The name of the base system (platform): | LibreOffice |
Developers: | Almi Partner, ALMIS Partner (GC ALMIS) |
Date of the premiere of the system: | November 2019 |
Last Release Date: | 2025/03/03 |
Technology: | Office applications |
Content |
Main article: Office software (Russian market)
2025: "AlterOffice 2025 "
ALMIS Partner has released an updated version of the domestic office suite - AlterOffice 2025. It represents a significant step forward in the development of the product and offers even more opportunities for effective work. The version was created using a new technology stack and additional proprietary components. The company announced this on March 3, 2025.
The updated version of AlterOffice received improved performance, increased security and ease of use. A number of innovative solutions allow the software to work faster. The product was developed as part of a universal import-independent environment for rendering the interface on the Qt/C + + framework. This made it possible to implement the traditional interface of Microsoft Office applications, which simplifies the adaptation of users.
In this version, the functionality of AMail has changed a lot. This is a traditional AlterOffice component for working with a mail server. He received additional security features and a planning assistant. Now employees of the company can share information about their employment with colleagues. This allows you to optimize collaboration in a large company. Another change has appeared in working with calendars - the function of delegated calendars and mailboxes. These collaboration tools help you maintain executive or other employee calendars for general convenience.
A lot of work has been done in the editors of AlterOffice to improve the user interface (UI): repeating the usual user experience (UX) and adapting it to modern realities. One of the main tasks was to make sure that the user experience was the same on any operating system. From the point of view of administration, large changes have been implemented to optimize the internal structure of folders and files, while maintaining the ability to distribute software within large companies. Support for current releases of domestic operating systems has been added. Revised the approach to deliveries of distributions and updates for Linux-like operating systems.
Improved adaptation for high resolution monitors. AlterOffice now supports scaling and provides clarity and quality of display on all screens and complex graphics panels. The product allows users to simultaneously work in several applications from the office suite and combine workplaces on different platforms.
The proprietary system of working with menu items made it possible to carefully work out all the details to make the workflow as convenient as possible. As a result, the interface follows the logic of the Microsoft Office package and fully complies with rendering standards for all operating systems, including Windows and Linux.
The list of toolbar tools within the product is grouped so that it is much easier for the user to work with it. The tools are divided into tabs in the main menu area, in which each group of buttons is responsible for performing specific tasks.
Each application received a special color palette. AST, AKell, AKoncept and AGraf have been updated in accordance with modern design standards. The location of buttons, colors, fonts, icons and other elements have changed.
More than 130 specialists worked during the year to create an updated version of the product so that it becomes more convenient, more productive and more functional.
We understand how difficult it is to switch to other software after the usual programs. Before starting the upgrade process, we conducted comprehensive research and took into account the wishes of customers. This made it easier for new users to adapt and make the version as simple, convenient and intuitive as possible. We are confident that this will help implement a seamless transition to our products. This update has become one of the largest since entering the market. The task of realizing a colossal amount of work in a short time has become a kind of challenge for us. And we successfully coped with him, - said Mikhail Lebedev, chairman of the board of the ALMIS Group of Companies. |
Compatibility with "MSVSphera AWS" 9
Vendor Inferit (Softline Group of Companies) and ALMI Partner have confirmed the compatibility and correctness of the AlterOffice office suite and the MSVSPHERA AWS operating system 9. The test results are confirmed by the compatibility certificate. Softline announced this on November 5, 2024.
In preparation for testing, the company's specialists installed and configured AlterOffice components on the MSVSPHERA AWS operating system 9. During the tests, they checked how the products interact by implementing typical user scenarios. The results showed that solutions work stably and without slowing down.
Focusing on domestic software products, organizations strive to choose compatible application solutions that will allow them to achieve specific goals. Therefore, we are actively expanding the range of products with which the AlterOffice office suite can work without any problems. We are glad that now it includes a reliable and functional operating system MSVSFERA ARM 9, - said Svetlana Plakhtieva, Head of Partner Relations at ALMI Partner (ALMIS Partner LLC). |
In the process of import substitution, it is critical for companies to have a fully compatible office software stack. The confirmed compatibility of the MSVSPHERA AWS 9 OS with AlterOffice allows our customers to create reliable workplaces based on Russian solutions. Users receive the usual office functionality and confidence in the stable operation of all components of the system, - said Murad Mirzoev, Development Director of Inferit. |
Beshtau Computer and Laptop Compatibility
ALMI Partner and Beshtau have confirmed the compatibility and correctness of products - the operating system, office suite, personal computer and laptop. Based on the test results, the companies issued a solution compatibility certificate. ALMI Partner announced this on October 31, 2024.
