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Syntellect Tessa

Developers: Synthellect
Date of the premiere of the system: 2014
Last Release Date: 2024/12/27
Technology: BPM,  EDMS


The main articles are:

Tessa is a platform for creating solutions for automating document flow and business processes of companies in various areas of business. The platform was developed on the basis of practical experience in the implementation of more than 150 projects for the implementation of EDMS in organizations of various scales and different areas of activity.


Tessa 4.1

On December 27, 2024, SYNTHELLECT announced a planned update of the management platform TESSA documents and business processes. Release 4.1 is already available to users.

Tessa 4.1

According to the company, SYNTHELLECT is continuously working to optimize the TESSA document and business process management platform. After the release of the major version of TESSA 4.0, which has implemented more than 600 additional features, the SYNTELLECT development team focused on a deeper study of the existing functionality and ensuring the convenience of user interaction with the system. All updates are available for download in accordance with the terms of the license agreement.

Of the important things, since TESSA 4.1, the platform has been developing as a native mobile application. The mobile version supports switching between servers, caching meta information and file contents to optimize traffic. Users can log in with a PIN, fingerprint or Face ID to prevent unauthorized access to the system.

Advanced two-factor authentication settings will help protect your TESSA account from hacking. For example, entering by code word, time code, confirmation by mail or SMS. You can also log into TESSA using buttons like "Enter through Yandex" and the like by configuring integration via OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect.

Widgets are also available to users in the latest version of the platform dashboards. With the help of a visual editor, you can independently change the screen in real time, adding and removing personal views (for example, a list of tasks), counters, shortcuts, personal notes, birthdays and more. information This is particularly relevant for use within project solutions, where employees work large amounts of data with and consider many factors to make a decision.

The visual design of the reconciliation scheme has been added to the basic delivery of the platform. The parallel-sequential scheme allows you to edit the route of the document "on the fly," add and recall tasks, change the upcoming stages. In order not to create a reconciliation scheme from scratch, you can use predefined templates. At the same time, access rights to all possibilities of working with the negotiation scheme are very flexible - like all other security aspects in the system.

Other changes include mentioning employees in forums and discussions. Just type @ and start typing a name. The mentioned employee will be included in the discussion by receiving a personal notification by mail. It is possible to implement its own processing of such a mention. For example, give the mentioned employee additional access or send a message to the messenger.

TESSA 4.1 has a built-in stamp and facsimile designer. With it, the user can independently generate a print layout (including with a display) without leaving the EDMS window, and then manually add it to the document. The resulting stamp can be saved in the library, and quickly return to it the next time, if necessary. For developers, control of server extensions is implemented with the ability to configure automatic stamping of business processes. A separate update block is associated with the continuation of the development of the TESSA platform in the SaaS (Software as a Service) concept. Many changes affected the architecture: optimization of the deployment of several instances on one server, a single mail queue from different instances and the only MailSender to a cluster of instances, the ability to run plugins inside the web service process without dedicated Chronos.

For developers and administrators, normalization of reference books in the database has been added, which optimizes the storage of a large amount of documents in the database, allowing you to quickly change the texts of references to reference books when renaming their names.

Redis Explorer has been updated to manage the content of the Redis database, which is used to cache session, license, and lock information. According to the developers, of the interesting additions in this version, temporary links to files can also be noted. The user can share with the file without the need for authorization in the system, setting the link dates and access rights.

Compatibility with Tantor DBMS

Tantor Labs (part of the Astra Group) and SYNTHELLECT completed a test cycle that confirmed the compatibility of the TESSA EDMS/ESM platform with the Tantor DBMS. Based on the test results, the companies signed a certificate of compatibility. Astra Group announced this on September 3, 2024.

Product compatibility IT enables the market to achieve greater efficiency in processing and analysis, data providing users with the ability to integrate powerful analytical tools data management, , which in turn improves performance business processes and contributes to more informed decisions. The correct operation of the TESSA DBMS and Tantor platform reduces the cost of implementing new technologies and simplifies employee training.

The integration of TESSA with the Tantor DBMS solution will allow even more Russian companies to successfully solve the problems of import substitution in the field of automation of document-oriented processes of the organization in compliance with the requirements for the development of secure software, "said Yulia Gallyamova, Head of Product Solutions at SYNTHELLECT.

