Siberian Federal District of the Russian Federation
644018, P.V. Buderkin St., 2
The Kordiant-Vostok private company created in 1995 as JV Matador-Omskshina Ltd is included into the Russian tire holding "Kordiant".
Except "Kordiant-East" in structure of JSC Kordiant: JSC Omskshina, JSC Yaroslavl Tire Plant, Intayr Scientific and Technological Center LLC, Tire test center "Vershina", Repair Center Tekhnotayr LLC.
"Kordiant-East" specializes in production of car and easily truck tires. Makes more than 90 standard sizes and models of buses under the Cordiant and Tunga brands.
Kordiant-Vostok Ltd is steadily developing enterprise expanding production capacities and increasing production. A priority – increase in efficiency of technology process and production of high-quality modern buses in amounts necessary for consumers.
Based on Kordiant-Vostok Ltd the investment program of Kordiant holding which accomplishment will allow to produce 4 million buses a year in 2014 is implemented, and by 2020 capacities of plant will increase up to 8 million passenger and easily truck tires a year.