Testing of the AlterOS operating system and the AlterOffice office suite was carried out on a Bestau LT1502 laptop and a Bestau PC1167/B560/TRA/10400/16/M512 personal computer. The tests covered key subsystems of ALMI Partner solutions. Read more here.
OSnova Compatibility
JSC "" NPPCT ALMI Partner and confirmed the compatibility and correctness of the joint operation of the AlterOffice office suite based on operating system "." Basis Based on the test results, a product compatibility certificate has been issued. The company was informed about this on October 7, 2024.
During testing, the specialists of JSC NPPKT and ALMI Partner were convinced of the correct installation and operation of AlterOffice on OSnova. They also checked the functionality of the office suite components.
All stages of testing were completed successfully. The test resulted in a certificate confirming their full compatibility.
We strive to ensure that AlterOffice is compatible with a large range of Russian operating systems. In 2023, their market, according to analysts, grew more than 1.5 times. In 2024, it continues to grow actively - it affects not only active import substitution, but also the growth of the technological maturity of domestic OS, - said Stanislav Orlov, technical director of the Russian manufacturer of system-wide and application software ALMI Partner. |
One of our priorities is to expand partnership with leading Russian developers. Confirming the compatibility of OSnova with AlterOffice will allow us to offer customers even more high-performance complex domestic solutions. The emergence of such systems is especially important, since they are one of the key elements of technological sovereignty, - said Sergey Myasnikov, technical director of NPPKT JSC. |
AMail 1.4.1 with Exchange Web Services
ALMI Partner has released an update to the AMail 1.4.1 email client included in the AlterOffice office suite. The developer announced this on August 26, 2024. The client now allows you to work with tasks on the Microsoft Exchange server using the Exchange Web Services (EWS) protocol. In addition, in the boxed version of the AMail 1.4.1 product, users have the function of deferred sending of letters.
Also, the speed of the mail client has been significantly improved, which increases the comfort of working with it.
The main change in the AMail 1.4.1 corporate mail client is support for Exchange Web Services (EWS). This allows users to fully work with synchronization tasks in Microsoft Exchange via the EWS protocol. In this version of the client, you can synchronize tasks between all devices, support attachments and statuses, categories and deadlines for tasks.
Also added to the boxed version of AMail 1.4.1 is the functionality of deferred sending of letters. Users can now configure the delivery of individual messages at scheduled times and dates. In addition, you can specify the frequency and number of repetitions of sending a deferred letter.
The changes also affected the performance of the product. In AMail 1.4.1, work with the internal database and interaction with MS Exchange is optimized. Thus, the speed of synchronizing folders increased by 3 times, which increased the responsiveness of the interface and made the use of the program more convenient.
At the request of customers, this version of the product includes functions that users lacked for comfortable work. For example, in AMail version 1.4.1, it became possible to schedule an event without participants.
In addition to new products, fixes have been added to the release, in particular, the development team has excluded factors affecting the encoding and special characters in the name files from attachments. Customers were able to quickly report the error through the 24-hour ALMI Partner technical support service. In turn, the development team quickly made corrections to the product.
Feedback from users and comfortable use of solutions are the main reference point for us in the development of ALMI Partner software. We strive to make each version of the product even more convenient and stable. The functionality of the AMail 1.4.1 release will allow clients to use the breadth of the MS Exchange server's capabilities in terms of working with tasks. And improved performance and additional functions will help organize more efficient work of users with the mail application, "said Stanislav Orlov, Technical Director of ALMI Partner. |
Compatibility with Fplus equipment
The company ALMI Partner and the manufacturer electronic engineers Fplus have confirmed the compatibility operating system AlterOS of the AlterOffice office suite with Fplus equipment. Almi announced this on August 20, 2024. More. here
Compatibility with Rosa Chrome 12 Workstation and Rosa Chrome 12 Server
The compatibility of the AlterOffice office suite has been confirmed with. This was operating systems ROSA announced by the development company on June 24, 2024.
During testing, the company's specialists installed and configured AlterOffice components on ROSA Chrome 12 Workstation and ROSA Chrome 12 Server operating systems. Also, the operability of the main functions of software products related to the execution of operations of office employees was checked.
