Steppe JSC agroholding
Since 2014
Southern Federal District of the Russian Federation
344002, Cathedral Lane, 19
Assets | Owners |
+ Steppe, agroholding JSC |
Agroholding "Steppe" is one of the largest agricultural companies in the south of Russia, has been operating since 2014. It unites a number of agricultural enterprises and is part of AFK Sistema.
Performance indicators
Revenue growth by 27% to 106.1 billion rubles
At the end of 2023, Steppe recorded revenue of 106.1 billion rubles (according to IFRS), which is 27% more than a year earlier. The annual revenue of the subsidiary of AFK Sistema was a record. This was reported in the press service of the agro-industrial holding in April 2024.
The revenues of the Steppe agricultural holding significantly increased due to an increase in indicators in the direction of agricultural trading, a record gross harvest and an increase in the sale of their own crops, as well as an increase in milk production due to an increase in the number of feed stocks and an increase in yield per cow.
The volume of sales in the agricultural trading segment in 2023 amounted to 2.8 million tons, an increase of 62.3% on an annualized basis. One of the key growth drivers in the company called the increase in export sales.
In 2023, the Steppe agricultural holding delivered over 600 thousand tons of niche crops and retained the first place in terms of pea exports from Russia.
The dairy division also recorded record results. Gross yield at the end of 2023 reached about 180 thousand tons, an increase of 20.4% in comparison with the year to year. In 2023, the holding's farms retained their leadership in terms of yield per cow and took first place among dairy farms in the Russian Federation.
Also in the materials of "Steppe" it is reported that the gross harvest of crops at the end of 2023 exceeded 2.1 million tons, rising by almost 8% compared to 2022.
A difficult year from the point of view of market conditions was successful for the company, we achieved record indicators in all key areas of activity, and also showed high financial results - revenue for the year for the first time in the history of the company exceeded 100 billion rubles, - commented on the financial results of the agricultural holding "Steppe" its general director Andrei Neduzhko.[1] |
Record harvest - 2.1 million tons
At the end of 2023, the Steppe agricultural holding collected 2.1 million tons of crops, which is 8% more than a year earlier. The recorded figure turned out to be a record for the company, its press service said at the end of December 2023.
The agroholding also noted a high harvest in niche crops. Thus, the gross harvest of peas in 2023 more than doubled, chickpeas - 1.9 times, flax - 1.8 times, sunflower - 1.6 times. Wheat harvest reached 1.1 million tons.
As stated in the agricultural holding, the harvesting campaign was carried out in the optimal time. In total, in 2023, about 2,000 units of equipment were involved - combines and trucks, the fleet of equipment is managed using a single digital space.
The achievement of record indicators in gross collection largely became possible thanks to the widespread use of high-tech solutions in the production of agricultural holding and the effective work of the management team, the Steppe said in a statement. |
According to the general director of the agricultural holding Andrei Neduzhko, the company's unaudited revenue at the end of 2023 for the first time amounted to 100 billion rubles due to "the effective sale of agricultural products and the increase in exports." He explained the record harvest by the introduction of modern agricultural technologies, strategic planning and timely implementation of agricultural technological operations.
The Steppe agricultural holding is one of the largest agricultural companies in the south. Russia Key areas of activity are crop production, dairy farming, agricultural product trade, sugar and grocery trading, production and sale of cheeses, dairy products. The assets are located Krasnodar in and,. Stavropol Territory Rostov region The land bank of the agricultural holding by the end of 2023 is 578 thousand hectares.[2]
Gaining control over the companies of the French Louis-Dreyfus family in the Russian Federation
On March 16, 2025, it became known that the Steppe agricultural holding, part of AFK Sistema, received control over the companies of the French Louis-Dreyfus family in Russia. We are talking about the enterprise "RZ Agro," the main legal entity of which is LLC "Russian Land." Read more here.
2024: Harvest on autopilot. The Steppe agricultural holding invests hundreds of millions of rubles in digitalization. What are the results
In mid-September 2024, it became known that the Steppe agricultural holding was investing hundreds of millions of rubles in cloud services, drones and unmanned combines. One of the main goals is to create a digital ecosystem to optimize harvesting processes.
