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ALMI Partner Group ALMIS



ALMI Partner (ALMIS Group of Companies) has been operating in the IT market for more than 23 years and provides a full range of services in the IT sector (as of 2024).

As part of the implementation of the import substitution strategy, ALMI Partner develops and implements its own domestic one, software including the AlterOffice office suite and the AlterOS operating system. The company's products are included in the domestic register. ON Ministry of Digital Development

Performance indicators

2023:25% decrease in revenue

As TAdviser found out, in 2023, the revenue of ALMIS Partner, a key legal entity of the ALMIS group of companies, decreased by about 25% compared to 2022, to 700.8 million rubles. The company ended the year with a net profit of 531.2 million rubles, which is 23.8% lower than in 2022, follows from the financial statements of ALMIS Partner, published in the database of the Federal Tax Service.

The cost of sales amounted to about 52.7 million rubles, having decreased by 37.7%, commercial expenses decreased by 64.7%, to 51 million rubles. At the same time, management expenses increased by 377.3%, to almost 64 million rubles.

For the reporting period, by 383.6%, to almost 52 million rubles, ALMIS Partner increased payments in connection with the remuneration of employees and by 86.3%, to 671.2 million rubles - payments to suppliers (contractors) for raw materials, materials, works, services.

source = ALMIS Group of Companies
One of the flagship products of ALMIS is the AlterOS operating system

ALMIS Partner explained to TAdviser that in 2023 the company's revenue technically decreased by about 25.5%, but there was no actual decrease, moreover, the volume of sales over the past year increased by 1.7 times.

So, during 2022, the company entered into several large contracts directly with customers at their direct request. This led to the fact that the sales volume was largely closed at the vendor himself - ALMIS Partner LLC and a number of core customers, they say in ALMIS Partner. - In 2023, our company focused on business diversification and the development of a partner ecosystem consisting of distributors and authorized partners of various levels and various technological competencies. In fact, in 2023, our business volumes increased significantly, but a significant share of this growth falls on the partner network, on the side of which a little more than half of the revenue remained.

It turns out that the formal decline in revenue is due to a change in the structure of financial flows, the company summarizes. Despite this, ALMIS Partner has seen a significant increase in customer interest in its solutions. This led to an almost 1.7-fold increase in sales for 2023.

In 2024, in terms of developing its business, as mentioned above, the company plans to strengthen its focus on diversifying and developing new areas - a partner ecosystem, working more closely with new industries and customer segments, as well as developing user support and training.

In terms of product development, we plan, firstly, to continue the development of our main product areas in the field of system-wide and applied software. Among our tasks is to fully cover the capabilities of the product lines of international vendors that have left our market in the foreseeable future, both in terms of a set of solutions and in terms of the depth of their functionality. When developing, we pay special attention to creating effective tools for organizing collaboration in organizations, increasing the security of our products, expanding integration capabilities and compatibility, - said TAdviser in ALMIS Partner.

In addition, the company wants to actively invest in the development of new areas and technologies that meet the challenges of the digital era and are in high demand from customers.

At the moment, we cannot disclose specific details in detail, but certain developments are already underway both in the field of artificial intelligence and in the direction of introducing end-to-end digital technologies into our existing products, the company says.

Partner Program

2023: Partner Program Launch

The ALMIS Group of Companies on July 17, 2023 announced the release of a partner program.

The revamped Partner Program is part of a global sales strategy where the company and partners will focus on working with new and current customers. Changes in the program allow partners to expand their business by jointly promoting and implementing software products to end users in the Russian Federation.

The main goal of the partner program is the intention of the ALMIS Group of Companies to create the most convenient and favorable conditions for cooperation for network participants, as well as to simplify procedures at the stages of planning, coordination, conclusion and execution of transactions.

The partner program provides for the possibility of obtaining one of four partner statuses: silver, gold, platinum, universal. Obtaining each of them implies fulfilling a number of conditions. For example, reaching a certain sales volume or having certified specialists. Regarding the formation of prices for the client, all partners are on an equal footing, regardless of status.

