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Main article: Subjects of the Russian Federation
Perm Territory - a subject of the Russian Federation, is part of the Volga Federal District, the area is 160.2 thousand km ². It was formed on December 1, 2005 as a result of the unification of the Perm region and the Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug.
Federal authorities
Territorial branches of federal authorities:
- Election Commission of Perm Territory
- Perm Regional Court
- Prosecutor's Office of the Perm Territory
- Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Perm Territory
- Main Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service for the Perm Territory
- Office of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography in the Perm Territory
- Volga Interregional Territorial Air Transport Administration of the Federal Air Transport Agency
- Central Interregional Transport Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation
- Branch of the FIU in the Perm Territory
- Territorial fund of compulsory health insurance of the Perm Territory
- Perm Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Notary Chamber of Perm Territory (NPPK)
Main article: Government of Perm Territory
- Department of Economics and Industrial Policy of the Perm City Administration
- Department of Transport of the Perm City Administration
- MKU "Center for Accounting and Reporting in the Field of Education" in Perm
- MBU "Archive of the city of Perm"
- PMUP "City Utilities and Heating"
Administration of the Tchaikovsky urban district
Administration of the Alexander Municipal District
Administration of the Bolshesosnovsky rural settlement
Ministry of Transport of Perm Territory
Department of Transport of the Perm City Administration
- FBU "Administration of the Kama basin of internal waterways" ("Administration" Kamvodput ") Rosmorrechflot Ministry of Transport of Russia
- Perm Suburban Company JSC
Ministry of Information Development and Communications of Perm Territory
- GBU PK "Center for Information Development of the Perm Territory"
- Regional Engineering Center Foundation
- Seuslab LLC
2023: How the digitalization of the Perm Territory is going
At the end of 2023, all settlements with the number of inhabitants from 500 people were provided with communication and mobile Internet access in the Perm Territory. At the same time, the region ranks 14th in Russia in terms of digital maturity with an indicator of 86.2%. Such data were released on June 14, 2024 by the local Ministry of Information Development and Communications.
It is said that in the Perm Territory, 100% of mass socially significant services are provided in electronic form. One of the main areas of digital development of the region is state information systems, platforms and services. Work continues to provide mobile communications to small settlements and inter-municipal roads, including the Digital Economy national project.
PermThe Governor of the Perm Territory Dmitry Makhonin said that exclusively domestic funds are used in the information infrastructure of the region. cyber security Government servers data centers have been transferred to Russian products, which allows you to effectively resist attacks on IT platforms. In addition, there is a transition to domestic solutions in state structures.
All federal measures to support the IT industry are being implemented in the region: additional tax incentives for profit and for renting premises in the Morion Digital Technopark, and IT mortgages. As of the beginning of June 2024, 1,317 loans with state support were issued. More than 1.6 thousand are operating in the Perm Territory. IT companies. The number of IT specialists continues to increase - by the date under consideration, their number exceeded 19 thousand people.
In total, more than 200 sectoral state information systems, public portals, websites of authorities and institutions operate in the Perm Territory. Of these, 62 systems are the main ones and ensure the functioning of the entire regional economy.[1]
- OOO LUKOIL-Permnefteorgsintez
- PermNIPIneft - a branch of OOO LUKOIL-Engineering
- Novomet-Perm JSC
- JSC VNII Galurgia
Ministry of Culture of Perm Territory
- Cherdyn Museum of Local Lore named after Pushkin
- MBUK of the city of Perm "Association of Municipal Libraries"
- GKBUK "Komi-Permyatsky Museum of Local Lore named after P.I. Subbotin-Permyak"
- MAUK "Perm Zoo"
- Historical Park "Russia-My History. Perm Territory "
2024: Growth of tourist flow to 1.4 million people
The tourist flow to the Perm Territory at the end of 2024 reached 1.4 million trips, showing significant growth. This was announced by Deputy Minister for Tourism of the region Sergei Khoroshutin on March 20, 2025 during the "government hour" at a meeting of the regional parliament.
