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SakhSU - Sakhalin State University




+ SakhSU - Sakhalin State University
+ Government of the Russian Federation

FSBEI HE "Sakhalin state University" is a educational higher organization formations that carries out as the main purpose of its activities educational activities in educational programs of higher education scientific and activities created to carry out educational, scientific, social and other functions of a non-commercial nature.


2024: Agreement with BGEU in the field of joint training of UAV operation specialists

Sakhalin State University (SakhSU) and Belarusian State Technological University (BSTU) intend to cooperate in the field of joint training of specialists in the operation of UAVs. The relevant agreements were reached at a round table with a teleconference, in which representatives of high-tech companies and executive authorities of both states took part. Polylog reported this on December 17, 2024.

Also, BSTU took the initiative to conduct joint international educational and scientific research and projects, one of which may be the creation of a youth design bureau on the basis of BSTU, similar to the existing one in SakhSU.

The youth design bureau on the basis of SakhSU was opened in the spring of 2024. In cooperation with Sakhalin companies INNOMATIK LLC and ANO SOTS IT, which are leaders in the industry of unmanned aerial systems, SAKHu students are developing UAV prototypes that are being tested under the guidance of experienced mentors. The bureau's specialists have already introduced a pilot educational project in the field of ALS.

As of December 2024, the Sakhalin Oblast is among the leaders in the production and use of civilian drones. In particular, in forestry for monitoring fires and illegal felling, in road management, monitoring illegal landfills, delivery of biomaterials and medicines. And also on Sakhalin, the Far Eastern unmanned aviation company Aurora-BAS is being created.

SakhSU Rector Alexander Samardak also invited BSTU students to practice at the university and continue their studies within the framework of joint educational programs.

2023: Agreement on the creation of an authorized training center of Astra Group of Companies

On September 14, 2023, a strategic partnership agreement was signed between the Government of the Sakhalin Region, Sakhalin State University and Astra Group of Companies. The parties agreed on the creation of an authorized training center on the basis of the university, the opening of a department, a digital laboratory and the beginning of the White Paper project to develop new IT analogues on the Russian market for foreign solutions, which by September 2023 are not available in the line of domestic developers for companies of various industries. It is planned to jointly introduce IT projects necessary to accelerate import substitution in the region and ensure full digital sovereignty. Within the framework of the agreement, programs will be implemented to attract Sakhalin IT specialists to the development of domestic solutions, as well as to employ specialized personnel who previously worked in foreign companies. It is planned to transfer the state authorities and local governments of the Sakhalin Region to Russian software in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

{{quote 'author=said Vyacheslav Vladimirovich Alenkov, Deputy Prime Minister of Sakhalin Oblast. | The joint work will make it possible to establish the process of a full cycle of import substitution, starting from the development of domestic IT solutions for the sectors of the economy of the Sakhalin region, ending with the training of employees of government agencies, as well as young specialists and import substitution of infrastructure to strengthen sovereignty,}}

{{quote 'author=noted Samardak Alexander Sergeyevich, acting rector of Sakhalin State University. | The development of IT education in the region is one of the priorities for our university. Together with our partners, we are building a model of practice-oriented training of specialists in the field of information technology. The ongoing transition to domestic operating systems requires not only updating the content of educational programs and retraining teachers, but also modernizing the software on which the university management systems are built. Together with the partner, we plan to create a laboratory that will become a testing ground for complex digital systems based on Astra Linux OS. The laboratory will become the design center of Astra Group of Companies, which will be a place of attraction for SakhSU students,}}

Шаблон:Quote 'author=told Andrey Borisovich Soldatov, Director of the Regional Development Department of Astra Group.