogolovka, Moscow Region. SberLeasing announced this on January 31, 2023. Read more here.
Concessional loan for EKF
EKF on February 8, 2023 announced the signing of an agreement with the Industrial Development Fund on obtaining a preferential loan. Read more here.
Encouraging the issuance of 2.8 billion rubles for industrial projects
The Expert Council of the Industrial Development Fund in January 2023 approved the financing of seven projects of industrial enterprises totaling more than 2.8 billion rubles. The total budget for the implementation of projects will exceed 4.1 billion rubles.
The fund approved projects for enterprises operating in the industries mechanical engineering metalworking and metallurgy, easy forestry and furniture industries.
Loans are approved for the implementation of industrial projects in seven regions of Russia. Among them are Amur, Ivanovo, Saratov, Tver and Ulyanovsk regions, Perm Territory and the Republic of Buryatia.
For the entire period of work, the Industry Development Fund financed 1283 projects totaling over 372 billion rubles. At the same time, 589 projects financed by the FRP launched production or increased production as of February 2023.
Financing 256 industrial projects totaling 140 billion rubles
The Industrial Development Fund in 2022 financed 256 projects of industrial enterprises totaling 140 billion rubles. Over the eight years of operation, the FRP has provided 1277 concessional loans to enterprises totaling more than 370 billion rubles. The fund announced this on February 3, 2023.
The high pace of the FRP, decisions to increase the amount of loans under a number of programs and timely additional capitalization made it possible to multiply the amount of funding. In 2022, the Fund's team set a record: over the year, Russian industrialists received soft loans totaling 140 billion rubles, - said the deputy chairman Government of the Russian Federation , Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Denis Manturov who heads the Supervisory Board of the FRP. |
The priority of the FRP in 2022 was to finance large-scale projects to transport to mechanical engineering and the production of a component base for automobile agricultural and equipment aimed at strengthening technological sovereignty. Under the countries Auto Components program, which started in 2022, 14 loans were issued for a total of 45.2 billion rubles. Borrowers under this program are large domestic automakers, such as "," AvtoVAZ"," KAMAZ"," "" and Automobile plant "URAL"Autodiesel others.
The flagship program of the FRP "Development Projects," which is suitable for many production enterprises, regardless of the scale and scope of activity, was also in high demand among borrowers in 2022. In 2022, the FRP financed 89 projects under the Development Projects program for a total of 15.4 billion rubles.
Also in 2022, the Priority Projects program aroused great interest among enterprises - 34 loans totaling 50.2 billion rubles. With the involvement of FRP financing under this program, enterprises can localize or create mass production of competitive high-tech critical industrial products.
The FRP finances projects of enterprises from different manufacturing industries. In industries 2022, the Fund's financial instruments were most actively used - mechanicians 64 projects totaling 69 billion rubles, the second place was taken by enterprises - chemical industry 44 projects worth 15.1 billion rubles, and the third place went to companies from the medical department - 31 projects worth 12.8 billion rubles.
In 2022, enterprises from 51 regions received preferential financing from the FRP. Russia The most active loans of the Fund were used by industrialists out of Moscow region 26 projects worth 9.2 billion rubles, in second place the Republic - Tatarstan 18 projects worth 23.1 billion rubles, the third place went to Perm Territory 15 projects worth 6.4 billion rubles, the fourth place was taken - 13 Moscow projects worth 12.1 billion rubles, and the Republic completes the top five - 12 Bashkortostan projects worth 1.9 billion rubles.
The Supervisory Board of the FRP also decided to increase the share of the federal FRP from 70% to 90% when financing industrial projects within the framework of joint federal-regional programs with regional funds for the development of industry in the North Caucasus and new regions of Russia.
Additional capitalization of the Industrial Development Fund for 8 billion rubles
More than 8 billion rubles will be allocated for the additional capitalization of the Industrial Development Fund (FRP, part of the "ВЭБ.РФ." This was announced by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin on September 12, 2022 during an operational meeting.
According to him, it is also planned to allocate 4 billion rubles for programs in the field of small and medium-tonnage chemistry. Its products are used in almost all industries, especially high-tech ones, while their production facilities are not yet developed enough, the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation said.
