Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Omskshina, Sibur - the Russian buses


Revenue millions

Number of employees
2017 year


+ Kordiant (Cordiant, earlier Sibur - the Russian buses)
+ Olefin LLC (owner)
+ Depository Clearing Company Ltd (nominee holder)
+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ Rosneft of the Tax Code
+ Nowfinteh

JSC Omskshina is a part of JSC Kordiant holding, specializes in production of truck tires.


Except Omskshina in structure of holding:

  • JSC Yaroslavl Tire Plant in Yaroslavl;
  • JSC Voltayr-Prom in Volzhsky of the Volgograd region;
  • Kordiant-Vostok Ltd in Omsk;
  • scientific and technical developments are conducted by subsidiary "STC Intayr";
  • repair and maintenance of the enterprises - structural division of RTs Tekhnotayr LLC.

Makes more than 50 standard sizes and models of buses of radial and diagonal constructions for cargo and easily trucks, buses, trolleybuses, the agricultural and road machinery under the name Omskshina and the TyRex brand.

For December, 2013 in JSC Omskshina more than 3600 employees work.