In the context of the growing demand for integrated IT solutions of domestic production, mutual compatibility of products becomes a key factor in their successful integration. We actively cooperate with leading market players, including document vendors, since automation of this process is an important and difficult stage for any company. Combining the efforts of vendors will create a significant advantage for customers, allowing them to easily switch to domestic solutions through integration, which will help solve several problems at the same time, "said Kirill Sinkov, Director of the Department for Work with Technological Partners of Astra Group.

2023: Tessa 4.0 with document recognition module

Synthellect on October 11, 2023 announced the release of an updated release of the TESSA 4.0 document and business process management platform.

The signature of the release was the updated design. Moreover, we are talking not just about updating the interface, but about a complete redesign of the UI/UX platform concept: pop-up sidebars were replaced by a full-fledged menu with contextual search, new interface themes, new tabular views appeared, mobile layout was completely redesigned, support for emoji appeared in text messages and many other pleasant nuances that make working in the system more pleasant and convenient.

Among the application capabilities of TESSA 4.0, it is worth highlighting:

  • Embedded Document Recognition Module (OCR), which allows you to recognize scanned images of paper documents to extract data, organize context searches and quickly populate attribute data
  • Built-in PDF editor for adding text, comments, forms, annotations, signatures, prints, and stamps to PDFs
  • Built-in mail client for receiving and sending correspondence from various users directly from TESSA
  • Web editor of document text integrated with P7-Office for simultaneous multi-user work with documents directly from EDMS
  • Updated TESSA ASSISTANT mobile application for electronic signature from mobile devices
  • Support for labels/tags for any system objects with the ability to provide access and group work on objects with a given set of labels
  • Support for multiple calendars

In addition, TESSA 4.0 implements a new subsystem for access control and work with tasks, which will ensure the constant speed of application solutions with a role model of any complexity.

A number of additional capabilities for administrators and developers of solutions on the platform, including debugging, advanced performance counters, automatic monitoring, and discovery of new platform components, as well as many other tools will allow you to always keep your finger on the pulse and recognize potential problems before, how they will begin to impact users and make supporting and developing high-performance solutions easier, cheaper, and faster.

The release of TESSA 4.0 is the result of almost two years of work by our team: developers, analysts, testers and designers - great professionals in their field. TESSA not only received an updated design, the changes affected many internal mechanisms of the platform. I am sure that our customers will be able to appreciate this version of the platform, because when developing it, we relied on real experience of interaction with large companies from various market segments. Many will find answers to their requests and wishes in the release. And our work, of course, continues. Our team has a lot of new things in the works, something else is only at the level of the idea, and something has already been implemented in the form of a ready-made prototype or part of the design solution. This means that new releases and new opportunities await us, - commented on the release of Oleg Nazarko, chief architect of the TESSA platform.

2021: AlterOffice compatible with AlterOS

SYNTHELLECT (Synthellect) and ALMIS Group of Companies signed an agreement on technological cooperation and partnership in December 2021.

The developers tested the dextic editors of AlterOffice in conjunction with the Synthellect Tessa platform. Testing AlterOffice was carried out on several versions operating system AlterOS and with various formats. files More. here

2020: Tessa 3.5

In June 2020, Synthellect announced the release of the official release of the TESSA 3.5 document and business process management platform.

Tessa 3.5

According to the company, the architecture of the platform and its applications has been changed in the updated version of the system. Migrating the codebase to an open source platform . NET Core 3.1 has expanded integration capabilities and code continuity. The use of ReadyToRun pre-compilation technologies has accelerated the launch of TESSA applications and further increased system performance. The administration of user workplaces has become easier and faster, the system requirements for them have decreased. To synchronize the operation of TESSA application servers in clusters, support has been added for the Redis caching server, an open source software product and many applications in Enterprise solutions. TESSA 3.5 simplifies integration with Redis in design enhancements, allowing configuration updates without restarting services.