The government continues to make decisions to support enterprises and our citizens in conditions of external restrictions, says Mishustin. - The President paid special attention to the need to help industries overcome difficulties. We discussed in detail at a meeting of the presidium of the government commission to increase the stability of the economy, which areas need additional attention. We will allocate more than 100 billion rubles for these purposes. |
The FRP provides targeted loans at a rate of 1% and 3% per annum for up to 7 years in the amount of 5 million to 2 billion rubles to finance projects aimed at developing new high-tech products, import substitution, leasing of production equipment, digitalization and more. In 2022, the authorities have already decided to recapitalize the FRP by 20 billion rubles. The government also approved the additional capitalization of regional industrial development funds for 3.7 billion rubles.
On September 12, 2022, the Governor of St. Petersburg, Alexander Beglov, said that the maximum loan provided by the City Industry Development Fund was increased from 300 to 500 million rubles. The fund provides support to the industrial complex of St. Petersburg under 13 financing programs, he said.[4]
Equipment allocation for Leader-Compound
The company Leader-Compound"" launched Saransk Mordovia the production of fully domestic cables for electrical heating systems. Part of the funds for the purchase of equipment was provided by the Development Fund, industries which announced this on July 12, 2022. More. here
Incab Loan Agreement
The Industrial Development Fund signed an agreement with the Incab enterprise to provide a preferential loan in the amount of 692 million rubles under the Priority Projects program. The Fund announced this on July 4, 2022. Read more here.
Loan to Amedart
The company "Amedart" in the special economic zone "Technopolice Moscow" has launched an import-substituting production of drugs, including for the treatment of HIV infection and oncological diseases. To create this production, the Industrial Development Fund provided the company with a preferential loan under the Development Projects program in the amount of 100 million rubles, which was announced on April 19, 2022. Read more here.
Investing 2 billion rubles for the construction of a plant for the production of drugs for cancer and heart disease
On January 24, 2022, the Industrial Development Fund () FRP announced the provision to the company "" R-Oprah(part of the "" group) R-Pharm of a preferential loan in the amount of 2 billion for the rubles construction of a pharmaceutical enterprise in. To Moscow This facility will produce drugs for the treatment of cancer, respiratory, anti-rheumatic, neurological, nephrological, cardiovascular, orphan diseases, HIV infections, as well as immunosuppressants. More. here
The Industrial Development Fund (FRP) has reached self-sufficiency. Its director Roman Petrutsa announced this on December 3, 2021 at a meeting with Prime Minister RFMikhail Mishustin.
According to Petrutsa, in 2021, the FRP will finance more than 200 projects worth about 50 billion rubles.
I emphasize that almost all of this amount is funds coming to the fund from the returns of previously financed projects, that is, we have reached the format of self-financing, "he said. |
As the head of the FRP noted, about 700 companies from 72 regions of the country have already used the support of the fund by the beginning of December 2021. At the same time, some enterprises come to finance the second, third and fourth projects, he added.
Mishustin, in turn, noted that there are a lot of enterprises that, thanks to the support of the Industrial Development Fund, have received good orders, sell their products, and are engaged in further development. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT
And this is very important, because modern, developed industry is primarily jobs, employment and the key to stable economic development for many years to come, a source of demand for innovation and infrastructure, the Prime Minister said. |
According to him, the Government of the Russian Federation regularly allocates funds to support the FRP. 2021 it was planned to allocate about 1.3 billion rubles from the federal budget.
Roman Petrutsa cited data according to which by the beginning of December 2021, with the support of the FRP, 396 projects were launched into production, of which 15% are projects in the field of aircraft and helicopter construction, including the component base for the civilian drone MS-21.
The greatest demand is from the companies of the engineering industry (240 projects financed by the FRP). In second place is medbiopharma.[5]
Loan of 2 billion rubles for Nanolek for the production of vaccines against the human papillomavirus and a drug for the treatment of lymphoma
On October 21, 2021, it became known that the expert council of the Industrial Development Fund (FRP) approved the Nanolek company a loan in the amount of 2 billion rubles for the localization of pharmaceutical production. Read more here.
Loan in the amount of 270 million rubles for RusTelCom for the launch of electronics production
The company RusTelCom LLC (part of the Macro Group Group) gave an official start to the work of the plant for the production of electronic modules in the Obukhovo industrial zone of St. Petersburg. This was announced on September 15, 2021 by the Industrial Development Fund (ВЭБ.РФ Group), which provided RusTelCom with funds to organize production. Read more here.
Loan in the amount of 310 million rubles for NIPK "Electron"
On June 11, 2021, information appeared that the St. Petersburg manufacturer of medical equipment NIPK Electron received a loan of 310 million rubles from the Industrial Development Fund (FRP) to expand the production of X-ray equipment and fulfill obligations for the supply of X-ray devices under life cycle contracts (LCC) in Moscow. Funding was received under the program "Countering Epidemic Diseases." Read more here.
