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Niarmedik consolidated company – the Doctor is near



The doctor is near - 45%
Nearmedic - 55%




+ Niarmedik consolidated company – the Doctor is near
+ The doctor is near
+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ ROS System


Consolidation TsELT with network of Niarmedik clinics

At the end of December, 2020 it became known of accession of the Center of endosurgery and lithotripsy (TsELT) to network of Niarmedik clinics which along with The Doctor Is Near network is included into the joint Doktor ryadom Holding LLC. The financial component of the transaction does not reveal. Read more here.

Creation of the company as a result of consolidation of The Doctor Is Near and Niarmedik networks

In the middle of July, 2020 networks of clinics "The doctor is near" also Niarmedik completed merge which it was announced the previous year. According to the results of the transaction of a share of the united company — Niarmedik-Doktor budet ryadom Consolidated Company LLC  — distributed between shareholders "Doctors nearby" and Niarmedik concerning 45% to 55% respectively.

"The doctor nearby" and Niarmedik merged in one network of clinics

The new brand will take a slogan and the visual solution from "The doctor nearby", and the name of network — from Niarmedik. Rebranding is going to be completed until the end of 2020, investments will make about 50 million rubles.

The united company included 12 clinics "The Doctor Is Near" and four Niarmedik organization, the total number of employees is about 1 thousand people, including 543 doctors. The Board of Directors includes three representatives from both companies.

The chairman of the board of directors of the united company selects the former head of Niarmedik Alexander Nenyukov. The consolidated company from the moment of the beginning of the procedure of merge is headed by Maria Kolomentseva who was earlier the CEO of network of clinics "The Doctor Is Near".

We took all the best from our brands, successful and well-known in the market, and, it seems to me, we managed "marry" quite successfully them... We surely coped with a task of merger of companies, worked accurately and harmoniously, and during not the simplest time frame — the CEO of the joint network Maria Kolomentseva said.

Added to Niarmedik companies that consolidation helped to endure a quarantine with smaller losses, it was not necessary to ask for help of shareholders. The pandemic pushes many players in the market of private medical services to the idea of consolidation, forces them to consider this option as the second wave of a coronavirus if it is, not all will be able to overcome, added to networks of clinics.[1]