TESSA 3.5 complements the functions of the web client in terms of easy editing of files, saving traffic and means of formatting messages in discussions. A cross-platform assistant application Deski has been developed. The application expands the capabilities of the TESSA lightweight client, provides integration with the operating system (Windows, Linux or macOS) and installed applications: if the file in the card is editable, then Deski automatically downloads and opens it in the application that the user has installed on his computer and is associated with the file extension (for example, Word or LibreOffice Writer will be opened for.docx), the edited Deski file is downloaded immediately to the server, thereby freeing the user from unnecessary actions with him. The content of files is cached on the local computer in encrypted form and, when accessed again, does not require downloading from the server, which reduces the amount of traffic when working with files.

In the Forums and Discussions module, message formatting tools have become available. Marked and numbered lists, various selection of text, choice of font and background colors, attachment of files and links appeared in the web version. Added functionality in terms of working with messages: you can respond to a specific message, copy the text of the message or a link to it to the clipboard, and also edit them after sending. As of version 3.5, you can add fields with all the formatting tools that are available in the discussions in the system cards.

For flexible and quick workflow configuration, updated reconciliation steps have been worked out and route functions have been enhanced. For the convenience and simplicity of working with agreed documents, a grouping of files by coordination cycles has been added. As the document moves along the route and goes through several matching cycles, both the number of copies and the number of versions of the same files increase. Versions of the same file are displayed as separate virtual files within a cycle. Files and versions from all cycles can be displayed, only from the last cycle, or from the last and previous cycles. This is useful at the stage of rework, when the negotiation cycle has already begun, but the files on the newly completed cycle are important to the initiator.

Improvements also affected the business process designer. In addition to organizing complex processes with support for their versioning and sub-processes and low code settings, including condition types and parameter binding, a set of actions has appeared to quickly configure template business processes "as in routes," which simplifies the development of processes for coordinating, signing, executing and registering documents. The "Routes" actions have many convenient settings, their use contributes to the rapid development of the process and the ease of its maintenance. The designer allows you to combine actions in the "Routes" group with any others and, combining standard actions ("Task," "Change of State," "Notification") within one node, implement such technically "complex" actions as "Rework."

TESSA 3.5 implements a number of tools that simplify processing for saving a card at the software level. For users, this change will be invisible, but they will be able to evaluate this format of working with files in the card, and choose the most suitable option for themselves: to work with files as a list or in the form of a table.

The platform has added support for advanced CAdES-T signatures and other EP formats, which is necessary for organizing archives with long-term storage legally significant documents.

Version 3.5 has expanded the formatting tools in file templates, made changes to the API, implemented a set of improvements for system users and optimizations in terms of administration and development.

All updates and improvements to the Russian document management platform TESSA 3.5 have been tested.


Tessa 3.4: New Forums and Discussions Module, Functional Enhancements and Enhanced Interface

In November 2019 , Synthellect announced the release of the official release of the TESSA document and business process management platform version 3.4 and introduced a new module "Forums and Discussions." The new version of the platform has expanded access rules, supplemented the ability to configure cards, expanded the route subsystem, configured work with virtual files and introduced a set of technological and interface improvements.

The new "Forums and Discussions" module is designed to quickly develop questions about a TESSA document or object while working on it. The functionality of the module allows you to organize several discussions for each of the objects without limiting the number of participants in the correspondence.

The user can independently format the message: change the size and style of the font, choose a color, insert lists, pictures, color blocks and tables, attach files, references to other system objects and external references. For the convenience of working with the forum, it is also possible to insert rich text from Word documents and Outlook letters. The module stores the entire discussion history on the system object directly in the card of this object.

The use of "Forums and Discussions" within the framework of business processes for coordinating documents will allow you to quickly resolve controversial issues without generating additional iterations of approval.

In TESSA 3.4, the access rule subsystem also received the update. New settings have been added to the previously configured access rules that allow you to flexibly adjust access to cards, tasks, files and individual parts of the file without programming (the concept of "low code"). In the system, you can easily and quickly build different levels of confidentiality: configure data masking in the fields of the card, that is, limit the availability of data for specific categories of users, define fields for editing, hide and display part of the fields, some of the attached files or even individual versions of one file. Advanced access rule settings allow departmental administrators (branches, departments, etc.) to set up their own organizational structure without being administrators of the system as a whole.