Terms of Funding Programs
Plan for integrating the fund into the management perimeter ВЭБ.РФ
As of June 2021, the Government of the Russian Federation is transforming the system of development institutions, providing for the integration of the Industrial Development Fund into the management perimeter ВЭБ.РФ. A centralized investment block has been created on the basis of the ВЭБ.РФ to implement projects that contribute to the achievement of national development goals.
Putin called the effective work of the Industrial Development Fund
At a meeting with the head of state on June 10, 2021, Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov said that "the Industry Development Fund has become the key mechanism for supporting import substitution and other projects." "It works effectively," Putin agreed.[6]
Preferential loan for NPP Salyut in the amount of 185 million rubles
The Roselectronics holding of Rostec State Corporation, with the support of the Industrial Development Fund (ВЭБ.РФ Group), intends to increase the production of ultrahigh-frequency modules for various radar systems. The implementation of the NPP Salyut project (part of Roselectronics) will reduce the shortage of these components on the Russian market. The total budget of the project is 239.7 million rubles, of which 185 million rubles will be provided to the FRP in the form of a preferential loan, Roselectronics reported on April 19, 2021. Read more here.
Agreement with the Moscow Foundation for Industry and Entrepreneurship Support
On June 4, 2021, the Moscow Industry and Entrepreneurship Support Fund signed a cooperation agreement with the Federal Industrial Development Fund (FRP, ВЭБ.РФ Group). Now Moscow industrial enterprises will be able to receive preferential loans of up to 100 million rubles under the federal-regional FRP program.
"The production facilities operating in the capital must meet all technical and environmental requirements and contribute to reducing the carbon footprint. We are glad that we will be able, together with our Moscow colleagues, to develop modern, technological and environmentally friendly production in the capital, "said Roman Petrutsa, director of the FRP. |
Issuance of 800 loans to Russian industrialists
The Industrial Development Fund on February 9, 2021 announced the provision of the 800th concessional loan. The anniversary loan was received by the Pascal Medical enterprise from the city of Dubny, Moscow Region.
"The funds were issued at 1% per annum for a period of two years under the specialized program" Countering Epidemic Diseases, "which was launched in March 2020 to combat coronavirus infection. Under this program, the Fund not only co-finances the production of the Sputnik V vaccine against COVID-19, but also helps to increase the production of related products for vaccination, providing loans to manufacturers of disposable syringes, medical protective kits and refrigeration equipment for storing the vaccine, "commented the director of the FRP Roman Petrutsa. |
Expansion of the range and capabilities of concessional loan programs for forest processing projects
The Industrial Development Fund on January 28, 2021 announced the expansion of opportunities for obtaining preferential loans for enterprises engaged in wood processing.
"In addition to the Forest Industry Projects program launched on behalf of the President, the Supervisory Board of the Fund has expanded the list of equipment under the Leasing Projects program. This will allow forestry enterprises to lease not only timber processing equipment, but also harvesters and forwarders. In addition, now wood processors will be able to lease under 1% annual sorting, sawmill, drying, crushing and pressing equipment, deep processing machines and wood splicing and gluing machines, as well as equipment for granulation and manufacture of pellets and briquettes. All these measures are aimed at strengthening the development of the deep wood processing industry in the country, "said Denis Manturov, head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the FRP. |
Base rate reduction from 5% to 3% per annum
The Supervisory Board of the Industrial Development Fund decided to reduce the base rate for FRP programs to 3% from January 1, 2021. This was reported to the FRP on December 28, 2020.
{{"Under a number of programs financings , the rate is already 1%, which allows to credit industrial enterprises on the most favorable terms," said the Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation chairman of the Supervisory Board of the FRP. Denis Manturov
At the same time, all options that allow you to reduce the base rate remain in force. For example, under the Development Projects program, the rate can be reduced by another 2 percentage points and amount to 1% per annum if the borrower provides a bank guarantee as security for a new project, or if mainly Russian equipment is purchased as part of the project.
Under the Digitalization of Industry program, the base rate will be 3% per annum, while the rate will still be reduced to 1% if the borrower uses Russian software or attracts a domestic system integrator.
Under the programs "Machine Tool Building," "Components" and "Conversion," the rate in the first 3 years will remain at the level of 1% per annum, while for projects approved by the FRP Expert Council after January 1, 2021, after the first three years of the loan, the rate will be 3% instead of 5% per annum.
