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Stroytransneftegaz of STNG


Large Russian engineering and construction company.

Revenue millions



+ Stroytransneftegaz (STNG)
+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ Rosneft of the Tax Code

JSC Stroytransneftegaz – one of construction the companies Russia executing a full range of works within infrastructure projects petrogas of the industry. Key activities of the company – design, procurement construction, reconstruction, repair and service of objects of oil and gas infrastructure.


The Stroytransgaz group consists of construction, engineering, industrial, oil and gas and financial institutions, numbering more than 10,000 people. Divisions of the company are located in 9 regions of Russia and 14 countries of the world.


The main markets of the company are located in Russia, the countries of the Middle East, North Africa, Europe, Southeast and Central Asia. Among our customers there are largest Russian and foreign companies: Gazprom, Lukoil, Mosenergo, NIAEP, Rosneft, Synthesis, TNK-BP, Transneft, RUSAL, FGC UES, BOTA Ş, ConocoPhillips, DEPA, Dolphin Energy, GAIL, NET4GAS, Reliance, Saudi Aramco, SONATRACH, Syrian Gas Company.


2020: Interview of TAdviser with the head Digital development and coordination of construction by Pavel Fedyaev

In December, 2020 in an interview of TAdviser Pavel Fedyaev the new head in the direction Digital development and coordination of construction told JSC STROYTRANSGAZ about how in the company there is implementation of new digital instruments and as it will affect further work. Read more here.

"Card of a digital ecosystem of STG"

2016: Renaming of the company into Stroytransneftegaz

In the summer of 2016 during the extraordinary meeting shareholders of Stroytransgaz Ltd made the decision to approve the charter of Society in the new edition. According to the accepted document of Stroytransgaz Ltd it is renamed into joint-stock company Stroytransneftegaz (JSC STNG). Need of change of the name is connected with requirements of the legislation according to which all closed and open joint stock companies (closed joint stock company and joint stock company) should be transformed to the public and non-public companies. In order to avoid incorrect use of a brand Stroytransgaz at an extraordinary meeting of shareholders of STG Ltd the decision to rename the company into Stroytransneftegaz joint-stock company was made. Along with the head company the branches, subsidiaries and separate divisions entering into Stroytransgaz Ltd Group will be renamed.

2007: Control over the company passes to Gennady Timchenko's structures

In December, 2007 control over the company was received by structures of the Russian entrepreneur, the co-owner of the large Gunvor petrotrader Gennady Timchenko.

1996: Structures of children Ram Vyakhirev and Victor Chernomyrdin hold a blocking stake of the company

For years of the work the company took part in construction Europe gas pipelines "Yamal —", "Blue Stream", arrangement of the Polar oil-gas condensate field; "Gazprom" in the 1990s provided to Stroytransgaz 80% of an order portfolio. At that time the blocking packet of Stroytransgaz children of the head of that time of Gazprom Ram Vyakhirev and the former head of Gazprom Victor Chernomyrdin with friendly it structures owned. After shift from a post of the head of the Russian gas monopoly of Vyakhirev and arrival on this post of Alexey Miller this packet was redeemed for the benefit of Gazprom by the entrepreneur Alisher Usmanov.


The company is founded in 1990.


The company conducts activity in the field of construction of industrial and infrastructure facilities in fuel and energy and other industries. Among the main objects of the company there are pipelines, reservoir parks, power, oil and gas-processing objects, etc. Objects of the company are located in Russia, the countries of the Middle East, North Africa, Europe, Southeast and Central Asia. For 2009 a share of orders of Gazprom in a portfolio of Stroytransgaz — about 9%.

Stroytransgaz possesses 50% of Petromir LLC which possesses licenses for the large-scale Angaro-Lensky gas deposit which is in the Irkutsk region of Russia.