A new type of Virtual File card has appeared in the desktop client of the system. When creating a file, you can select one of the templates in html, txt, docx, xlsx formats. The card provides support for several versions, for example: regular and printed format, the file visibility is adjusted depending on the type and state of the document and the user's role.

File templates have also received significant improvements. The routes have new stages "Dialog," "Create file by template," added the ability to create routes for secondary processes. Options for skipping the stage and recommendation approval have been worked out, which allows you not to return the stage for revision in case of inconsistency. All settings are made according to the low code concept (without or with minimal use of programming).

The "View" control has been added to the system card, which allows you to display the necessary data inside the card.

In addition to functional improvements, TESSA 3.4 has improved the visual aesthetics of the interface. The web client has added a bright theme and the ability to choose the color of the themes, it is possible to install corporate backgrounds for all users of the company. For users, personal color settings for the task block and the background of messages for forums have become available.

Version 3.4 has been tested and provides traditionally high TESSA platform speed and reliability.

The new version of the system is available for review on request on the Synthellect website or from partner companies. A detailed description of the new features can be found on the company's blog.

In future releases of the system, it is planned to provide support for EDS with time stamps, support for several calendars, enter tags and configure a caching file server.

Integration of EveryTag's Information Leaks Detection Technology

EveryTag, a Russian developer of complex solutions in the field of information security of the organization, together with Synthellect, a company engaged in the development of solutions in the field of document automation, on November 21, 2019 announced the implementation of a project in which ILD (Information Leaks Detection) technology was integrated into the Tessa system. A joint solution will allow its users to securely share documents and files containing sensitive information.

TESSA (Syntellect solution) is a versatile and flexible platform for creating high-performance document automation solutions that will now be further protected from potential information leaks ILD technology developed by EveryTag. It is based on the patented, algorithm markings which, when a document is printed or displayed, automatically creates a new personalized copy of this document. Visually, this copy is no different from the original, but each of its elements contains information by whom and when it was received. Also, technology for a small fragment of a photo or scan of a document can calculate the culprit of the leak with a 100% probability.

The development of Synthellect and EveryTag has already been tested on a large volume of documents generated by 20 thousand users. According to the results of the project, it was proved that in seven minutes the system marks twenty thousand pages, which makes it possible to ensure a high level of information protection even with the simultaneous work of a large number of people, the companies emphasized.

Compatibility with Alt 8 SP OS

On August 13, 2019, it became known that the company IVC - Russian a manufacturer computer of equipment, backbone ON and funds - information protection continues to increase the ecosystem Russian application software compatible with 8 JVs. operating system Viola More. here

Tessa 3.3

On June 21, 2019, Synthellect announced the release of the official release of EDMS TESSA version 3.3. The updated version of the platform has expanded the capabilities of the light client, provided support for different watch areas and made more than a hundred other improvements.

Tessa 3.3

According to the company, TESSA 3.3 opens the horizons for comfortable work in EDMS. Universal licenses allow you to choose the most suitable client for work (web or desktop), and the identity of their interface and functionality makes working in the system as convenient as possible.

The set of improvements implemented in the TESSA 3.3 version made it possible to expand the functionality of the light client. The appearance of cards in the web client is optimized and even closer to the desktop client, all settings for placing controls, updated block views and column settings in tables are supported. The development of extensions, representations and workplaces has been significantly simplified, it has become possible to modify the appearance and functionality of representations, design dashboard pages of any complexity, which allows you to flexibly configure both the interface of the ordinary user and the workplace of the manager. Master-detail reports and search query management functions have also become available to web client users. All added features and APIs of the lightweight client extensions are similar to the desktop version of the platform.

The changes affected the route designer and business process designer, providing even more tools for designing processes without programming (the concept of "low code").

Release 3.3 provides support for the business calendar in various time zones. Working in TESSA for geographically distributed companies has become even more comfortable, regardless of which city the user of the system is in, the deadline for the task for him will be determined taking into account his time zone.

In the updated desktop client, you can now open and work with object cards not only in the tab in the main window, but also in the format of a modal dialog.

Finished improving notification subsystem. The format of any notifications can be easily changed, users have the opportunity to flexibly configure personal filters for any parameters, subscribe and unsubscribe to notifications for individual objects. The administrator can set up notifications for specific employees directly in the employee card, which also reflects all changes made by the employee himself.