Under the Leasing Projects program, the rate will also remain at 1% per annum for manufacturing industries, but for other leasing projects, under which domestic equipment is purchased and approved by the FRP Expert Council after January 1, 2021, the rate will also be reduced from 5% to 3%.
Rating of the efficiency of regional funds
The Industrial Development Fund on April 16, 2021 presented a rating of the effectiveness of regional development funds for 2020. The Perm Territory topped the rating. The second place was taken by the regional fund of the Republic of Bashkortostan, immediately rising by 17 positions compared to 2019, in third place - the RFRP of the Krasnodar Territory, advancing by 8 positions. The fourth place went to the regional fund of the Moscow region, and closes the top five leaders of the RFLP of the Sverdlovsk region.
Also in the top ten of the rating were, Udmurt Republic,, and Tver Kirov. Ulyanovsk Vladimirskaya region
"The rating allows you to set uniform work standards for regional funds that have been created in 70 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. It is an indicator of the quality of work and efforts of regional management teams. An increase in the attention of regional authorities to the tasks of industrial development, an increase in activity and efficiency of the RFLP immediately affects its position in the ranking. The dynamics of the rotation of the top ten clearly demonstrates this, "said Roman Petrutsa, director of the FRP. |
According to him, in total, the FRP and the RFRP issued 120 joint loans totaling 7.2 billion rubles. At the same time, 15% of all jointly issued loans fall on the Perm Territory.
Transition under the control of ВЭБ.РФ
On November 23, 2020, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin announced a large-scale optimization of development institutions. Some of them will come under the control of the state corporation ВЭБ.РФ. More details here.
Issuance of preferential loans for 27.6 billion rubles under the program "Countering epidemic diseases"
As of October 1, 2020, the FRP issued 27.577 billion rubles in the form of preferential loans to 96 enterprises under the program "Countering Epidemic Diseases." The largest amount was received by projects for the production of medicines - 9.688 billion rubles, the volume of loans for the production of personal protective equipment amounted to 7.412 billion rubles, for the production of medical equipment - 5.223 billion rubles.[7]
FRP allocated 80 million rubles to Roselectronics for the production of domestic UPS
On September 17, 2020, it became known that the Industrial Development Fund provided Roselectronics (part of Rostec Corporation) with a preferential loan of 80 million rubles for the production of domestic uninterruptible power supplies (UPS ). Read more here.
Issuance of loans to manufacturers of medical devices to combat coronavirus in Russia at 1%
In early April 2020, it became known that manufacturers of medical devices and drugs designed to combat the COVID-19 coronavirus in Russia will be given loans at 1% per annum. The corresponding program was launched by the Industrial Development Fund (FRP). The volume of loans will be from 50 million to 500 million rubles. Read more here.
Provision of a preferential loan for the Russian Leather plant
In 2019, the FRP provided the Russian Leather Ryazan plant with a preferential loan under the Digitalization of Industry program in the amount of 80 million rubles. at 5% per annum. Read more here.
Loan approval for RUB 126.6 mln for Syktyvkar Tissyu Group
On December 26, 2019, it became known that the expert council of the Industrial Development Fund (FRP), within the framework of the final meeting, approved the loan of Syktyvkar Tissyu Group from the Komi Republic for the digitalization of industry. The loan amount amounted to 126.6 million rubles. Read more here.
Digitalization of Industry Program
Lending at 1% for the introduction of Russian software, if it is implemented by a participant in the CNews rating
The Industry Development Fund announced in September 2018 the start of accepting applications for participation in the new program "Digitalization of Industry," aimed at introducing digital and technological solutions that will help optimize production processes at the enterprise. The program is primarily focused on stimulating the introduction of new software, not hardware[8].
According to Denis Manturov, Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia, loans will be issued for up to 5 years, and their amount will be from 20 to 500 million rubles. The total project budget starts from 25 million rubles, and the amount of own funds provided by private investors or banks should be at least 20% of the project budget.
The interest rate under the Digitalization of Industry program will be 1% or 5% per annum, depending on the project being implemented. The minimum rate can be obtained in the event of the purchase of Russian software, the cost of which is more than 50% of the loan amount or when involving a Russian system integrator from the CNews100 rating as a key executor.
The fund will issue preferential loans to industrial enterprises that attract integrators from the rating TAdviser100
On May 29, 2018, it was announced that the Industry Development Fund was launching a lending program for enterprises introducing digital technologies, TASS reported, citing the head of the fund, Roman Petrutsa[9]. The lending rate will be from 1 to 5% per annum, depending on what equipment will be purchased by the borrower.