In the context of import substitution in the IT field, which is rapidly gaining momentum, it is especially important for Russian software manufacturers to develop cooperation. Therefore, ALMI Partner expands the range of partners. The compatibility of our office suite with ROSA operating systems will significantly increase the ability to import software substitution for Russian organizations from different fields and areas of activity, - said Stanislav Orlov, technical director of the Russian manufacturer of system-wide and application software ALMI Partner. |
Testing with ALMI Partner specialists showed full compatibility and correct operation of AlterOffice with two ROSA operating systems, which are one of the most functional operating systems in our line. Russian organizations now have a powerful domestic IT ecosystem with a high level of security. The emergence of such complex solutions is extremely important, since many Russian enterprises should switch to domestic software by 2025, "said Vyacheslav Kadomsky, Director of Strategic Development at STC IT ROSA. |
2023: Pre-installation on Beshtau computers
Russian the manufacturer computer of equipment GC "" and Beshtau GC "" ALMIS announced a collaboration. The strategic goal of cooperation import substitution is development in the IT sector. Personal devices manufactured by the Beshtau group of companies will enter the market with a pre-installed operating system AlterOS and office suite AlterOffice. Software developed specifically for the needs of Russian users. About this GC "ALMIS" reported on October 30, 2023. More. here
Compatibility with Graviton solutions
and ALMIS Group of Companies 3Logic Group confirmed the compatibility and correct performance operating system AlterOS of the AlterOffice office suite Graviton monoblocks M40I with and Graviton M50I, personal, computers Graviton D30I and D50I as well as with. Graviton N15I-K2 and Graviton laptops N15I More. here
Utinet Corenetic Server Hardware Compatibility
Testing operating system AlterOS of the AlterOffice office suite from the Group of Companies ALMIS for compatibility server Utinet CORENETIC with the company's equipment has also been completed. UTINET The ALMIS announced this on January 14, 2022. More. here
SharxBase Compatibility
The group of companies ALMIS and the Company "" SharxDC have confirmed the compatibility and correct performance operating system AlterOS of the AlterOffice office suite with the hardware and software platform virtualizations. "" SharxBase This was announced by ALMIS on January 11, 2022. More. here
Compatibility with Tessa EDMS running AlterOS
SYNTHELLECT (Synthellect) and ALMIS Group of Companies signed an agreement on technological cooperation and partnership in December 2021.
The developers tested the dextic editors of AlterOffice in conjunction with the platform. Syntellect Tessa AlterOffice was tested on several versions operating system AlterOS and with different formats. files According to the test results, the Editing and Reading cases, the installation of OC and basic functionality, Chronos and Deski on AlterOS 7.5 versions were successfully completed. Testing of products did not reveal any problems with the installation of AlterOS and the behavior of AlterOffice editors.
{{quote 'author=said Stanislav Orlov, Technical Director of ALMI Group of Companies.|Compatibility with TESSA provides a lot of advantages for AlterOS and AlterOffice users. This is a tenfold reduction in document processing time, a reduction in office costs and sending/delivering documents, the elimination of document loss, the ability to "transparently" work with documents and much more, }}
The testing for compatibility of our platform with AlterOS and AlterOffice products from ALMIS Group expands the line of software that we can recommend to our customers - companies and government organizations that solve the problem of import substitution. noted Oleg Nazarko, chief architect of the TESSA EDMS platform.
Compatible with Utinet Glovirt hyperconverged infrastructure
and the OS AlterOS AlterOffice office suite is compatible hyperconverged infrastructure Utinet Glovirt. with This was announced on December 14, 2021. ALMIS of partner More. here
Compatibility with the "Assistant" software
As part of the strategy import substitution , the Group of Companies ALMIS and the company SAFIB have completed compatibility tests for their software products. This became known in November 2021. The developers ALMIS checked the correctness of the work of their office suite AlterOffice operating system AlterOS and with the SAFIB software complex ASSISTANT. The parties have confirmed the compatibility of their software solutions and their uninterrupted operation on those connected to remote access. computers More. here
Compatibility with SBKlaud cloud services
On November 10, 2021, the Group of Companies ALMIS"" announced that the AlterOffice office suite and those operating system AlterOS developed by its specialists were tested on public cloud services the company "," SBKleod designed to deploy virtual corporate. IT infrastructures Both solutions are fully the Russian and are included in. Unified Register of Domestic Software
The AlterOffice and AlterOS development team has conducted a series of tests to determine the functionality of their software solutions in cloud services. Virtual machines with the AlterOS operating system in the Desktop and Server editions were deployed on the SBKlaud platform. During testing, specialists from ALMIS and SBKlaud (Aiteko Group I-Teco) applied various scenarios for users to work with the system.
In addition, the work in cloud services of the main applications of the AlterOffice office suite was checked: AText - text editor, ACell - table editor, AConcept - presentation editor, AGraph - vector editor, AMail - mail client.