Updated capabilities in card design, expanding the capabilities of the business process designer, generating files according to a template, the ability to preview office format files without installing MS Office on the user's computer - these and many other improvements await you in the updated version of the modern Russian document management platform TESSA 3.3. All refinements and updates have been tested and provide high-performance, fast, reliable and enjoyable work in the system.


Syntellect Tessa 3.0.

On November 16, 2018, the company Syntellect announced the release of the official release EDMS TESSA of version 3.0. In the presented version, the system consolidates the results of several areas of the platform development group. As a result, TESSA has received a complex of both architectural improvements and additional functional, administrative and instrumental capabilities that will help make working in the system more convenient and pleasant, and setting up easier and faster, according to Synthellect.

According to the developer, one of the key updates is the inclusion of the Workflow Engine with a graphical business process designer in the platform. Business Process Designer allows you to configure processes of any complexity and with any type of tasks in the system without programming, which corresponds to the concept of "low code." The key advantage of the TESSA Workflow Engine is high performance: in an industrial solution, tens and hundreds of thousands of active processes can exist simultaneously without any noticeable slowdown in the system.

The Workflow Engine with Business Process Graphics Designer has been added to the Syntellect Tessa 3.0 platform.

The next important update in TESSA 3.0, noted by the developer, was family-based support servers applications OS. Linux You can use or as a web server Nginx. Apache Among the twelve supported Linux distributions for November 2018, three are presented in, Unified Register of Russian Programs Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media namely: (Astra Linux releases Special Edition 1.6 or Smolensk Common Edition 2.11.5), Eagle Calculate Linux 17.12.2 and 7.1. RED OS Murom

According to the developer, together with a fully functional web client and a database server running Linux on PostgreSQL, TESSA can work in a loop without using proprietary system software.

In the presented version of TESSA, the web client was completely redesigned. The main technological change is the update of the web client extension API. Thanks to this, the development of client logic extensions for the web client and for the desktop client has become almost identical, and the possibilities for the development of the web client have become much wider, Synthellect emphasized.

As noted in Synthellect, the changes also affected the platform's licensing policy: all client licenses of the system became universal. Thus, no matter what type of client the user uses, web or desktop client, one universal client license is consumed on the server.

Also, TESSA 3.0 added support for authentications the directory service, LDAP implemented additional features for working with very large files, etc.

"Cross-platform architecture culminates in the reliability and performance of the platform, and makes our solutions and solutions of our partners even more flexible and scalable, which meets the modern requirements for any" mature " ECM/BPM system. "

Compatibility with Red OS 7.1 Moore

On November 1, 2018, RED SOFT announced that in order to develop a technological partnership with SYNTHELLECT, they tested their products for compatibility. Read more here.

Tessa with full support for a number of Linux operating systems

Syntellect On May 30, 2018, the company announced the release EDMS of the TESSA build with full support for a number of OS families. Linux

Synthellect began work on porting TESSA EDMS to Linux operating systems in mid-2017, following the general trend of import substitution support and as part of the development of the TESSA in the Cloud direction.

This build ensures that the platform application server is compatible with twelve different Linux operating systems and their versions:

You can use nginx or as a web server. apache

All TESSA EDMS updates have been made while maintaining the key advantages of the platform.

Tessa 2.6 Release with PostgreSQL Support

Syntellect On May 4, 2018, the company announced the release of the next release of the TESSA platform with full support for open. DBMS PostgreSQL

Major version 2.6 changes:

  • Full support for two DBMSs: MS SQL Server and PostgreSQL
  • Customize the color palette of interface elements and create your own themes
  • Updated Document Processing Route Designer

According to the developers, the architecture of the TESSA platform from the very beginning was designed in such a way that support for alternative DBMS in the platform is relatively simple. Initially, the platform supported only MS SQL Server DBMS, but in the first half of 2017, the developer decided to implement support for an open DBMS, namely PostgreSQL, and operating systems for an application server from the Linux family. The rationale for investing in PostgreSQL and Linux support was due to both the overall import substitution trend and a number of other reasons, including the parallel direction of "TESSA in the cloud." By the end of 2017, PostgreSQL support was fully completed, and in the first quarter, customers and partners of the developer already had access to an assembly for switching to PostgreSQL and using the document management system in industrial operation.