This Partner Program has revised the Partner Incentive System. Improved conditions for all authorized partners by increasing the RRC discount. Other innovations include the possibility of a faster transition to increased partner status, as well as the possibility of obtaining licenses free of charge, or purchasing them at a discount. The changes will take effect 30 days from the date of publication on the vendor's official website - July 12, 2023, and will apply to both existing and new partners of the company.

Recent events have shown that import substitution is becoming a necessity. The number of organizations choosing the ALMIS Group of Companies is growing. In this situation, it is important for us to offer additional opportunities for customers, as well as the most comfortable conditions for the development of business partners and the entire industry as a whole,
said Yulia Tarasova, Head of Implementation.



Winning in court against the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications after removing the product from the register of Russian software

In early September 2020 Moscow Arbitration Court , he declared illegal the exclusion of office software AlterOffice from. register of Russian software The developer of this product - the company "ALMIS Partner" - won the court, the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media experts of which previously considered this product a clone of an open decision. LibreOffice

Mikhail Lebedev, chairman of the board of ALMIS Partner, told Izvestia that at the time of exclusion from the register of domestic software, the company met all the requirements and criteria.

Office software developer won a court against the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications after removing a product from the register of Russian software

The source of the publication on the IT market believes that ALMIS Partner appropriated the result of the intellectual activity of 1.5 thousand developers around the world and declared a clone of a well-known product with changed information about copyright holders in the register. The AlterOffice 1.2 text, spreadsheet and presentation editor is completely identical to LibreOffice, the Alter Office Mail mail client repeats, and Mozilla ThunderBird the AlterOffice FileManager is similar to, the Microsoft Windows File Manager source said.

According to the founder of the ANO "Information Culture" Ivan Begtin, in the register of Russian software there are many products created using open source, for example, Postgres Pro, but these solutions have been significantly changed and finalized.

There have never been any bans on the inclusion of programs based on open source software, agrees Alexei Smirnov, General Director of BASEALT. He pointed out that LibreOffice applies under the terms of the free Mozilla Public License v2, which gives a non-exclusive right, including distribution and product modification with the provision of source code and the right to further distribution and change, both for free and for money. If these conditions are met, then there is no theft, the expert stated.[1]

Lawsuit against the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications for removing Russian software from the register

Logo in 2019

In mid-July 2020, the ALMIS Partner company sued the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, declaring that it was illegal to remove its office software from the register of domestic software. This is evidenced by the data of the file cabinet of cases of economic disputes on administrative legal relations.

In a conversation with Kommersant, the chairman of the board of ALMIS Partner, Mikhail Lebedev, said that at the time of filing the application, the software met all the requirements necessary for inclusion in the register. According to Lebedev, the employees of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications were misled by experts associated with competitors.

The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications then (in November 2019, when the department excluded the AlterOffice package from the register) took measures "to eliminate the distortion in the market for domestic office applications," taking a second application, but due to the change of government and the pandemic, the process was delayed, he added.

Office software developer sues the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications for removing Russian software from the register

The next hearing in the case is scheduled for August 4, 2020 - to conduct an interview with the parties in order to "clarify the circumstances regarding the merits of the stated claims and objections, disclose evidence confirming them, present additional evidence, explain to the parties their rights and obligations, the consequences of committing or not committing procedural actions," the court ruling says.

The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications received court documents and is studying them, representatives of the department told the publication. On December 27, 2019, ALMIS Partner submitted a second application for inclusion in the register - the Ministry of Communications will consider it on July 17, the newspaper said.

According to the head of the company "BASEALT" Alexei Smirnov, AlterOffice, in fact, is a slightly modified LibreOffice, which is distributed under a free license. The terms of the license are such that ALMIS Partner could not obtain exclusive rights to the program, and this is one of the key requirements for software in the register, he told the newspaper[2]


ALMIS logo for 2016

According to information for 2018, the ALMIS group of companies acted as both a developer of software solutions and an integrator providing the following range of services: from servicing workstations and setting up servers to creating specific projects with the involvement of narrow-qualified specialists. ALMIS had its own staff of engineers and programmers and independently provided technical support to all users of software products of the AlterOS family. The company also held a number of training events on working with AlterOS, the most popular of which is the webinar "Your System Administrator," designed to increase the competence of employees involved in daily system support and maintenance.