Thus, during testing, the high reliability of AlterOffice and AlterOS was confirmed when they were used in cloud services in various modes under fairly high loads.
"We are glad that now clients of cloud services based on the Russian infrastructure platform" virtualizations ITRustek"have the opportunity to work with our software products. We are confident that this partnership will help make user experience more efficient and flexible. Given that this multi-cloud system can be used providers by cloud services companies, we are opening up additional opportunities and expanding the range of our potential customers, "- notes Stanislav Orlov, technical director of Almi Group of Companies. |
"The compatibility of SBKlaud cloud services with the domestic AlterOffice package and the AlterOS operating system expands the possibilities for solving complex tasks of our customers, including import substitution tasks. We look forward to further productive cooperation with ALMIS in the interests of our customers, "- says Konstantin Lopatkin, General Director of SBKlaud (Aiteko Group of Companies). |
2020: Return to the register of domestic software
In early October 2020, it became known about the return of AlterOffice to the register of Russian software. The corresponding decision was made by the expert council under the Ministry of Digital Science, Vedomosti writes with reference to a source close to the ministry and chairman of the board of the developer of this office product ALMIS Partner Mikhail Lebedev.
AlterOffice was absent from the registry for almost two years due to the fact that the product was recognized as borrowed (a significant part of the program code was taken from the authors of LibreOffice). According to Lebedev, the uniqueness of the finalized solution has grown from 12 to 36%. Thus, the developers added their own part of the cloud infrastructure, created a multidisciplinary system for user collaboration in each of the applications, and also changed the workspaces of text, table and presentation editors.
However, experts believe that re-adding the product to the registry could be a copyright infringement. So, a free license LibreOffice gives the right to use the code, but at the same time it is necessary to specify a copyright, and even if the final product turned out to be 90% unique. Otherwise, the developer may face prosecution by international organizations dealing with free software issues.
The publication of the publication says that the inclusion of AlterOffice in the register of Russian software can create a precedent when products based on foreign free software will begin to be recognized as domestic development. This can undermine the very essence of the registry, and clone products will not be able to compete with foreign originals.
In early September 2020, the Moscow Arbitration Court declared illegal the exclusion of AlterOffice from the register of domestic software.[1]
2019: Removal from the register of Russian software
In November 2019, the AlterOffice office suite of ALMIS Partner was excluded from the register of domestic software, follows from the materials published on the website of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications.
As Vedomosti writes with reference to Renat Lashin, executive director of the Domestic Software ARPP, experts first noticed signs of copying foreign software in AlterOffice. Then an additional examination was carried out by decision of the expert council, according to its results, the product was excluded from the register.
According to Lapshin, the developers of cloned software, as a rule, do not make any contribution to the product, do not support it, so it cannot be considered Russian. The company "ALMIS Partner," developing the AlterOffice project, objects and intends to challenge this decision, which, according to the developers, was made in violation of the regulations.
This is an outrageous use of administrative resources in competition, as well as direct corruption in the distribution of budget money. The development fully meets all the requirements of the register, and we will defend our position in all regulatory bodies, - Mikhail Lebedev, chairman of the board of ALMIS Partner LLC, told the newspaper . |
He also recalled that a few days before the removal of AlterOffice from the register of Russian software, the Ministry of Communications announced the purchase of office software for federal executive bodies in the amount of more than 757 million rubles.
Earlier, regarding AlterOffice, a letter was sent to the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications by "New Cloud Technologies," drawing attention to the fact that this, in their opinion, is a converted open source product. The general director of this company, Dmitry Komissarov, told TAdviser in October 2019 that at that time about 2-3 months had passed since sending this letter to the department.
We informed the ministry that this product, from our point of view, is in the register with violations, - Komissarov said then. - His software product registration certificate says that he has one developer who, apparently, wrote 40 million lines of code. |
He added that the company will wait for the next expert council before contacting the department again about this.
Dmitry Commisarov at the same time noted that on the part of the Russian developers of office software "New Office Technologies" on public procurement from large customers they do not yet feel competition with anyone.
After excluding AlterOffice from the register, "New cloud technologies announced that they welcome the decision[2] one].
The practice when renamed copies of non-Russian products are included in the register of domestic software should be strictly suppressed by the state. Otherwise, this jeopardizes the domestic IT industry: companies that develop their own products from scratch are put on equal terms, and those who simply copy someone else's without spending a ruble on it, Dmitry Komissarov quotes Vedomosti. |
- ↑ The register of domestic software includes a product based on foreign development
- ↑ [ of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media. Russian software was recognized as a clone of a foreign