As of May 4, support for Linux family operating systems (including Astra Linux Special Edition, Calculate Linux Desktop, Red OS) is undergoing beta testing and will be available in the near future in the next release of the platform. Thus, having a cross-platform fully functional web client as part of the modules, the TESSA platform fully complies with the requirements of the formation of the Register of Russian software, according to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 7, 2018 No. 234.

Another important improvement concerns the ergonomics of working in the system. TESSA 2.6 introduced the ability to independently customize colors for each element of the TESSA user interface - creating your own themes, and also added predefined themes.

Large changes affected the capabilities of the typical system configuration included in the basic delivery of the TESSA platform. A key improvement to the typical configuration was the Document Route Designer, which enhanced the customization of document reconciliation and processing processes as part of the standard configuration implementation project.

Beta version of the Telegram bot for the Tessa platform

Target, an expert partner at Synthellect TESSA, released a beta version of the Telegram bot for the TESSA platform at the beginning of the year. All the main functions of the EDMS are available in the interface of the cross-platform messenger. Telegram bot allows you to receive a list of user tasks, initiate the execution of tasks, including tasks of business processes for coordination and execution, create new documents and search for documents.

The plans include expanding the functionality and implementing operational interaction of users during the approval/execution of the document using a chat bot, as well as saving the history of correspondence in the document card.


Tessa 2.5 and 2.5.2 Autumn/Winter Platform Update

  • Automatic construction of negotiation routes
  • Ability to attach files to tasks
  • Insert images and barcodes into patterned Word, Excel, and html files
  • Signing of EDS documents in the web-client
  • Enterprise Backgrounds and Extension of the Background Library

Windows XP has been discontinued since version 2.5. However, the developer promises to continue releasing fixes for LTS version 2.4.x (Long Term Support - with extended support time).

In total, more than 200 optimizations have been performed, as well as many changes to the API of cards, files and the web client to create complex and versatile design solutions on the TESSA platform.

Document Streaming Module

  • Printing the barcode from the document card
  • Streaming scanning with barcode recognition, file separation and file attachment to cards
  • No additional software required


Syntellect Tessa 2.0

On December 14, 2016, Synthellect announced the release of a new version of the Tessa 2.0 EDMS.

In the version, the system received a set of improvements and additional functional and administrative capabilities that will help make working in the system and its maintenance even more pleasant, convenient and simple.

A fully functional lightweight client is no longer an additional EDMS module, in this version it is included in the general platform assembly. The lightweight client provides users with access to all EDMS functions from any mobile device, and the design of the mobile workplace interface is automatically adapted to the screen size of the mobile device.

TESSA 2.0 has the ability to connect users without binding to the enterprise domain on which the EDMS is deployed. This function can be convenient for organizing access to EDMS to counterparties of the organization, remote separate departments or external users.

The application manager (called Tessa Applications) now allows users to connect to different TESSA servers, can update published TESSA applications and itself.

Added capabilities in terms of data views and reports. You can now create complex views with multilevel groupings directly from the system interface, displaying the detail of each cell in the associated views.

The ability to form templates based on document card data without much effort will allow you to configure the formation of complex dynamic document forms, for example, advance reports, with upload to MS Word or Excel.

The advanced capabilities for TESSA administrators in terms of card and view configuration, automatic data scheme consolidation, session management and many others will allow you to quickly adapt the system configuration to the most specific business requests. In total, TESSA 2.0 has made several hundred improvements and improvements.

TESSA platform is included in the register of Russian software

By order of the Ministry of Communications of Russia dated 08.11.2016 No. 538, the TESSA document and business process management system is included in the Unified Register of Russian Programs for Electronic Computers and Databases.

The register was created in accordance with Article 12.1 of the Federal Law "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection" in order to expand the use of Russian programs for electronic computers and databases, confirm their origin from the Russian Federation, as well as in order to provide copyright holders of programs for electronic computers or databases of state support measures.

TESSA is classified into the following software classes:

  • Office applications,
  • Project management system, research, development, design and implementation,
  • Organization Process Management Systems,
  • System for collecting, storing, processing, analyzing, modeling and visualizing data arrays

Order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia dated 08.11.2016 No. 538. Registration number in the Register: 2187.