According to TASS, in the Perm Territory there is an increase in tax fees from the activities of hotels and catering enterprises, which at the end of 2023 amounted to ₽1,9 billion. This indicates the positive dynamics of the development of the tourism industry in the region.
The Governor of the Perm Territory Dmitry Makhonin stressed that the tourism industry in the Kama region is developing, including through federal and regional business support measures. According to him, initiative and creative masters of hospitality play a special role - local historians and enthusiasts who love their small homeland. Thanks to such representatives of the industry, it was possible to open Prikamye for the whole country as a tourist region.
In 2024, the Perm Territory received a subsidy from the federal budget in the amount of ₽78,2 million for tourism events. Co-financing from the budget of the Perm Territory amounted to ₽4,1 million. The subsidy was aimed at grants for entrepreneurs to create campsites, an accessible tourist environment for people with disabilities, as well as a subsidy to a municipality for the implementation of a project to equip the tourist center of Solikamsk.
More than 700 travel agents and subagents, 67 tour operators, 207 certified guides and guides-translators work on the territory of the Perm Territory. There are also 23 ski resorts, seven cruise companies and 36 sanatoriums in the region.
Perm Territory is among the regions of Russia that show a steady increase in tourist flow. According to all-Russian statistics, the most popular destinations for domestic tourism in 2024 were Moscow and St. Petersburg as classic centers of cultural tourism, Krasnodar Territory as the leader of beach vacations, Kaliningrad region with a growing interest in historical and gastronomic tourism, Altai and Baikal as key points of ecological tourism.[2]
Education and Science
Ministry of Education and Science of Perm Territory
- Federal State Budgetary Institution "Mining Institute of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences"
- FBUN "Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Technologies for Managing Public Health Risks"
- LLC "Research Design Institute of Mining"
- ANO "Organization of student youth and children of the Perm Territory" Vector of Friendship "
Universities of the Perm Territory
- Perm State National Research University
- Perm National Research Polytechnic University
- Perm State University of Humanities and Pedagogy
- Perm State Agrarian and Technological University named after Academician D.N. Pryanishnikov
- E.A. Wagner Perm State Medical University
- Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy of the Ministry of Health of Russia
- Perm State Institute of Culture
- Perm Military Institute of National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation
- Perm Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service
- Tchaikovsk State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports
Colleges and organizations of DPO
- SBPEI "Komi-Permyatsky Vocational and Pedagogical College of the Order" Badge of Honor "
- Perm Chemical and Technological College
- GAU DPO "Institute of Advanced Training - RMCC"
- GAU DPO "Institute for the Development of Education of the Perm Territory"
- ANO DPO "Our Service Agency - Academy of Digital Economics"
- ANO DPO "Training Center START"
- POU DPO "Frame-Inform"
- Children's Technopark "Quantorium Photonica" (POU DPO "Center for Innovative Development of Human Potential and Knowledge Management")
Health care
Ministry of Health of the Perm Territory
FTSSSH named after S.G. Sukhanova of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Perm)
Medical centers
- FSBUZ Perm Clinical CenterFMBA of Russia
- Federal State Budgetary Institution "S.G. Sukhanov Federal Center for Cardiovascular Surgery"
- FBUN "Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Technologies for Managing Public Health Risks"
- FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Perm Territory"
- GKUZ PC "Medical Information and Analytical Center"
- GKUZ PC "Perm Regional Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases"
- GBUZ PC "Center for Public Health and Medical Prevention"
- LLC "International Medical Center" Medical On Group - Perm "
Hospitals and clinics
- GBUZ PC "Perm Regional Clinical Hospital"
- GBUZ PC "Regional Children's Clinical Hospital"
- GBUZ PC "Perm Regional Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital"
- GBUZ PK "City Polyclinic No. 7"
- GBUK PK "Hospital of the Archangel Michael and all heavenly forces"
Organizations of the Perm Territory
1952: Boris Yeltsin - coach of the regional women's volleyball team
In 1952, in his student years, the future President of Russia Boris Yeltsyn was the coach of the women's volleyball team of the Molotov region, which participated in zonal competitions for the championship of the RSFSR (the team took 6th place).