Within the framework of the program, we will give loans from 20 to 500 million rubles for up to 5 years. At the same time, the cost of projects should be at least 20 million rubles, and co-financing by the applicant should be at least 30% of the project budget. The interest rate will be from 1% to 5%, - the agency quotes the head of the fund. |
The rate of 1% per annum will be valid when purchasing domestic software worth more than 50% of the loan amount. The same preferential rate will be given if the company attracts a system integrator with a Russian registration as a key contractor, which is included in one of the ratings of the largest IT companies published on the resources of TAdviser, RBC or CNews, the news agency reports.
Running TAdviser100 is published annually. The latest list of the 100 largest companies operating in the Russian IT market was released in May 2018. The total revenue of the largest IT companies in TAdviser100 in 2017 exceeded 1.35 trillion rubles, which is more than 200 billion rubles higher than the previous ranking. The leaders of the list were the electronic and IT complexes of Rostec, NCC, Lanit, Softline and Technoserv.
In other cases, the standard rate for the FRP will be 5%. At the same time, if you purchase not software, but equipment, the program has a restriction - a purchase is possible in the amount of no more than 40% of the loan amount.
The program is called "Digitalization of Industry" and should support not production, but optimization of existing industries through the introduction of digital technologies, Petrutsa noted.
Financing under the new program will be carried out in three main areas. The first is production management and database processing systems. The second is design and development systems, which include design and engineering analysis automation, machine tool and engineering data management, systems for creating a digital product or process twin, and enterprise lifecycle management systems. The third direction is new production technologies, implying the introduction of industrial robotic complexes and the installation of 3D printers.
Interview with TAdviser, Deputy Director of the Fund Vladimir Raspopov
In December 2017, Vladimir Raspopov, Deputy Director of the Industrial Development Fund , in an interview with TAdviser spoke about the peculiarities of the implementation of the TESSA EDMS in the FRP and the main tasks of the new system.
For 2 years, projects worth 38.8 billion rubles were financed
In just two years of operation, the FRP financed projects of Russian industrialists for a total amount of loans of 38.8 billion rubles, of which:
- 12.9 billion rubles fell on the engineering industry,
- 6.7 billion rubles - for medical biopharma,
- 4 billion rubles - for metallurgy and metalworking,
- 3.8 billion rubles - for electrical equipment,
- 2.8 billion rubles - for chemistry and
- 2.6 billion rubles each - for industries electronic engineers and light industry.
The remaining borrowed funds were directed to projects in the fields of the forest industry, building materials and the production of new materials.
The horizon for the implementation of the projects financed by the Fund is 2022, by this time the borrowers of the FRP plan to create more than 14 thousand jobs and attract investments worth 86.2 billion rubles to the real sector of the economy. The volume of tax revenues to the budgets of various levels will exceed 78 billion rubles, and the total revenue from the implementation of projects - 923 billion rubles.
Agreement with St. Petersburg Industrial Development Fund
The non-profit unitary organization "St. Petersburg Industry Development Fund" signed a cooperation agreement with the federal Industry Development Fund in April 2017. It provides for the possibility of jointly providing a loan at 5% per annum for the implementation of industrial development projects in a percentage ratio of 70 to 30.
The terms of joint federal-regional loans will be identical to the terms of the Development Projects program of the FRP. Industrial enterprises will have the opportunity to attract loans for the implementation of projects at 5% per annum for up to 5 years, only for a smaller amount - from 20 to 100 million rubles. The share of the federal FRP in the loan should be no more than 70%, at least 30% should be accounted for by the regional development institute. The loan can be obtained for an amount not exceeding half the cost of the project.
The decision on co-financing will be made by the Expert Council of the FRP, relying on the conclusion of the regional fund. At the same time, a comprehensive examination of projects under the joint loans program will be carried out by both funds - each will independently assess the possibility of providing its part of the loan.
St. Petersburg enterprises applying for a loan under a joint program need to submit applications to the regional fund, which, after examination, will send them to the FRP.
FRP changed programs in favor of medium
The Industrial Development Fund softened the terms of its programs in March to expand the range of loan recipients from among medium-sized companies. Now borrowers of the FRP will be able to spend up to 100% of the loan for the purchase of equipment, and loans for the creation of machine tools will no longer be tied to the industry limit. In addition, the upper limit of the loan under the main FRP program was increased from 300 to 500 million rubles.
The corresponding decisions were made by the Supervisory Board of the FRP, updating the standard "Development Projects" and canceling the funding limit under the program "Creation of serial production of machine tool products."