Syntellect Tessa version 1.21

Version 1.21 includes a set of functions aimed at further increasing the performance and scalability of solutions on the TESSA platform, as well as, taking into account the wishes of TESSA users, consolidated changes and additions that improve the overall ergonomic performance of the system.

One of the key features included in the standard delivery of the new version of the TESSA platform is the ability to connect multiple file stores. Now, according to certain features (this rule is configured in the system), TESSA has the ability to save files loaded by users in EDMS, inside several databases or in several different file stores. This function actually allows you to organize a distributed implementation with local file storage in each geographically remote department, while maintaining a centralized solution architecture. Thus, users of the remote department will be able to work with their files inside the local network, thereby downloading and viewing documents of their department as quickly as possible. In addition, this feature will help you optimize your storage costs. The mechanism has already been successfully used in a number of large distributed implementations.

The infographic module in TESSA reports is now accompanied by a new advanced set of interactive pie and bar charts. Any statistical report can be presented in the most readable graphical form. When you hover over the mouse, charts come to life and reveal details that are displayed in contextual tooltips or in related views as tables or as other charts. The standard solution included in the standard delivery of TESSA was supplemented with basic reports using diagrams.

The mechanism for generating document templates in Microsoft Word and Html formats based on system card data has been expanded to support tables and lists with the ability to use TESSA views as a data source. Now, the standard system tools can set up templates for printed document forms of any complexity, as an example in a typical system configuration, a printed form of the minutes of meetings is supplied.

In the TESSA registers, it became possible to quickly search for one or more attributes of the document card. This allows you to instantly find a document by barcode, number or keyword when opening the registry without unnecessary mouse clicks and without opening additional search forms.

The module "Mobile Coordination" allows you to perform tasks and coordinate documents through e-mail, without direct access to the EDMS. In this version of TESSA, for a typical solution from the standard system delivery, the module is fully configured and ready for use immediately after installation.

In addition, multithreaded mail notification mechanisms, expanded numbering capabilities, audit log additions, additional autocomplete functionality options when selecting field values, and new features of standard orders have become available.


Tessa EDMS load testing

On November 18, 2015, Synthellect announced the load testing of the client document management system on the Tessa EDMS platform in the interests of a large retail bank. The purpose of the event is to check the ability of the client document management system on the Tessa platform to provide the required indicators.

The loading stand was deployed in accordance with the agreed procedure on the customer's equipment. The layout of the system assumes the presence of 20 million dossier cards, i.e. full sets of client documents for the implemented banking product, 100 million document records and 100 thousand archive boxes.

Submission of documents for the test process

For the load tests, three databases were prepared with 5%, 50% and 100% content relative to the maximum, provided the ability to quickly switch between bases to demonstrate various load scenarios. To emulate user activity in the system and requests for external applications, a specialized application is used that executes test scripts at a given frequency.

Automated tests and scripts were used to create the load.

The total number of virtual users and test scenarios, with a frequency and characteristics close to real conditions - 5.4 thousand. All users generated 2.166 thousand operations in 1 second.

The hardware infrastructure provided by the customer included 4 servers:

  • DB server,
  • two application servers
  • Load emulation server.

A separate computer with typical characteristics for office equipment of the bank served as a measuring station. It ran the Tessa client application, performed basic operations and measured the time of their execution.

Introducing IT Infrastructure for Testing

Testing was carried out according to 3 main scenarios: 

  1. with different database content;
  2. increase the load to the critical moment. Increase the number of active users until 100% of application server memory is full.
  3. testing after a long load. The system operates under load for 24 hours at 100% filling of the DB. During this period of time, the performance indicators of the load scenario operations were removed. After this period of time, a manual measurement of the time of the main operations was performed without reducing the automatic load.

The size of the database at absolute occupancy reached 120 GB, since the option of storing scans of documents in the file system outside the database was used - the standard feature of the Tessa platform.

Test result: the system coped with the load, showed high performance on all test scenarios.

Regardless of the degree of database filling, the average execution time of the main operations was less than 1 s (permissible values - up to 3 s).