In particular, Russian technology is being introduced, which makes it possible to ensure the safety of unloading crops from combines into trucks in the fields. The digital system acts on the principle of automatic recognition of their own and strangers, blocking unloading into an unidentified machine. Special sensors read the data of the grain recipient and only then unlock the unloading function, which allows you to ensure the safety of the crop and prevent unauthorized unloading.
In addition, the solution makes it possible to monitor in real time the observance of the optimal speed mode of the combine during harvesting. This ensures the maximum performance of the cleaning process, ensures prompt detection and elimination of problems. The technology is a completely Russian development. Another system is a software and hardware complex that significantly speeds up weighing and accounting for harvested crops. The weighing time of trucks with crops on board thanks to the new technology has been reduced by 4 times - to a few seconds without losing accuracy.
In general, according to Forbes, the Steppe agricultural holding has invested about 500 million rubles in agricultural digitalization since 2017. The Company strives for the maximum possible automation of production processes - mainly through the introduction of Russian digital products. Such technologies reduce costs and neutralize the impact of the human factor. "Steppe" annually spends more than 100 million rubles on research and development work.[3]
2023: "Steppe" became the owner of the joint venture "Guardsman"
In mid-April 2023, agroholding, a member of AFK, SystemSteppe bought SP Guardeets LLC in the Stavropol Territory, which manages about 26 thousand hectares of land worth about 2.9 billion rubles. Prior to that, the enterprise was owned by the local Vozrozhdenie LLC AGRARIAN AND INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX. In "Steppe" confirmed "" To the businessman the fact of the transaction, but did not give detailed comments. here More.
Creation of the Commission for the Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex and the Processing Industry within the framework of the "Association of Managers"
Agroholding "STEPPE" became a member of the Association of Managers, and also initiated the creation of the Commission for the Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex and the Processing Industry. The site, chaired by Andrei Neduzhko, General Director of the STEPPE agricultural holding, will officially begin work in October. This was announced on September 20, 2022 by the Association of Managers.
The topics of the first meetings will be topical issues of the development of the agro-industrial complex. In particular, the STEPPE agricultural holding plans to discuss technical sovereignty in agriculture, import substitution and the best domestic practices in this direction. The primary topics for discussion will also be improving the mechanisms of state support. The focus is on financing and introducing innovations, in particular, stimulating the digitalization of agriculture, the use of artificial intelligence, the creation of digital counterparts of agricultural enterprises, as well as the formation of a unified system of traceability of grain, pesticides and agrochemicals.
Players of all segments were invited to work in the Commission: agricultural industries agricultural companies, members of the legislative and executive authorities in the field of the agro-industrial complex, Russia as well as representatives of the expert community.
Agroholding "STEPPE" intends to work closely not only within the framework of the Agro-Industrial Complex Development Commission, but also in contact with other committees of the Association in the areas of HR policy, ESG, etc. Pressing issues that are planned to be discussed are the formation of training programs and advanced training of personnel in the agro-industrial complex, improvement of supply chains and interaction of suppliers with customers, entrepreneurial activity in the agro-industrial sector.
Agroholding "STEPPE" initiated the creation of a new Commission within the framework of the Association of Managers with the main goal - the development of the agro-industrial complex of Russia and the creation of a platform for resolving pressing problems at all levels, including the federal one. We expect that this will be another effective tool to support agricultural producers, which corresponds not only to the interests of the companies' business, but also to the strategic goals of the state, said Andrey Neduzhko, General Director of Agroholding "STEPPE"
А что цитируем-то? commented Vadim Kovalev, First Deputy Executive Director of the Association of Managers' Large holdings and investors are actively coming to the industry, which means there is a request to form a full-fledged management community here. This means that it is time to appear in the Association of Managers of the Commission for the Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex and the Processing Industry,
Areas of activity
According to information for June 2022, the agricultural holding is developing its business in several key areas:
- crop production,
- dairy farming,
- trading of agricultural products,
- sugar and grocery trading,
- production and distribution of cheeses, dairy products and herbal alternatives.
Assets are located in the South of the Russian Federation in the most favorable regions in terms of climate, yield and logistics: Krasnodar Territory, Rostov Region, Stavropol Territory.
As of May 2017, the agricultural holding was developing its business in four key areas: crop production, dairy farming, intensive horticulture and trading of agricultural products.