The new standards remove the limit on the amount that the applicant can spend on the purchase of equipment (previously it should have amounted to no more than 80% of the loan amount). "Practice has shown that the bulk of funds from FRP loans are directed to the purchase of production equipment. Most applicants need inexpensive loans for equipment, and they are ready to take on the associated costs. The 80% bar limited the range of potential borrowers, "comments Komissarov Alexey, Director of the FRP. Now companies will be able to spend the entire amount of the loan on the purchase of modern equipment, which corresponds to the main profile of industrial projects and the main task of the FRP - the creation of new modern industries in Russia. |
The FRP also raised the maximum loan amount from 300 to 500 million rubles - the norm that has been in effect since the start of the FRP in 2015, but changed in 2016. The real needs of even medium-sized industrial companies often exceed 300 million rubles, so the fund raised the limit. To co-finance relatively small projects, regional industry development funds are being created throughout the country.
In addition, the Nabsovet canceled the funding limit under the program "Creation of serial production of machine tool products." When the program was launched in March 2016, the limit on this program was 1.3 billion rubles. However, the real need for the Russian industrial machine tool business turned out to be much higher. The volume of approved loans under it in 2016 alone amounted to 3.6 billion rubles. Now the volume of loans under the most profitable "machine tool substitution program" for borrowers is limited only by the total capital of the FRP.
Since 2015, the Industrial Development Fund has co-financed 133 industrial projects in 44 regions of Russia with a total amount of loans of 34.8 billion rubles. The implementation of the projects will allow attracting 108.2 billion rubles to the real sector of the economy, in addition to FRP loans. And create more than 12.8 thousand jobs. The total cost of projects exceeds 143.1 billion rubles. |
- The fund financed 130 industries worth over 34 billion ₽
- Russian industrialists attracted 108 billion ₽ of private investment in the real sector of the economy
- The total cost of projects supported by the FRP exceeded 142 billion ₽
In 2016, the Industrial Development Fund approved and financed 77 industrial projects, which is 45% more than in 2015. In total, the Fund approved and financed 130 projects, giving enterprises 34.7 billion rubles of preferential loans at 5% and 1% per annum (under the industrial equipment leasing program). Borrowed financing allowed industrialists to attract an additional 82.2 billion rubles from extrabudgetary sources to their projects. Thus, the total cost of projects, taking into account the already invested funds, reached 142.7 billion rubles[10].
FRP began to advise on three programs of state support
The number of programs under which the Industrial Development Fund under the Ministry of Industry and Trade will provide industrial enterprises with consulting support in preparing applications has reached 7.
The new programs relate to the receipt by industrial enterprises of state guarantees in the implementation of investment projects, subsidizing part of the costs of R&D and reducing land rents for the forest industry.
"In 2015, thanks to the active work of the FRP Consulting Center, industrial enterprises received twice as many applications under the program of subsidizing loans for the implementation of investment projects - 270 against 130 the year before last. For the first time, eleven industrial projects worth 80 billion rubles received funds for development under the project financing program, "commented Gleb Nikitin, First Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, on the start of consultations on three new programs. - Positively assessing this experience, it was decided to expand the number of programs on which the FRP will advise and accompany industrial enterprises applying for state support. In the future, the FRP will become "one window" for the interaction of business and the state on industrial development programs. "
I. State guarantees issued under Government Regulations No. 1016 and No. 1017 of 14.12.2010 are granted under a loan from VEB, Russian banks or under bond loans. The use of this tool allows you to attract borrowed funds in the absence of the recipient's own collateral on more favorable terms than when applying for commercial collateral or surety. Companies implementing investment projects worth from 5 billion rubles (from US $175 million), within the framework of which new or reconstructed existing industrial capacities are created, can apply for state guarantees. In addition, state guarantees can receive on a competitive basis projects in the field of energy saving and increasing energy efficiency worth from 1 billion rubles. At the same time, state support cannot exceed 75% of the project cost, and the company's own funds implementing the investment project should exceed 20%.
II. The subsidy under the Government Decree of 30.12.2013 No. 1312 is provided to Russian industrial enterprises to compensate for part of the costs of R&D in priority areas of the civil industry. Industrial companies operating in priority areas of the civil industry and implementing R&D within the framework of complex investment projects with the subsequent production of competitive products can receive a subsidy. Borrowed funds can be no more than 70% of the total investment in the project, while the cost of the technological and testing equipment used must be at least 150 million rubles.