Exceeding the permissible values of the time of operations was achieved only with a 24-fold increase in load indicators, which corresponds to the work of 129.6 thousand active users performing 52 thousand operations in 1 s.

According to the company, the load testing carried out confirmed - Tessa, being an extremely high level of performance and reliability, is able to ensure trouble-free operation in organizations of all sizes.

Typical Document Automation Solution

Synthellect presented in September 2015 a version of a standard document automation solution on the Tessa platform. The sample solution is a ready-made configuration that collects the best practices of Syntellect's design experience in automating the main tasks of document management.

The typical configuration is included in the basic supply of Synthellect Tessa and contains the following functional blocks:

  • Electronic Office (document registration);
  • Universal process for issuing and monitoring the implementation of resolutions and tasks on documents with a graphical representation of the tree of related tasks;
  • Universal process of documents coordination with graphical visualization of process progress;
  • Execution discipline monitoring module with various reports.

This version of the sample solution simplifies the configuration of document types, document access rules, and document numbering. In addition, in the process of resolutions and tasks, child resolutions, a tree of resolutions, complex control chains and visual visualization of the entire process for the user have become available. The solution includes everything necessary for full-fledged work and can be used in companies of all sizes and areas of activity.

For small and medium-sized companies, the implementation of a standard solution is an opportunity to start working within a few hours after installation.

Initial setup - three steps:

  • get users;
  • Set up a list of required documents
  • Set rules for numbering and accessing documents.

Three steps, minimum effort and the system is ready for full operation. The solution settings do not require any technical skills and knowledge of programming languages.

For large companies, the introduction of a standard solution is the possibility of a quick start.

The typical solution is delivered to the user with all the settings and source codes of the software part available for modification. The organization has the opportunity to use the standard solution as the basis for its own project implementation, significantly reducing the cost and time of implementation. Due to the flexibility of the typical configuration, you can carry out any refinements during the operation of the configured part of the solution. This feature helps to study the settings and extensions of the system well, as well as learn how to support the system yourself.

Main properties of Tessa EDMS. Document Flow Function Blocks

(Data current as of March 2015)

Main properties of EDMS

  • speed of operation: the system is optimized for operation in modern conditions of distributed networks, including on weak data transmission channels;
  • Interactive user interface designed with state-of-the-art technology
  • The ability to customize and develop enhancements for the system at all levels of the platform, including the field level of system tables, a harmonious combination of visual settings and programming;
  • Role access subsystem for objects and functions: simple role hierarchy, dynamic computed and context roles
  • capabilities in terms of data representation: ordinary representations, dependent representations, subsets, program representations;
  • the ability to organize business processes with visual visualization of the process progress;
  • integration capabilities with other information systems;
  • data transfer via a secure protocol, https the ability to work through, Internet including on top; VPN
  • availability of standard solutions;

Effects of Workflow and Business Process Automation with Synthellect Tessa

  • Optimize the timing of document approval, processing, and execution of business processes
  • eliminating costs by optimizing the search for the required documents, eliminating losses, saving on printing/storing/moving paper documents;
  • ensuring control over the execution and processing of documents;
  • ensuring transparency of automated processes;
  • improving the company's manageability.

The following is a list of workflow functional blocks that can be automated on the Syntellect Tessa platform:

  • Electronic document archive. The system is optimized for working with large amounts of data: tens of millions of document cards with attached scan images, several thousand simultaneously connected users, while fast navigation and search are not difficult for Synthellect Tessa;
  • automation of the office: registration of incoming and outgoing correspondence, scanning documents and bringing them to the executors in electronic form;
  • control of the performing discipline;
  • Outgoing Letter Reconciliation Processes
  • agreement of contracts;
  • approval of payments;
  • organization of tender procedures;
  • coordination and control of execution of organizational and administrative documents;
  • Processing requests/memos
  • processing of complaints and claims;
  • working with minutes of meetings/collegial bodies;
  • personnel and business processes (hiring, dismissal, business trips, etc.);
  • automation of service desk operation;
  • processing and storage of primary accounting documents;
  • automation of processes specialized for various areas of business:

* automation of insurance loss settlement (insurance company);
* Consideration for issuance of loans (bank);
* procedure for opening a new store (retail);
* Bringing a new product unit to market (production)