III. The third new program is support for the forest industry. In accordance with Government Decree No. 419 of 30.06.2007 , the status of a priority investment project in the field of forest development gives the right to apply a coefficient of 0.5 when determining the fee for renting a forest plot to the rates of payment per unit of forest resources and to the rates of payment per unit of area of a forest plot during the payback period of this project. Investment projects should be aimed at creating or modernizing forest or timber processing infrastructure facilities with a minimum capital investment of at least 300 million rubles. Among the assessment criteria: rational use of wood, processing of wood waste and reducing energy consumption, as well as import-substituting production potential.
By the end of 2016, it is planned to expand the number of programs for which the FRP provides consulting and information support to 10.
Launch of the investment elevator mechanism for non-resource exports
The investment elevator mechanism was launched in April 2016 as part of support for high-tech projects of small and medium-sized enterprises related to non-resource exports. It provides for the involvement of leading development institutions (SME Corporation, Industrial Development Fund, RDIF and the group of companies of the Russian Export Center (REC, EXEAR and Roseximbank)) in the activities of providing financial support to SMEs at various stages of their life cycle. Within the framework of the Investment Elevator mechanism, small and medium-sized companies can count on both financial (joint-stock and debt financing, provision of guarantees, export lending and insurance) and administrative and consulting support for projects, including when promoting companies and their products in target international markets.
See the Investment Elevator for more details.
FRP will invest 23.7 billion rubles in import-substituting industries by the end of the year
10 billion rubles went to the account of the Industrial Development Fund. In total, the budget of the Industrial Development Fund for 2016 will amount to 23.7 billion rubles and will consist of several parts.
The funds will go to loans to industrial enterprises for the development of industries with import-substituting or export potential under four FRP programs.
"Out of 23.7 billion rubles, most of it - 20 billion rubles - the FRP will receive in accordance with the instructions of President Vladimir Putin and the Government's Anti-Crisis Plan. 10 billion rubles. of which have already been credited to the FRP account. The transfer of the remaining half of the funds is expected in the summer of 2016. Earlier, 1,267,2 million rubles were received in accordance with a separate government decree and will be used to implement projects to create serial production of machine tool products. 1,575 million rubles were provided by the Ministry of Industry and Trade as a subsidy to the Fund at the end of December 2015, another 908 million rubles - in February 2016.
As a result of the selection, 23.7 billion rubles in the form of concessional loans will be allocated for the implementation of industrial projects within the framework of four programs of the Industrial Development Fund, two of which were launched in 2016. According to them, industrial enterprises have the opportunity to receive preferential loans at 5% per annum for the development of industries with import-substituting or export potential.
By mid-April 2016, the Industry Development Fund co-financed the implementation of 61 projects with loans in the amount of 20.5 billion rubles. The total cost of these projects, taking into account the co-financing of owners, investors and banks, is 83.5 billion rubles. The implementation of the projects will attract 63 billion rubles of private investment in the real sector of the economy, which is 3 times more than the amount of loans issued. During the implementation of the projects, 7,966 jobs will be created in 34 regions of Russia.
Target loans at a rate of 5% per annum
As of 2015, the Industry Development Fund is an element of systemic measures states aimed at increasing the global competitiveness of Russian industry and implementing an import substitution policy.
The fund offers preferential conditions for co-financing projects aimed at developing new high-tech products, technical re-equipment and creating competitive industries based on the best available technologies.
High interest rates on loans and restrictions of the banking system on lending to development work and the introduction of new developments do not allow domestic enterprises to fully implement medium-term modernization programs. The fund's co-financing programs allow Russian enterprises to gain access on preferential terms to financial resources necessary to establish the production of unique domestic products, as well as analogues of advanced international developments.
To implement industrial and technological projects, the Fund on a competitive basis provides targeted loans at a rate of 5% per annum for up to 7 years in the amount of 50 to 700 million rubles, stimulating the inflow of direct investments into the real sector of the economy.
The Expert Council of the Fund is a collegial body that, based on the results of a comprehensive examination, makes the final decision on financing, finalizing or rejecting projects. It includes independent experts - representatives of business, the banking community, professional and business associations.
On the basis of the Fund, there is a Consulting Center for State Support Measures, including innovation - special investment contracts. The Foundation is also responsible for the creation and development of the state information system of industry.
74 projects for 24.6 billion rubles approved
At the end of 2015, 74 projects worth 24.6 billion rubles were approved. According to the business plans of the companies, the total revenue of new industries will be about 600 billion rubles, more than 10 thousand jobs will be created.
Of the fund's volume of 20 billion rubles, loans worth 12.2 billion rubles were approved
In total, the provision of loans in the amount exceeding 12.2 billion rubles. of the total fund volume of 20 billion rubles. The total total cost of projects carried out with the support of the Fund reached almost 64.6 billion rubles.
As of the end of September 2015, the Fund's Board of Experts approved loans to 35 enterprises. It is expected that the implementation of their projects will allow attracting more than 54 billion rubles to the real sector of the Russian economy, of which the Fund's loans will amount to 12.28 billion rubles. The total volume of investments made in the organization of import-substituting industries has already exceeded 10.5 billion rubles. The implementation of projects will create more than 4.8 thousand jobs.
- Yaroslavl Diesel Equipment Plant of GAZ Yaroslavl Group
- Ruselprom
- Interskol
- Nano Cascade
- Parity Wedge
- Khimprom PJSC Novocheboksarsk
- Virial
- Epsilon (GC Energia)
- Machine Tool Building LLC NPO (Stan Group)
- SafPET Nizhnekamsk
- Ilkom Moscow
Loans totaling more than 2.37 billion rubles for the implementation of six import-substituting projects
In September 2015, the Expert Council of the Industry Development Fund of the Ministry of Industry and Trade approved loans totaling more than 2.37 billion rubles for the implementation of six import-substituting projects. In total, out of the total Fund funds of 20 billion rubles, the provision of loans for almost half of the amount was approved - more than 9.9 billion rubles. The total total cost of projects carried out with the support of the Fund reached almost 30.4 billion rubles.
The implementation of new projects will allow to occupy up to 70% of the market for fuel pumps for diesel engines of Euro-5 and Euro-6 standards; launch serial production of traction electrical equipment, which will save up to 50% of fuel and increase up to 25% of engine efficiency; cover the needs of Russian companies for components for power gas turbines; start production of a new generation of domestic power tools and bring its share to 15% in the Russian construction market and in housing and communal services. In competition with foreign manufacturers, it is planned to occupy at least 40% of the market for medical infusion filters and start sewing specialized shoes that are resistant to aggressive environments.
The total cost of six new projects exceeds 6.5 billion rubles.
"We managed to build a system of expertise and selection of FRP projects in a short time, which made it possible to approve almost three dozen loans worth about 10 billion rubles in less than six months. This is half of the Fund's volume for this year. But the quality of the projects themselves is more important than the quantity. Many industries have technological links that depend entirely or partially on imports, even if the final product is made in Russia. Therefore, it is important not only to develop the production of a particular product, but also to produce components themselves, which are purchased by import today, "commented Denis Manturov, Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, on the results of the Expert Council.
Before the Fund allocates funds at 5% per annum, a loan agreement must be signed with the companies fixing the obligations of the parties.
As of mid-September 2015, the Fund's Board of Experts approved loans to 29 businesses. The implementation of their projects will allow attracting more than 22.1 billion rubles to the real sector of the Russian economy, of which the Fund's loans will amount to 9.9 billion rubles. The total volume of investments made in the organization of import-substituting industries has already exceeded 8.2 billion rubles. The total total cost of projects carried out with the support of the Fund is 30.39 billion rubles.
Aleksei Komissarov elected to the post of director of the fund out of 189 candidates
In 2015, Aleksei Komissarov was elected to the post of Director of the Industrial Development Fund following an open competitive selection of candidates organized by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation together with the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI), out of 189 candidates.
2014: Creation of the FRP by transforming the Russian Technological Development Fund
The fund was founded at the end of 2014 at the initiative of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation by transforming the Russian Fund for Technological Development. On December 17, 2014, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1388 "On Approval of the Rules for the Provision of Subsidies from the Federal Budget of the FSAU RFTR" was issued in order to introduce the best available technologies and import substitution.
The fund provides two types of support to businesses from the state - financial and non-financial.
- ↑ The figure overtakes industry
- ↑ ). Putin: The Industrial Development Fund will be replenished by 300 billion rubles
- ↑ Russia has strengthened support for auto-component industries with FRP money
- ↑ The government will capitalize the Industry Development Fund for 8 billion rubles
- ↑ Industry Development Fund reached self-sufficiency
- ↑ Putin called the effective work of the Industrial Development Fund
- ↑ [1]
- ↑ In Russia, lending began at 1% for the introduction of Russian software, if it is implemented by a participant in the CNews rating
- ↑ , the FRP will give preferential loans at 1% and 5% per annum for the introduction of digital technologies
- ↑ of Technology for creating the future. Achievements of the Industrial Development Fund